GoSlow: how to take the perfect time lapse video with an action cam

GoSlow: how to take the perfect time lapse video with an action cam

When we think of GoPro cameras, we likely think of exciting videos. You strap it to your head or chest and jump out of a plane, go zip lining across a gorge filled with fire and snakes, or go white water rafting down a river made entirely of sharks. Or whatever people do when they’re living lives of adventure outside.

But, did you know that your GoPro can also be a handy camera to make the least action-packed video genre of all: time lapse.

You can capture the beauty of a sunset, the fury of a storm, or the hilarity of tourists attempting hook turns at a speed that would impress even the most hardcore TV binge watchers.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your time lapses. For the purposes of making this guide, I used a GoPro Hero 7 Black, but most of the tips are pretty universal across the GoPro range.


Step 1: Get a tripod and a steady surface.

This is probably the most important part of any time lapse. The Shorty tripod is a great option, because it’s very versatile. It can be held if you want to do a piece direct to camera, or can be set up as a tripod. It’s also worth spending a solid few minutes framing the shot, and even doing a couple of mini-test runs to make sure you’re capturing everything you want, and nothing you don’t.

Step 2: Put the camera in time lapse mode, and make sure it’s at the right speed

A brief press of the power button on the side will scroll through the three modes: time warp (left), video (middle), photo (right). You can also select it in the app by going into the camera, then scrolling through the options down the bottom (it’s still on the left there, too).

In the app you can choose between Time Warp Video, Time Lapse Video, Time Lapse Photo, Night Lapse Photo. The difference between the video types is that Time Warp is a bit smoother than Time Lapse. Time Warp is great if you’re wanting to showcase a whole run through a mountain, Time Lapse is better if you’re wanting to show something that takes a very long time. Warp speeds up an activity 5-30 times, while Lapse takes a photo every 0.5-60 seconds and stitches it together in a video. Lapse videos are 30 frames per second, so they can condense 15 seconds - thirty minutes into one second of video depending on which setting you choose.


You can also select the speed in the app or on the camera by touching the screen where it says the speed. This is another good thing to test before filming the thing you’re focussed on so you know what to expect.

Step 3: Don’t forget the batteries

It’s important to remember that at best your battery will last for two and a half hours of video recording (though it will probably be less than that). So, if you select the one frame per 60 seconds option, you might only end up with five seconds of video before you need to charge it. One way around this is to remove the side door from the camera so you can charge it using an external battery pack or wall charger while filming. (Just be careful not to lose that door)

Step 4: Lighting

Make sure your scene is consistently lit, or uses natural light so it doesn’t look jarring when you’re watching it back. It sounds minor, but it’ll make a big difference.

Also, if you’re filming through a window, turn off the red flashing recording light on the front, because that is going to reflect and ruin the shot especially if you’re filming at night. You can turn that off by going into the camera settings on the smart phone app and selecting LED – front OFF.

Step 5: Press record

That’s it! Now, go out and capture the projects you’re building, the gathering storm, or the bloom of that really cool flower.

Alice is a freelance journalist, producer and presenter.
