Беспредел власти

Support anarchist and antifa prisoners in St.Petersburg and Penza!

We are currently fundraising to pay the lawyers working on several cases related to the police raids and arrests of anarchists and antifascists in St. Petersburg and Penza, Russia. 

As of now, two people in St. Petersburg and five in Penza are under arrest, while many others have been connected to their cases as witnesses. The raids and repressions are likely to continue. 

Call for solidarity: another wave of arrests and torture against Russian anarchists

On February 1, 2019, officers of the FSB, the Russian state security apparatus descended from the KGB, arrested a dozen people in the latest wave of their campaign of repression against accused anarchists throughout the country. After brutally torturing them over the following 24 hours in order to force them to agree to incriminating statements, they released 11 of them.

Festival program published: Father Frost against Putin 2019 to take place in January

Дед мороз против Путина

Next year, 2019, the Father Frost against Putin-festival will once again take place in Helsinki.  From the 5th to the 6th of January you can join discussions about the state of affairs in Russia and the x-USSR region, and get a chance to meet various social and political activists without the fear of police or special service operations. (fear of infringement from the side of police and special services). 

Network Case Suspects Go on Hunger Strike

Dmitry Pchelintsev and Andrei Chernov, residents of Penza and suspects in the so-called Network case, have gone on hunger strike, claiming remand prison officials and FSB officers have intimidated them during their review of their criminal case file, something to which they are entitled by Russian law. Several Penza suspects in the case have claimed they have been put in solitary confinement, handcuffed to radiators, and threatened with violance.

Helsinki: Action of solidarity with the actions of the parents of the arrested russian antifascists was held on

October 28, 2018 in Helsinki in front of the Russian Embassy. 10 people took part in the action, mostly anti-fascists and anarchists from Russia and some activists from Finland.

Rupression.com campaign statement about the accused

In February 2018, a campaign was launched in Russia . Among the main goals of the campaign were fundraising for legal costs, organizing humanitarian support for the arrested and offering support to their relatives. The resources gathered have so far been distributed according to the financial circumstances of the respective families and the needs of the arrested.

Arman Sagynbayev: I Was Tortured by the FSB

Arman Sagybayev. Photo courtesy of Mr. Sagynbayev and Mediazona

Antifascist and anarchist Arman Sagynbayev, who was arrested and remanded in custody as part of the Penza-Petersburg “terrorism” case, had until recently admitted his guilt. On September 4, he withdrew his confession, explaining that initially he had been tortured into testifying against himself and other young men arrested in the case, and then had been afraid to go against case investigators.

Presentation of the book by Dmitry Buchenkov "Falsification of criminal cases in modern Russia (on the example of the "Bolotnoye" case)"

Poster in Latvian

8 September at 19.00 by local time in Riga (Latvia) in the library "Bolderaya", which is now in the center of the city, at Avotu Str. 29, presentation of the book by Dmitry Buchenkov "Falsification of criminal cases in modern Russia (on the example of the "Bolotnoye" case)" will take place. We hope that we will be able to provide a live broadcast of this event on our Facebook page: 

International call for action against nazi march in Turku, Finland 18.08.2018

On 18th of August the nazis of Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) have called a demonstration for ”freedom of speech” in Turku, Finland. NRM is organised in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark so far, and aims to create one national socialist Nordic state through revolutionary means.

18th March: anarchists all over the world at the forefront

Курдистан против политических репрессий в России

18th March, 2018 (election day in Russia) anarchists all over the world have become the main force who expressed the protest against Putin's political machine. It was supporters of direct self-management who stood up most active in russian election day.

A great wave of actions of solidarity with arrested russian comrades who've been tortured by FSB occured throughout many cities around all over the world. The geographical spread is really amazing.

Solidarity action with the arrested anti-fascists and anarchists in Russia took place in Helsinki


On March 18, 2018, as part of an international solidarity campaign with Russian antifascists and anarchists, there was a protest in Helsinki near the embassy of the Russian Federation.

Ilya Kapustin: “When the Stamp Thudded in My Passport, It Was Like a Huge Weight Had Been Lifted from My Shoulders”

Russian Activist Ilya Kapustin, Seeking Asylum in Finland: “When the Stamp Thudded in My Passport, It Was Like a Huge Weight Had Been Lifted from My Shoulders”
Nina Järvenkylä
March 10, 2018

A familiar looking man sits opposite me. We have met earlier via video link, but now there are coffee cups between us.

A call for solidarity from anarchists of Chelyabinsk, Russia


A call of comrades from Chelyabinsk:

«We, Chelyabinsk anarchists, need international support and solidarity.

On the night of 20 February, Chelyabinsk anarchists were arrested and their homes searched in relation to the banner put on the Chelyabinsk FSB (Russian security service) building. Five persons were arrested, the homes of three of them were searched, three people became suspects under Article 213 part 1 of the Russian criminal code (Hooliganism). During the investigation, FSB officers freely tortured the detained, including the witnesses.

Review of repressions against anarchists in Russia - 2017 and first months of 2018

Moscow Anarchist Black Cross released the review of repression of anarchists by Russian state in 2017 and early 2018. During this period, the authorities continue to frame and persecute the Russian comrades. Anarchists are also a subject of repressions in prisons. Here is the extract of recently published list of repression in Russia.

“The main thing at that moment, in that situation, was to come out alive”

In late January, news that Viktor Filinkov, a left-wing activist and computer programmer, had disappeared (24 January) at St Petersburg’s Pulkovo airport was followed by arrests and searches (26 January) at the apartments of anti-fascist activists in the city.

“You should understand: FSB officers always get their way!”: Anti-fascist Viktor Filinkov reveals how he was tortured by Russian security services

Viktor Filinkov

On 24 January 2018, I was tortured by the FSB into confessing to terrorism charges. Here is what happened.

Anarchists Yelena Gorban and Alexei Kobaidze suspects in Vandalism Committed Outside of United Russia Office Sent to Temporary Detention Facility

Yelena Gorban and Alexei Kobaidze, suspects in the vandalism case (Russian Criminal Code Article 214) opened after a protest outside a United Russia party office on January 31, have been sent to Temporary Detention Facility No. 1 (Petrovka) in Moscow, as reported to OVD Info by their defense lawyers, Svetlana Sidorkina and Maxim Pashkov.

Author columns


Near the sacred Mount Parnassus and the ruins of Delphi there is a small town of Levadia. Will of fate I was fortunate enough prove to be in this place and get acquainted with the local fan scene. As soon as you come here at once there a positive mood. Railway station painted with anti-fascist and...

3 years ago
Антти Раутиайнен

In February, a critique of Moscow-based bands What We Feel(WWF) and Moscow Death Brigade(MDB) written by “Antifascist Subculture Worldwide”-collective appeared on the German website, Linksunten (in English). Both WWF, MDB (1) as well as 210 (2)  have since responded to the...

3 years ago