Topic | Banking royal commission | The Sydney Morning Herald

Banking royal commission

Police freeze $7.5m in assets of ex chief of staff to NAB boss

Police freeze $7.5m in assets of ex chief of staff to NAB boss

Police have frozen assets of Andrew Thorburn's chief of staff Rosemary Rogers including a $1 million NAB cheque and $6.3 million property porftolio.

  • by Sarah Danckert, Nick McKenzie and Richard Baker


'Deeply sorry' NAB chair and CEO both resign after horror week
National Australia Bank

'Deeply sorry' NAB chair and CEO both resign after horror week

National Australia Bank has been plunged into turmoil, with chairman Ken Henry and chief executive Andrew Thorburn both resigning in the wake of blistering criticism from the banking royal commission and a deepening crisis over alleged rorts by a former senior staffer.

  • by Clancy Yeates
NAB's 'golden handshakes' blasted as Shorten pushes for rapid change
Andrew Thorburn

NAB's 'golden handshakes' blasted as Shorten pushes for rapid change

The federal opposition and governance experts are unimpressed by the dramatic resignations of NAB's chairman and chief executive.

  • by Sarah Danckert, Clancy Yeates and Sumeyya Ilanbey
The end was inevitable after NAB duo annoyed royal commissioner

The end was inevitable after NAB duo annoyed royal commissioner

Once Kenneth Hayne singled out Andrew Thorburn and his chairman, Ken Henry, from a multitude of equally-deserving peers for harsh criticism in his final report they were on shaky ground.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Aggrieved investors to be given a second chance to complain

Aggrieved investors to be given a second chance to complain

Investors whose losses were some time ago will be given another chance to get compensation

  • by John Collett
Westpac's Hartzer tips demise of mortgage broker commissions
Westpac Banking Corporation

Westpac's Hartzer tips demise of mortgage broker commissions

Westpac chief  Brian Hartzer has signalled he believes mortgage broker commissions will ultimately be scrapped, forcing brokers to reinvent their business models.

  • by Clancy Yeates and Sumeyya Ilanbey
AMP dodges break-up but hasn't escaped unscathed

AMP dodges break-up but hasn't escaped unscathed

The royal commission may not have decreed the end of vertical integration but the recommendations it did make, and its own internal challenges, will still impact and reshape AMP.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Royal reckoning: is it enough to make the banks change?

Royal reckoning: is it enough to make the banks change?

Royal commissioner Kenneth Hayne has made 24 referrals for criminal or civil action - and 76 recommendations that will shake up the industry in a way that hasn’t happened in generation - but was it the great reckoning the public hoped for?

  • by David Estcourt and Rachael Dexter
Will we hear an apology from the NAB and others? Don't bank on it
Banking royal commission

Will we hear an apology from the NAB and others? Don't bank on it

Responses from Andrew Thornburn - and his counterparts - to the commission's revelations have been lacklustre, disappointing and heartbreaking.

  • by Madonna King
Why you're better off paying a mortgage broker yourself

Why you're better off paying a mortgage broker yourself

Reform of mortgage broker pay is long overdue, writes Jessica Irvine.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Bankers, lawyers can't get enough office space to deal with Hayne report

Bankers, lawyers can't get enough office space to deal with Hayne report

The banking royal commission has created an unexpected shot in the arm to a near-full national office market.

  • by Carolyn Cummins