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Banking & finance

Self-interest only stretches so far with retiree tax rort

Self-interest only stretches so far with retiree tax rort

Greed is obviously king - especially in trying to rip off the taxation system.


Police freeze $7.5m in assets of ex chief of staff to NAB boss
Banking royal commission

Police freeze $7.5m in assets of ex chief of staff to NAB boss

Police have frozen assets of Andrew Thorburn's chief of staff Rosemary Rogers including a $1 million NAB cheque and $6.3 million property porftolio.

  • by Sarah Danckert, Nick McKenzie and Richard Baker
'Deeply sorry' NAB chair and CEO both resign after horror week
Banking royal commission

'Deeply sorry' NAB chair and CEO both resign after horror week

National Australia Bank has been plunged into turmoil, with chairman Ken Henry and chief executive Andrew Thorburn both resigning in the wake of blistering criticism from the banking royal commission and a deepening crisis over alleged rorts by a former senior staffer.

  • by Clancy Yeates
NAB's 'golden handshakes' blasted as Shorten pushes for rapid change
Banking royal commission

NAB's 'golden handshakes' blasted as Shorten pushes for rapid change

The federal opposition and governance experts are unimpressed by the dramatic resignations of NAB's chairman and chief executive.

  • by Sarah Danckert, Clancy Yeates and Sumeyya Ilanbey
The end was inevitable after NAB duo annoyed royal commissioner
Banking royal commission

The end was inevitable after NAB duo annoyed royal commissioner

Once Kenneth Hayne singled out Andrew Thorburn and his chairman, Ken Henry, from a multitude of equally-deserving peers for harsh criticism in his final report they were on shaky ground.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
'Abuse of trust': former AMP worker pleads guilty to downloading customers' personal data

'Abuse of trust': former AMP worker pleads guilty to downloading customers' personal data

The documents contained information about customers' names, date of births and addresses.

  • by Laura Chung and Angus Thompson
Westpac's Hartzer tips demise of mortgage broker commissions
Banking royal commission

Westpac's Hartzer tips demise of mortgage broker commissions

Westpac chief  Brian Hartzer has signalled he believes mortgage broker commissions will ultimately be scrapped, forcing brokers to reinvent their business models.

  • by Clancy Yeates and Sumeyya Ilanbey
AMP dodges break-up but hasn't escaped unscathed
Banking royal commission

AMP dodges break-up but hasn't escaped unscathed

The royal commission may not have decreed the end of vertical integration but the recommendations it did make, and its own internal challenges, will still impact and reshape AMP.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Taxpayers should not be subsidising lifestyle of wealthy retirees

Taxpayers should not be subsidising lifestyle of wealthy retirees

The current imputation cash refund system is, essentially, a reverse death duty: low and middle-income earners are subsidizing the estates of the very wealthy.

  • by Emma Dawson and Tim Lyons
Contractor charged with stealing AMP customer data

Contractor charged with stealing AMP customer data

A Chinese contractor for financial planner AMP has been charged with stealing the confidential data of 20 of its customers.

RBA shows it can change its mind on interest rates

RBA shows it can change its mind on interest rates

Reserve Bank governor Phil Lowe had good news for homebuyers in his speech on Wednesday.