
The crime of existing while black in so called Australia
The 26-year-old, who is six months pregnant, also had to strip naked in front of two female police officers after her arrest.
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Knitting Nannas of Toolangi


Logging preparation in Greater Glider habitat in Kinglake has started

URGENT ACTION NEEDED ...VicForests have begun ...preparations for logging of the forest near the Visitor Car Park on Extons Rd.

The forest here is an important link of mature, hollow bearing trees between the East and West sections of the National Park. Surveys show 8 Greater Gliders and 1 Yellow Bellied Glider. These surveys cover only a portion of the area to be logged, and only a portion of the animals are detected, so actual numbers are higher. The forest will be logged to supply the cardboard feed line of the Maryvale Paper Mill and firewood contracts. Maryvale Mill owners have their own plantation hardwood in Victoria that could supply their requirements but choose instead to export that plantation wood to Japan, and use our native forest, the habitat for threatened species, to make cardboard.

Below are some of the animals we have seen in this area of forest which VicForest call "Spyglass", Coupe number 295-539-0001

It is urgent that you act now to ask for logging to cease in Kinglake where Greater Gliders have been detected. Greater Gliders were listed as a threatened species 2 years ago. It is the Department of Environment's responsibility to produce an Action Statement detailing how the species can be saved from extinction.Why hasn't this been done? Why are trees that sustain and house Greater Gliders being logged?
Since much of the forest was burnt only small areas of mature, hollow bearing trees remain as habitat for the many species reliant on hollow bearing trees. It is essential that we protect habitat that sustains healthy populations of these species. This area of forest is particularly important as the link of mature hollow bearing trees between the east and west sections of the National Park.

Email lily.d'
or phone 9637 9504

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