Solidarity with Arizona Educators!

The PJSTA stands in solidarity with the striking #RedForEd educators in Arizona who are fighting not only for a living wage but also for better learning conditions for students and a sustainable way to fund Arizona’s schools so that students can have the schools they deserve.

Click here to contribute money to send pizza to striking educators who will converge on Arizona’s Capitol today.


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PJSTA Hosts Organizing Conference

Today the PJSTA hosted the Organizing for Power in a Post-Janus World conference at Terryville Elementary School. Dozens of local unionists and activists attended as we discussed, analyzed, and strategized organizing strategies.  Check out the inspiring messages from the conference’s guest speakers, MTA President Barbara Madeloni and REA President Angelina Cruz.


Local unionists and activists


PJSTA Members

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PJSTA Resolution In Support of Striking West Virginia Teachers

The resolution below was passed by the PJSTA’s executive board today. All members are encouraged to click here and contribute to the strike fund.

Whereas the teachers and school service employees in West Virginia have been suffering under changes to their health insurance resulting in drastic increases to the premiums paid; and

Whereas West Virginia’s governor is only offering meager pay raises over the next five years that would not offset the health insurance increases; and

Whereas the combination of health care increases and meager pay raises would result in a “pay cut” of sorts; and

Whereas West Virginia already ranks 48th in the United States in teacher salaries; and

Whereas the treatment of an employer of it’s teachers and school service employees directly impacts the students and communities they serve; and

Whereas the teachers and school service employees in West Virginia have organized, largely at the grassroots level, a statewide strike that has completely shut down public schools across the entire state; and

Whereas the Janus v.s AFSCME case is being heard in the Supreme Court this week and the teachers and school service employees in West Virginia are showing us a path forward through grassroots organizing and militant direct action; and

Whereas the teachers and school service employees make up fellow affiliates of both the AFT and NEA; and

Whereas a victory for the teachers and school service employees in West Virginia would greatly encourage teachers everywhere, including members of the Port Jefferson Station Teachers Association and the New York State United Teachers, to continue in our increasingly stronger efforts to combat damaging and abusive cuts in New York; and

Whereas a victory for the teachers and school service employees would be a victory for public-sector employees across the country who continue to oppose the privatization of public resources and the plundering of public assets; therefore be it

Resolved that the Port Jefferson Station Teachers Association supports the teachers and school service employees in West Virginia in its fight for the needs of its members, their students, and their communities; and be it further

Resolved that the Port Jefferson Station Teachers Association will contribute to the strike fund for those on strike and encourage our membership to make individual contributions as well; and be it further

Resolved that the Port Jefferson Station Teachers Association urges NYSUT and its affiliates to adopt a similar resolution.


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PJSTA to Host Organizing Conference

The PJSTA is proud to announce that it will be hosting the Organizing for Power in a Post-Janus World conference on Saturday, March 10th. The conference, which is being sponsored by several other local unions, will focus on real world organizing strategies and structures for unions to implement in advance of the looming Janus vs. AFSCME Supreme Court decision.

The conference will feature keynote speaker Barbara Madeloni, President of the statewide Massachusetts Teachers Association. Additionally we will host a discussion with Angelina Cruz, President of the Racine Education Association in Racine, Wisconsin as she shares with us the challenges and successes they have faced in organizing teacher unions in a right-to-work environment. Finally, all participants will meet together in small groups and share strategies with each other.

To register for the FREE conference you can click here.

The conference will be held on Saturday, March 10th and run from 9:30 am until 3:00 pm. FREE lunch will be served. It will be held at Terryville Road Elementary School located at 401 Terryville Road in Port Jefferson Station.

If you have questions you can email us at

Click below to download and share the conference flyer…

Organizing for Power in a Post-Janus World- PDF

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Comsewogue Budget Passes; PJSTA Candidates Win!

Thank you to the Comsewogue community who came out yesterday to pass the Comsewogue school budget with a shade under 80% of the voters voting “Yes” for the school budget.  PJSTA endorsed candidates Alexandra Gordon and James Sanchez won re-election in unopposed races.

In other news PJSTA members Gerriann McNamee and Kelly Vallette won election o the school boards in their home school districts of North Babylon and Islip!  Congratulations to them!  When we fight, we win!

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