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Health & wellness

Free surfboard scheme encourages 'saltwater therapy' for mental health

Free surfboard scheme encourages 'saltwater therapy' for mental health

The not-for-profit surfing community OneWave is offering a free board at three Sydney beaches on Fridays.

  • by Garry Maddox


Breastfeeding helps to protect mums' hearts, new study finds

Breastfeeding helps to protect mums' hearts, new study finds

According to researchers at the University of Sydney, breastfeeding may significantly help to protect heart health.

  • by Sarah Berry
Should women consider giving their body breaks from the pill?

Should women consider giving their body breaks from the pill?

Doctors used to recommend a 'pill holiday' if women had been on taking it for more than 10 years. And those women got pregnant.

  • by Caroline Zielinski
The Jane Austen Diet is certainly not intolerably stupid

The Jane Austen Diet is certainly not intolerably stupid

A new book, The Jane Austen Diet, posits that the key to wellness might just be found in the lives of Regency heroines.

  • by Mary Ward
Psychology patients have unmet demand for male therapists
Mental health

Psychology patients have unmet demand for male therapists

Many psychology patients would prefer to see a male therapist, possibly because they are considered "more authoritative".

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
How establishing outer order contributes to your inner sense of calm

How establishing outer order contributes to your inner sense of calm

Is the key to happiness as simple as keeping order in your home life? Here's how to make room for the things you truly value.

  • by Gretchen Rubin
Why we should start recognising the loss of a pet as 'real grief'

Why we should start recognising the loss of a pet as 'real grief'

There's often the expectation to keep feelings “in perspective” or to move on and get another one as if pets are interchangeable non-entities we can replace.

  • by Jill Stark
How cultivating a positive mindset benefits your 'emotional fitness'

How cultivating a positive mindset benefits your 'emotional fitness'

Not only will you be happier, you'll think more clearly.

  • by Evelyn Lewin
Risk and reward: DNA tests alone shouldn't make our biggest decision

Risk and reward: DNA tests alone shouldn't make our biggest decision

Genetic screening will change our expectations of what it is to be healthy, happy and even human. Are we ready for this?

  • by Elizabeth Callinan
What you didn't know about fatigue

What you didn't know about fatigue

The difference between fatigue and general tiredness is how you feel when you wake.

Could daydreaming be the path to greater creativity and mental health?

Could daydreaming be the path to greater creativity and mental health?

There has been research to show mind-wandering indicates higher intellect and creativity.

  • by Jenny Haward