How your taste in music affects your work

How your taste in music affects your work

Many employees are at their best only when there’s music playing. Whether it’s a worksite with the radio cranked up or an office with the headphones on, they’re at their most productive when their favourite tunes are streaming. Not me. Music, despite loving it, is a distraction to my work; a reason to power off than to power on. According to new research, though, people like me are a minority.

Due to be published in March’s edition of the Personality and Individual Differences journal, it explored how we’re affected by our musical preferences. The scholar who ran the study began with the premise that music affects our mood. A pumping Calvin Harris track, for example, might make us lively, while an Adele power ballad may make us mellow, with possible consequences on our performance.

Listening to Adele at work could change your productivity, depending on your taste in music.

Listening to Adele at work could change your productivity, depending on your taste in music. Credit:Ian Gavan

Beyond performance, music can also have the effect of making our jobs more tolerable. Much like enhancing a workout at the gym, having some beats to keep you company at your company may be precisely what you need to make the day go faster. So long as you and your colleagues are into the same music. Otherwise the day will go by slowly; much more slowly.

Likewise, with recruiters increasingly turning to candidates’ social media profiles for sneaky insights on their background, having that crafty search uncover a candidate’s taste in music may be the thing that turns a negative perception around. Or indeed becomes a deal breaker – even though the researcher cautions there are “moral, ethical [and] legal arguments surrounding the use of such data for recruitment and selection purposes”.


Another work-related application of music can be seen in the realm of creativity and innovation, which is more than just about nice ideas. To be creative and innovative is to also be a problem solver, an instigator of change and an improver of processes. That was the key focus of the scholar’s first study.

He surveyed more than 400 people and tested them for their preferred musical style. There were 14 to choose from, grouped into four categories: “reflective and complex” (such as jazz tunes from Nina Simone); “intense and rebellious” (like rock songs from Bon Jovi); “energetic and rhythmic” (such as party hits from David Guetta); and “upbeat and conventional” (like soaring anthems from Beyoncé).

What he found was that of those four music genres, it was the first – reflective and complex – that seemed to have the biggest influence on creative and innovative work. Beyond jazz melodies, the category also comprises blues (like a bit of B.B. King), classical (Bach and Berlioz, to name but two), and folk (such as Joni Mitchell). The other genres had impact, too, but not as much.

The scholar then conducted a second study. This time he surveyed more than 1000 employees but expanded the questionnaire to include a range of other work-related outcomes. These consisted of “counterproductive work behaviour” – such as a refusal to follow orders – to which lovers of energetic and rhythmic music were the most closely aligned. It’s a category that also envelopes rap, R&B, soul, electronica and dance.

Another work-related outcome was “turnover intention” – a strong desire to resign – to which, again, the energy and rhythm people were most (m)aligned.


The connoisseurs of reflective and complex tracks came out on top with the more-positive outcomes. These included “organisational citizenship behaviour” – a clunky academic term that refers to those who go beyond the call of duty to help their colleagues, and “interpersonal facilitation”, which encompasses acts such as praising coworkers when they deserve recognition.

Of course, correlation isn’t causation. But as a keen appreciator of the energetic and rhythmic style, I’m beginning to wonder whether I should be rethinking my musical preferences.

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