Alexandria Ocasio-CortezAccount verificato


Congresswoman for NY-14 (Bronx + Queens). In a modern, moral, + wealthy society, no American should be too poor to live. 💯% People-Funded, no corporate PAC $.

Bronx + Queens, NYC
Iscrizione a aprile 2010


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  1. Tweet fissato
    6 gen

    A quick note to you all. Let us never, ever, ever give up.

  2. 1 ora fa

    Reminder that their plan = no plan. Why? Because for billionaires, things are already going fine.

  3. 4 ore fa

    Don’t mess with our future. When it comes to climate, it’s all our lives at stake. The younger you are, the more consequences you’ll see. It’s life and death for us. And we will fight like it.

  4. 5 ore fa
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  5. 5 ore fa

    Do you really think these increasingly regular & horrific wildfires & droughts are a coincidence? That growing regularity of “100-year floods” is an accident? We are losing our homes & loved ones *now.* 3,000 Americans died in María. And GOP doesn’t even care enough to try.

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  6. 5 ore fa

    We are already feeling the early nightmares of climate crisis, & the GOP is doing nothing to stop it - as they have for years. I’ve been reading docs all week about how much people knew about climate + when. They knew early. & Their goal has been to sow doubt this entire time.

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  7. 5 ore fa

    Trust me, I like ice cream way too much to do that. (I also like visiting my family in Puerto Rico too much to “ban airplanes”) Maybe if the GOP did their job for once & read a piece of legislation, they’d see that communities + jobs come FIRST, not last, in the .

  8. ha ritwittato
    5 ore fa

    Appreciate stopping by to hear Flight Attendant concerns on a continued Shutdown. We appreciate all efforts to help save lives, jobs, and lift up labor rights. Great talk!

  9. ha ritwittato
    8 ore fa

    “From Nepal to Honduras, we made a promise that we were going to be a safe haven... We need to make sure that, as a nation, we honor our promises.” joined immigrants in DC to demand permanent legal status for holders who could lose protections.

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  10. 10 ore fa

    Lots of people here proclaiming to be “woke” trying to police communities on what they are/aren’t allowed to be upset by. I’m proud raised the issue of lobbyist 💰 in politics & equally proud of her sensitivity to communities. Both are possible.

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  11. ha ritwittato
    11 feb

    We have a growing anti-semitism problem in America. is not part of it. @lindasrsour is not part of it. They are allies of mine and of Jews across this country who are fighting for peace, racial justice, immigrants’ rights, and the defeat of fascism.

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  12. 10 ore fa

    Unlike this President, Rep. demonstrated a capacity to acknowledge pain & apologize, use the opportunity to learn abt history of antisemitism,+grow from it while clarifying her stance. I’m also inspired by Jewish leadership who brought her in, not push her out, to heal.

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  13. ha ritwittato
    11 ore fa
    In risposta a , e

    On the same day Donald Trump announced an end to his family separation policy, we saw 70 migrants file into an immigration courtroom, where unaccompanied brothers were separated from unaccompanied sisters. That was in June 2018. It's only getting worse.

  14. 12 ore fa

    Why is it so controversial to say that when children die in an agency’s care and there’s no accountability, they shouldn’t have their budget expanded? People need to wake up. Trump’s not building a wall. He’s building detention camps for kids. And we’re falling for it.

  15. 12 ore fa

    It just appeared one day. Some mothers came by & left 2-3 encouraging notes on my plaque. We left them up, bc it was great to read those little encouraging words every morning. Soon, more post-its came. It became a little ritual for the public, so we left stacks out for people.

  16. 12 ore fa

    RIP our post-it wall :( We were told it had to be taken down... So we moved it inside instead 🤗

  17. ha ritwittato
    12 feb

    Puerto Rico remains in bankruptcy Bodies are backlogged at the morgue 911 calls take 1 to 3 minutes to be answered There’s water rationing due to a drought Healthcare is dilapidated; equipment is old & wants to divert unspent disaster money from PR for the wall

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  18. ha ritwittato

    Rep. : "We are a nation that builds from many ... we are here to make sure that all recipients become permanent members of the United States of America."

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  19. 13 ore fa

    “MLK used to teach, “cowardice asks the question, is it expedient? And then expedience comes along and asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? Conscience asks the question, is it right?“

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  20. 13 ore fa

    “There is a wide gulf between the political center + the moral center. What is different now is that the moral center — what is right — is popular. So they yell “socialism!” “Venezuela!” “extremism!” ... to spread fear to protect a discredited political center.” -

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  21. 15 ore fa

    There’s no reason to be afraid of lawmakers if everyday people are being respected, protected, and taken care of. Now, if financial companies are engaging in predatory practices and ripping off working/middle class families & the poor, then yes, there will be an issue.

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