Terrorism is rare, but intimate partner violence is an everyday event

Terrorism is rare, but intimate partner violence is an everyday event

Last week newsfeeds started filling up with stories about a bomb scare at Brisbane airport. Police were quick to reassure the public that it “was not terror related” and the incident quickly dropped out of the news cycle.

It was widely reported that the man chased a woman (a family member) through the food court with two large knives and a device he claimed was a bomb. Another woman and two young girls, also thought to be family members, were involved in the incident.

A child inspects an anti-domestic violence installation,in which  shoes represent abused women.

A child inspects an anti-domestic violence installation,in which shoes represent abused women.Credit:AP

The man was subdued by police and charged with contravening a domestic violence order, stalking with a weapon, stealing, making a bomb hoax and assaulting police. The public, however, could be reassured it was “not terror related”.

Already this year, five women have been killed in Australia. One was Palestinian student Aiia Maasarwe, one was a suspected murder-suicide involving the woman’s husband and the partners of all the other dead women have been charged over their killing.


Last year, 69 women were killed, the overwhelming majority by partners or former partners. Data collected by the ABC from police around Australia shows there are around 264,028 reports of family violence made to police every year.


Australia Institute of Health and Welfare data found nearly 4,000 women and girls are admitted to hospital each year after being assaulted by their partners. According to the Global Terrorism Database, no one in Australia was killed or injured in this year or last year in “terrorism” incidents.

When police said the incident in Brisbane was “not terror related”, what they meant was that the man involved was not making threats at random people, they believed he was there to threaten specific people (women) in his family.

Given that over 23 million people pass through Brisbane airport each year, it’s entirely reasonable for police to reassure the public that they weren’t in danger at the airport that day; but the language they used, which was reported in every major news outlet in the country, is very telling. Domestic violence is not a threat. Terrorism is.

Director of the Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre, Professor Jude McCulloch, says there is a distortion in how threats of violence are reported and understood in Australia. “The media does consistently report ‘public’ and ‘private’ violence differently,” she said.

“Terrorism is widely treated and approached as Australia's and the west’s number one security threat. This is the case despite the ‘private’ violence of intimate partner violence being responsible for far more deaths and injuries than terrorism in Australia.”


Professor McCulloch says men’s violence against women is still minimised or excused while the reported threat of terrorism is magnified well beyond the actual risk. She believes this is partly political, and partly as “a result of history of militarism and policing where violence against women, particularly by men they know, has not been treated seriously”.

She also cites news values as a reason public violence is so disproportionately reported as a threat. “Terrorism and mass casualty attacks are rare. Intimate partner violence is an everyday event. The media, politicians, commentators, security services and police are more focused on the threat of terrorism, what might happen, rather than the everyday reality of intimate partner violence and intimate partner homicides.”

In the 2018 Federal Budget, the government announced a $293.6 million package to “keep Australians safe”. This involves investing in airport and international cargo security, immigration control, such as asking women from Saudi Arabia why they are traveling without a male guardian , and challenging citizenship rights.

There is no question police need resources and support to investigate and prevent terrorism. Lives have undoubtedly been saved by the work police have done to arrest men who planned to kill people as a form of political protest. But against that $293.6 million on preventing terrorism is the $18 million the same budget allocated to frontline family violence services.

The chasm in funding reinforces Professor McCulloch’s point that “public” violence is taken far more seriously than “private” violence, despite the far greater danger that “private violence” poses.

Margaret Simons, associate professor of journalism at Monash University, says domestic and family violence is the most important media story in Australia. “The statistics alone tell us this is Australia’s biggest crime, health and human rights story," she says. "It is also one of the biggest political and economic stories”.

Media outlets are not ignoring family violence, but they are accepting the police and political narrative that terrorism (“public violence”) is the threat that makes news and men killing or assaulting their partners is “private violence” and therefore “not terror related”.

The woman reportedly chased through Brisbane airport by a man wielding two large knives would probably disagree. As would the hundreds of thousands of women beaten and terrorised each year by their partners. Private violence is the threat that is killing people and it needs to be taken far more seriously if we really are going to keep Australians safe.

Jane Gilmore’s book on portrayal of violence against women will be published by Penguin Random House in August this year.

Jane Gilmore is a casual journalist for The Age.

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