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Karl Quinn
Karl Quinn's posts

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A little place in Modena, Italy, served me one of the best meals I've ever had. No, not the one you're thinking of.

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Handsome devil, that Negan. Emphasis on devil.

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One of the funniest scenes yet in the six-season history of The Walking Dead this week. 

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It's gruesome, yes, but is The Walking Dead also the most diverse show on television?

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Awesome to see Maggie taking the lead in this week's ep of The Walking Dead

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Move over Lady Gaga, this is how you do a Bowie tribute

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This leaves a slightly bad taste in the mouth. 

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It was 18 years between movies for The Dressmaker's Jocelyn Moorhouse. Here's why.

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The year we fell in love with Australian film again. But why?

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There goes the neighbourhood: My recap of the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead season 6
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