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For a militant, fighting New Year
- 2019 Jan 01

Greetings to all for 2019 - a year of expanding class struggle and political advances for the revolutionary working class.


Party Discussion Site Now Available
- 2016 Aug 29

The CPA (M-L) recently created a discussion site for the printing of articles that are relevant to the work of the Party, but not necessarily reflective of a considered Party viewpoint, and for the raising of questions of the Party by members and supporters.

This is a moderated website and not a site for endless and pointless posts.

The most recent article is by respected Australian Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen which responds to a view that talking of an impending crisis of capitalism is “crying wolf”.

The article can be found by following this link to the home page of the discussion site:    

Members and supporters are asked to read the “How to use this website” post through a link on the top left hand side of the discussion site’s home page.




Latest Posts

A Comment on the Contributed Article “US Imperialism Intensifies Hostility Towards Cuba”  
Louisa L.          10 February 2019
The CPA(ML) greatly values contributions from our readers and supporters. US Imperialism intensifies hostility towards Cuba includes some analysis of history which differs from our party’s.
As the article points out, Cuba is a beacon to the world for standing firm against US ...

more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 10

US imperialism intensifies hostility towards Cuba  
(Contributed)           10 February 2019

Leading figures in the Trump administration have described Cuba as a serious national security threat to the United States in a further return to Cold War rhetoric.
While Cuba has remained a preoccupation for the US intelligence services for sixty ...

more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 10

Uphill Battle for New SA Member of Parliament  

Ned K.      10 February 2019

On Saturday 9th February, former SA Unions Secretary, Joe Szakacs, was elected Labor MP for the by - election in the inner north-western suburban safe Labor seat of Cheltenham in Adelaide. The by-election arose after former Member for Cheltenham and former Labor Premier, Jay ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 10

US imperialism – common enemy of the Venezuelan and Australian people  

Danny O.

US National Security Advisor John Bolton made it perfectly clear in a recent interview on Fox News that the ongoing US-led coup attempt in Venezuela was predominately about one thing – oil.


more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 08

Exploiters take advantage of the drought  

by Duncan B.      7 February 2019

Supermarkets Hurting Egg Producers 
Egg farmers fear that dozens of egg farms could be wiped out in the near future. Because of the drought, their feed costs have increased considerably, up from $420 a tonne twelve months ago to $640 a tonne ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 07

On the Royal Commission into the Murray Darling Basin  

Nick G .  4 February 2019

In 2017, the ABC exposed serious water theft, particularly in the northern part of the Murray Darling Basin.
In response, the then Labor SA government established a Royal Commission to follow-up the allegations.
The Commission’s terms of reference gave it the authority to investigate matters ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 04

Martial law and Brexit: a lesson for Australians  
(Contributed)     4 February 2019
The British Conservative government has contingency plans to introduce martial law with Operation Yellowhammer, following threats of disorder with Brexit.
Three important considerations have arisen, which also have significance for Australia:

more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 04

The Communist Party of Venezuela (M-L) Regarding the Complex Scenario in Venezuela  

From the Political Bureau of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Venezuela,
Caracas, January 2019


more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 03

Always was, always will be, Aboriginal Land!  

Statement by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)    29 January 2019

The Invasion Day marches on January 26 brought many tens of thousands of people on to the streets around Australia. Whether marked by First Nations and their allies as a Day of Mourning, of ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Jan 29

US rattles its sabres over Iran  

(Contributed)     29 January 2019

A recent hostile statement about Iran by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rests upon a Cold War position dating to the earliest days of the Trump administration, and beyond.
It is not difficult to establish US desperation with Iran and the wider Middle ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Jan 29

Record High Adelaide Temperature a Wakeup Call  
Ned K.    29 January 2019
On Thursday 24 January, the officially recorded maximum temperature for Adelaide was 46.6 degrees Celsius, a record high temperature and higher than the 1939 heat wave temperatures of several days in a row of 45 degrees and over.
 Even the 46.6 degree recording ...

more...- Posted on 2019 Jan 29

Solidarity with Venezuela Against US Interference and Aggression  

CPA (M-L) statement  25 January 2019

The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) condemns US imperialism’s “recognition” of Juan Guaidó, a US puppet who has unilaterally and illegally declared himself to be “President” of Venezuela.


more...- Posted on 2019 Jan 25

Brexit, 5 Eyes and One More: Japan?  
(Contributed)     21 January 2019

When Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited his British counterpart, Theresa May, there was far more on the main agenda than common economic considerations with Brexit.
Following diplomatic formalities there were serious agenda items which included:
Firstly, implications arising from Japan now having been ...

more...- Posted on 2019 Jan 21

Government “generosity” a barrier to reef protection  
Nick G.      18 January 2019
The Australian National Audit Office report on the $444 million grant from the federal government to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation ignores the most important aspects of this uncharacteristic generosity.

more...- Posted on 2019 Jan 18

The Senator, the Rally and the Right  
(Contributed)     18 January 2019
Controversy surrounding Senator Fraser Anning attending a far-right political rally in Melbourne in early January has highlighted how those concerned, in collaboration with their neo-Nazi admirers, are still able to make a nasty, unpleasant contribution to political discourse in contemporary Australia.

more...- Posted on 2019 Jan 17

Backing the Adani end of town  

Lindy Nolan     17 January 2019

The anti-Adani fight has been a touchstone in the struggle for sovereignty. This unfolding story is the fourth in a series investigating ruptures in a carefully fostered pro-corporate united front among First Nations Peoples.




more...- Posted on 2019 Jan 16

Workers Organising - A Strong Base for Winning an Independent, Socialist Australia  

Ned K.    15 January 2019

In the struggle between capital and labour in Australia since 1788, the working class has overcome all sorts of obstacles put in its path by the ruling colonial and imperialist powers and their various layers of governments. Laws at state and federal levels have ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Jan 15

First Nations’ Law is the heart of resistance  

Lindy Nolan     January 6, 2019

This is the third article investigating ruptures in a carefully fostered pro-corporate united front among First Nations Peoples. It updates and revisits previously published material on mining industry interference in First Nations’ communities and issues.


more...- Posted on 2019 Jan 11

Injustice within the Law means Resistance is always our Duty  

Danny O.     10 January 2019

We are told that the law is impartial. That all stand equally before it, and that it arbitrates fairly and with justice. But it doesn’t. Our lived experiences show us that’s a lie.


more...- Posted on 2019 Jan 09

Cheap Labour and Regional Migration Schemes have a long history in Australia  

Ned K.   8 January 2019

2019 is an election year in the federal parliamentary three-year cycle. Immigration is likely to be blown up out of all proportion as an election issue. One idea already thrown up by the Morrison Government is forced regional migration as a condition of entry ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Jan 08

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