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UFT Executive Board January 22, 2019--We Vote to Financially Support Unpaid Federal Workers

6 PM--Secretary Howard Schoor calls us to order.

Speaker—Mike Loeb—CL 371—Low voter turnout for leadership—Worries that members will continue to pay dues if they’re not voting for leadership. Fewer than 30K voted last time. Says groups that wish ill upon us may use these numbers against us. Says NY State and city have obsolete voter process, and as democratic body UFT should show how to do election appropriately and turn out votes. Resolution was voted out of order because election committee determined rules. Wants to encourage election committee to consider his resolution to send ballots not to homes but to worksites. We do this with contracts. Says many people don’t know about election or think it’s junk mail, or don’t receive ballot. There are other ways to attack problem. Email all members about election. Did this for city and state elections. Can email CLs about election. Can do robocalls. Calls union model of democracy for country.

—We do the emails, and did it…
Recent posts

UFT Executive Board January 7, 2018--We Support LA Teachers and Discuss Election

Secretary Howard Schoor welcomes us..


Betty Godfried—retired Adult ed. CL—After 7 years, Rose Marie Mills has been removed (applause) and is being reassigned. Third time an unsuitable admin has been dismissed in recent years. Only teachers or paras are discontinued. Admin is moved around. Rank and file made these things happen. Current fight was in service and retired members who were victimized.

Ended illegal test procedures, articles published, met with reps, spoke here. Documented activities, will prepare packet. Thanks Schoor for giving it to Mills, thanks Mulgrew for meeting, would’ve liked more support. Carmen Alvarez also supportive. Still long way to go, issues need to be resolved. New superintendent may need guidance. Union may need to negotiate. Thanks teachers for all the work they did, thanks for applause, thanks for those who do listen, says coming here has made a difference.

This ten minute mike one of last bastions of true union democracy. Giving v…

UFT Exec. Board December 3rd, 2018--Elections and Health Care

6:02—Secretary Howard Schoor calls us to order.


LeRoy Barr, along with all officers, is not here—Schoor reports 300 CLs were trained at Rye Hilton, including operational clauses, hopefully live soon. Paras celebrating 50 years of UFT representation. Will be celebrated this year. 28,000 paras now in union.

Kate Martin Bridge—There was MLC meeting on single payer. What is happening with this legislation. Where do we stand?

Jeff Sorkin—Not much to report. Legislators presented they wanted to work with MLC—is being considered.

Schoor—Unions want to know what the effect is on us. 2% of whatever raise we’d have gotten goes to our health care. Very expensive program, we want to know state can afford it. Most probably should be federal program. No position on it yet because we don’t know what it’s going to say. We’ve already paid for our health coverage.

Reports from districts

Sean Rothkowitz—SRP event in SI.

Legislative Report

Schoor praises Paul for CL training.

Paul …

UFT Executive Board, November 19, 2018--Nurses Want a Contract

6 PM Secretary Howard Schoor calls us to order, says there are three speakers.

Mary O Connor—School nurse, Manhattan, integral part of ed., first responders, treat students daily. Responsible for health of student population. Multiple schools are in buildings. This means one nurse responsible for entire population. Can be 2,000 student caseload. Majority voted yes to contract. Part of it allows for head DOE nurse. Means they don’t have to go through DOH. They get one day for PD, Nurses should be allowed CPR one day every two years, deserve to be heard, and deserve contract now, cannot wait.

Schoor—Had meeting last week to hear their position on contract. OT/PT, staff nurses and supervisors are combined. OT/PT turned down. Nurses voted 95% yes. OT/PT much larger chapter.

Ponzela Johnson—Public health nurse in school setting. Registered nurses came back two weeks before designated time. Cybershift recently erased hours and won’t pay overtime. There are many different kinds…

UFT Executive Board November 5, 2018--He Whose Name Shall Not Be Spoken Not Responsible for Toxic Hate

6 PM—Secretary Howard Schoor welcomes us.


President coming, not here.

Staff director coming, not here.

Reports from districts

Rashad Brown—November 7 after DA—happy hour with pride committee at Suspenders around corner

Tom Murphy—RTC—NY—Active calling for Tish James, working on NJ congressional districts. hoping to flip three districts, hopeful for Menendez. Phone banking, bus trips for canvassing, In FL, for governor and Senate candidates. Active for Stacy Abrams in GA. Luncheon Nov. 20.

Serbia Silva—Were three tragedies in one school, but staff is appreciative of union support.

LeRoy Barr—Thanks for turnout, 1400 at Teacher Union Day. Congratulations to honorees, don’t forget to vote yes on prop 1. DA on November 7th, actual strike day, hoping to commemorate it, celebrating 100% attendance, Next EB November 19.

Michael Mulgrew—Thanks everyone for Teacher Union Day, award winners, thanks staff. Tomorrow is huge day. Working hard all over, Lots of phone banking. …

UFT Executive Board October 29th--Contract Voting Results Will Be Released Sunday

6 PM  Secretary Howard Schoor welcomes us.

No speakers


President is not here.

David Kazansky—Last week has been horrific and violent, from pipe bombs to president’s opponent, to two innicents shot in Kentucky, to Tree of Life Synagogue. Asks for moment of silence.

Staff Director’s Report—LeRoy Barr—Sunday is Teacher Union Day. Carmen Alvarez receiving Charles Cogen Award. Asks for votes on November 6. Ballots important. Upcoming resolution on a ballot proposition. Contract voting in progress. Wants ballots by Wednesday. Count on Friday. Bronx Parent Conference coming. DA Nov. 7th. Next Exec Board Nov. 5th.


Mike Schirtzer—Were also verbal attacks by Pres. against migrants, Muslims, Central Americans—DOE has respect for all policy—Can we push chancellor and DOE to make sure they push this policy, perhaps backpack it, considering what’s going on?

Schoor—We will work on that.

Arthur Goldstein—When I was a little boy, we went to the World’s Fair in Quee…

UFT Exec. Board September 24--Norm Scott Holds Court and New Officers

6:01 Howard Schoor welcomes us.


Norm Scott—Thanks God he’s retired. Was first speaker when Randi instituted process. Always about school conditions. Likes reports from districts, which are always positive. Good to know people are doing great stuff. Also things not going right. Please tell us, seems that’s avoided.

Facebook—para on chat list married to teacher, current environment teachers treated poorly, micromanagement, ludicrous demands, spiteful admin, teachers in fear. Not all schools this way. In Detroit they said UFT was strongest in country. Is it not that way anymore?

I feel these comments, coming from many places, are danger to union. You have to make show of force that you are there for teachers. You have to go into the schools and principals need to know someone is opposing them. Principals call lawyers, teachers don’t have that kind of support. Must inundate and counter this.

Schoor—Agree reports from districts have gotten better since 2016.
