Climate change | Climate Change & Global warming News | The Sydney Morning Herald


Climate Change

NSW Greens push for mandatory solar and batteries for all new homes

NSW Greens push for mandatory solar and batteries for all new homes

The bidding war among NSW political parties over solar panels has been joined by the Greens who want photovoltaics and batteries to be made compulsory for all new dwellings.

  • by Peter Hannam


Coal miners derided climate action 'sideshow'. Now it's the main event
Global warming

Coal miners derided climate action 'sideshow'. Now it's the main event

A court ruling blocking a proposed mine in NSW will have ramifications across Australia and possibly the world as nations confront global warming.

  • by David Morris and Brendan Dobbie
'Smacks of judicial activism': Nationals MP accused of contempt of court after Rocky Hill decision

'Smacks of judicial activism': Nationals MP accused of contempt of court after Rocky Hill decision

A Nationals MP's claim that the Land and Environment Court's decision to block a coal mine in his electorate reflected an "ideological position" could land him in trouble.

  • by Esther Han
'Dire consequences': Court's mine rejection sets a climate precedent

'Dire consequences': Court's mine rejection sets a climate precedent

NSW Labor says a decision by the Land and Environment Court to factor in the impacts of climate change when considering whether to approve a coal mine was "potentially extremely important" for future planning.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Delicious irony': How miner's challenge became a climate change win

'Delicious irony': How miner's challenge became a climate change win

Future generations will wonder why it took so long for a court to hear evidence about climate change impacts when considering a coal mine project.

  • by Peter Hannam
'We won': Landmark climate ruling as NSW court rejects coal mine

'We won': Landmark climate ruling as NSW court rejects coal mine

Environmental groups are cheering a decision in NSW's Land and Environment Court that found the emissions of greenhouse gases and resulting climate change from a proposed coal mine was among the reasons to reject the project.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Sands are shifting': NSW agriculture minister to push climate cause
Darling Disaster

'Sands are shifting': NSW agriculture minister to push climate cause

Niall Blair, NSW agriculture minister and a Nationals MP, says it was time climate change's impact on farming was acknowledged and the effects dealt with - even if his views differed from "many of my colleagues".

  • by Peter Hannam
'A worrying signal': it's hot and only going to get hotter
Extreme weather

'A worrying signal': it's hot and only going to get hotter

Annual global temperatures were the fourth highest on record in 2018 with the world in the midst of its hottest decade since reliable data has been collected, international agencies say.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Bigger than Franklin': Bob Brown to lead anti-Adani road convoy
Bob Brown

'Bigger than Franklin': Bob Brown to lead anti-Adani road convoy

The former Greens leader says his planned road convoy to protest the proposed giant Adani coal mine in Queensland will be bigger than the protest to stop the damming of Tasmania's wild rivers in the 1980s.

  • by Peter Hannam
Governments not keeping pace with climate change impacts: scientist
Townsville Floods

Governments not keeping pace with climate change impacts: scientist

One of Australia's leading scientists has warned both the Queensland and federal governments that they are not keeping pace with the impacts of climate change.

  • by Tony Moore
One backyard at a time: how Perth gardeners can lead the planet back to health
Global warming

One backyard at a time: how Perth gardeners can lead the planet back to health

You hope something happens soon, but think you personally can’t make a real difference. This feeling of disempowerment is possibly our greatest challenge.

  • by Trevor Cochrane