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How the banking royal commission set speedbumps for Carsales


An online classifieds company might be the last place you'd expect to take a hit from the banking royal commission.

But Carsales chief executive Cameron McIntyre has seen the fallout flow through to many parts of his business, badly dragging down earnings in the first half of the 2019 financial year.

First, a 16 per cent fall in display advertising revenue – this is sales from the advertisements displayed around the classifieds that consumers pore over – was driven partly by a decreasing activity by banks and insurance companies.

CarSales chief executive Cameron McIntyre has been hit with a few challenges by the royal commission.  Justin McManus

"A lot of that has to do with the royal commission and finance institutions just backing off during that period," McIntyre told investors.

The problems in display pushed down in earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation from Carsales' online advertising division by 2 per cent to $73 million.


But the more dramatic hit came from the company's finance and related services business, where a car-lending credit crunch saw EBITDA fall 72 per cent to $1.4 million.

Just as we've seen in mortgages, lenders in the automotive sector have pulled back sharply in the rain shadow of the royal commission. Car buyers appear to have got the message loud and clear.

"What that's meant is that finance applications have been reasonably flat over the previous corresponding period," McIntyre said on Wednesday.

Naturally, this credit squeeze has also pushed down both new car sales and average loan sizes.

"We think that's a result of consumers making substitutions," McIntyre said.

That is, a buyer who was looking at a new car might have scaled back to a used car. Or a borrower hoping to borrow $40,000 might have had the rethink their purchase intentions to a $30,000 car.

It's a neat but perhaps unexpected example of how the heightened focus on responsible lending — fallout from the royal commission — has spread far wider than the finance sector, and well beyond the housing market.

That said, McIntyre said he didn't believe that house prices falls were worrying car buyers at the moment; he predicted any such concerns would probably accelerate that trend towards buyers swapping new cars for used ones.


At a group level, Carsales reported a 2 per cent fall in underlying profit to $60.2 million. But the statutory profit was dragged down by a $49.1 million writedown on the value of Carsales' finance business, Stratton.

Carsales flagged this hit at the annual general meeting last year, but there hasn't been a lot of improvement in the performance since then.

McIntyre was naturally keen to look past this on Wednesday when announcing the company's results, and highlighted the 8 per cent growth in earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation to $98 million.

But given it is just five years since Carsales shelled out $60.1 million for a 50.1 per cent share in Stratton, it's not hard to understand why this has contributed to the 14 per cent fall in the company's share price since this time last year.

The stock dived 7 per cent on Wednesday morning to $11.32. Given the issues in display and finance were well known, this drop was probably more to do with Carsales' decidedly lukewarm guidance for the full financial year.

"We continue to monitor our performance and market conditions in each market in which we operate," McIntyre said in his guidance statement. "Assuming these remain consistent, we anticipate revenue, EBITDA and adjusted net profit after tax growth will be moderate in the second half of FY19."

There were still a few bright spots for investors, including the continued and market-leading strength of the domestic classifieds business, which continues to grow revenue from private buyers and dealers.

And McIntyre was justifiably proud of the results from the company's small but growing international business. EBITDA from the South Korean business jumped 22 per cent, while EBITDA in Latin America leapt 52 per cent, driven by that division's flagship Brazilian business.

The international businesses now contribute more than 20 per cent of revenue, and 15 per cent of EBITDA. It's a growth platform that is starting to rev nicely.

James Thomson

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