US charges hit Huawei's global supply chain

Huawei could also be forced to trim its 180,000 workforce, according to some analysts, a potential headache for Beijing ...

Across Huawei's vast supply chain, the impact of the US indictment sent share prices sliding as investors fretted over the future of the Chinese telecoms equipment giant and whether it would be hit with an export ban.

Robert Lighthizer, who will lead the talks, is deeply sceptical of China's willingness to change its trade practices.

Trade talks sideswiped by Huawei indictments

US allegations that Chinese conglomerate Huawei stole American technology go to the heart of critical trade negotiations being held this week.

"Moscow's relationship with Beijing is closer than it's been in many decades," Mr Coats told the panel.

China and Russia biggest threat, spy chiefs warn

China and Russia pose the biggest risks to the US and are more aligned than they have been in decades as they target American voters and institutions to expand their global reach, US intelligence officials warned.

Foreign Minister Marise Payne is in the US this weeks for talks with top Trump administration officials and ...

'There's hope yet' of US joining TPP after Trump move

Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne has pointedly noted that the US Congress and administration have formally agreed to keep open the door to rejoining trade agreements such as the TPP, saying there's "hope yet".