9 February 2019

Strike action in the US hits a 32-year high

By Patrick Martin, 9 February 2019

In 2018, the number of workers involved in large strikes, walkouts involving 1,000 or more workers, was the highest since 1986.

Brazil’s Workers Party praises imperialist officials and Brazilian military involved in Venezuela regime change operation

By Miguel Andrade, 9 February 2019

As it feigns opposition to regime change in Venezuela, the PT has sent representatives to meet EU leaders who have been at the forefront of the siege of the country.

US commander says Pentagon prepared to intervene to defend Venezuela embassy

Hands off Venezuela!

The CGT’s “national strike”: French unions seek to strangle the “yellow vest” protests

By our reporters, 9 February 2019

For the unions, the day of action was an opportunity for its base of officials and bureaucrats to meet with “yellow vest” protesters and seek to gain control of their movement.

French National Assembly passes police state “anti-riot” law targeting protests

“Yellow vest” assemblies meet in Commercy
The pseudo-left parties seek to intervene in France’s “yellow vest” movement

More on the “yellow vests” protests in France »

Corbyn leadership bows before Blairite’s anti-Semitism witch-hunt

By Robert Stevens, 9 February 2019

The Blairites have only been able to proceed with a campaign based on such a pack of lies because of constant capitulations from Corbyn and his inner circle, who have opposed all moves to drive them out in pursuit of “party unity.”

Cascade of plant closings in New York state
Social costs mount

By Steve Filips, 9 February 2019

In recent months there have been a spate of plant closings throughout Upstate New York, including the Rochester and Buffalo areas.

Wright State University administration issues call for scabs in bid to intimidate striking faculty

By Alexander Fangmann, 9 February 2019

As the strike by full-time faculty at Wright State heads toward a fourth week, the university administration is attempting to threaten striking faculty with the specter of being replaced by “long-term” adjuncts.

Oakland, California teachers overwhelmingly vote to strike

US Supreme Court clears way for execution of Muslim inmate without imam in death chamber

By Kate Randall, 9 February 2019

The Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling openly violated the separation of church and state enshrined in the US Constitution and the high court’s jurisprudence that government may not discriminate among faiths.

Sri Lankan president’s Independence Day speech exposes deep crisis of rule

By Vijith Samarasinghe, 9 February 2019

Sirisena bemoaned the failure of successive governments but offered no solution, amid ongoing infighting in ruling circles and mounting opposition by working people to the worsening social crisis.

“Lawyer X” cover-up starts to unravel
Australian police used multiple lawyers as informants

By Mike Head, 9 February 2019

Two revelations this week point to the systemic police use of defence lawyers as informers to secure the conviction of their own clients.

New in Norwegian

Amerikansk kommandør melder Pentagon beredt til intervensjon og forsvar av ambassaden i Venezuela

Bill Van Auken, 9. februar 2019

SOUTHCOM-sjefen admiral Faller koblet i vitnesbyrd for Senatet på torsdag det venezuelanske kuppet til «stor makt»-konflikten med Kina og Russland.

Canada mobiliserer støtte for det amerikanske kuppet i Venezuela

Keith Jones, 9. februar 2019

Canada er fullt og helt involvert i Washingtons pådriv for å få installert et virulent høyreorientert regime, som vil åpne landet for tøylesløs imperialistisk utbytting.

Etter USAs tilbaketrekning fra INF-traktaten med Russland
Frankrike gjennomfører tørrtrening og simulert atomvåpenangrep

Will Morrow, 9. februar 2019

Operasjonen varte i 11 timer og inkluderte «alle faser» av det som ble referert til som et «nukleært avskrekkingsoppdrag», unntatt detoneringen av et faktisk nukleærstridshode.

Frankrike kaller hjem sin ambassadør til Italia

Alex Lantier, 9. februar 2019

Beslutningen om å tilbakekalle den franske ambassadøren til Italia peker på et akselererende sammenbrudd i relasjonene mellom Europas store imperialistmakter.

New in French

Après le retrait des Etats-Unis du traité nucléaire de l'INF avec la Russie
La France effectue une simulation d'une frappe à l'arme nucléaire

Will Morrow, 9 février 2019

L’opération a duré 11 heures et comprenait «toutes les phases» de ce que l’on a appelé une «mission de dissuasion nucléaire», à l’exception de la détonation d’une véritable ogive nucléaire.

Le Canada mobilise des appuis pour le coup d'État américain au Venezuela

Keith Jones, 9 février 2019

Le Canada est à l'avant-plan des efforts déployés par Washington pour mettre en place un régime de droite brutal qui ouvrira le pays à une exploitation impérialiste débridée.

L'opposition monte à la fermeture d'usines GM

notre correspondent, 9 février 2019

Le World Socialist Web Site a reçu de nombreuses déclarations de soutien à la manifestation du 9 février de la part des travailleurs de l’automobile nord américains contre les fermetures prévues de cinq usines GM et la suppression de 14 000 emplois.

Un député de l'AfD dénonce une commémoration de l'Holocauste au parlement allemand

Christoph Vandreier, 9 février 2019

Soixante-quatorze ans après la libération d'Auschwitz, les crimes du régime nazi sont minimisés au Bundestag (parlement) allemand sans déclencher de protestations notables.

New in German

Ein Versuch in Schadensbegrenzung
Hessischer Landtag debattiert über Rechtsextremismus in der Polizei

Marianne Arens, 9. Februar 2019

Alle Fraktionen im hessischen Landtag sind bemüht, das Vertrauen in den Staat wiederherzustellen. Sie lenken von der wirklichen Dimension der rechtsradikalen Netzwerke ab.

Frankreich ruft Botschafter aus Italien zurück

Alex Lantier, 9. Februar 2019

Der Rückruf des französischen Botschafters aus Italien zeigt, wie rapide sich die Beziehungen zwischen den imperialistischen Großmächten Europas verschlechtern.

Wachsender Widerstand gegen Werksschließungen bei GM

unseren Reportern, 9. Februar 2019

Die World Socialist Web Site hat viele Solidaritätsschreiben von Autoarbeitern aus ganz Nordamerika zu ihrer Demonstration am heutigen 9. Februar erhalten. Die Demonstration in Detroit richtet sich gegen die geplante Schließung von fünf GM-Werken und den Abbau von 14.000 Stellen.

Deutsche Arbeiter solidarisieren sich mit Kundgebung gegen Massenentlassungen in Detroit

unseren Reportern, 9. Februar 2019

Arbeiter aus ganz Deutschland haben der World Socialist Web Site Solidaritätsgrüße für die Demonstration der Autoarbeiter geschickt, die an diesem Samstag in Detroit stattfindet.

Daimler: Betriebsratschef Brecht fordert höhere „Effizienz“

Dietmar Gaisenkersting, 9. Februar 2019

Der Betriebsrat und die IG Metall stehen in den kommenden Auseinandersetzungen über Arbeitsplätze, Arbeitsbedingungen und Löhne auf Seiten des Managements und der Aktionäre.

New in Russian

Боритесь с увольнениями на автозаводах Ford! Создавайте комитеты действий для объединения рабочих автомобильной промышленности по всей Европе!

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei и Socialist Equality Party и Parti de l’égalité socialiste, 7 февраля 2019 г.

Рабочий класс не может признать за корпорациями «права» закрывать заводы, уничтожать целые сообщества и разрушать жизни десятков тысяч рабочих.

New in Turkish

Venezuela’dan elinizi çekin!

Bill Van Auken, 7 Şubat 2019

ABD’deki, Avrupa’daki ve Kanada’daki işçiler, Venezuela’daki bu gerici ve yağmacı emperyalist müdahaleye karşı çıkmalı ve mücadelelerini, ortak düşman olan dünya kapitalist sistemine karşı, Venezuela ve Latin Amerika işçilerinin mücadeleleri ile birleştirmeliler.

Sudan’da hükümet karşıtı protestolar devam ediyor

Jean Shaoul, 7 Şubat 2019

Protestolar, 1989’da bir darbeyle iktidara gelmesinden bu yana, Devlet Başkanı Ömer El Beşir yönetimine yönelik en büyük tehdidi oluşturuyor.

New in Spanish

Francia retira su embajador de Italia

Alex Lantier, 9 febrero 2019

La decisión refleja la aceleración del derrumbe de las relaciones entre las principales potencias europeas.

Halil Celik, un luchador por el socialismo (1961-2018)

Peter Schwarz, 9 febrero 2019

El 31 de diciembre de 2018, Halil Celik, fundador y líder del grupo Sosyalist Eşitlik, simpatizante del Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional en Turquía, murió de cáncer a los 57 años. Su obituario presenta un repaso de su vida.

Cómo el WRP traicionó al trotskismo:1973-1985
27. La Guerra de las Malvinas: cómo Healy actuó como tonto útil del imperialismo/a>

Declaración del Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional, 9 febrero

Este es el texto del análisis realizado en el verano de 1986 por el Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional sobre el colapso de su sección británica, el Workers Revolutionary Party.

Crece la oposición a los cierres de planta de General Motors

nuestros reporteros, 9 febrero 2019

El World Socialist Web Sites ha recibido muchas declaraciones de apoyo de trabajadores automotores de toda América del Norte a la manifestación del 9 de febrero contra los cierres programados de cinco plantas por parte de GM y la eliminación de 14.000 empleos.

Comandante estadounidense dice que el Pentágono está dispuesto a intervenir para defender la embajada en Venezuela

Bill Van Auken, 9 febrero

Testificando antes del Senado el viernes, el comandante de SOUTHCOM, el almirante Craig Faller, vinculó el impulso estadounidense de expulsar al gobierno de Maduro a los conflictos de "gran poder" con China y Rusia.

New in Portuguese

EUA deixam o tratado INF: mais um passo em direção à guerra nuclear

Andre Damon, 8 Fevereiro 2019

A saída dos EUA do tratado de Forças Nucleares de Alcance Intermediário (INF, na sigla em inglês) marca uma grande escalada dos esforços dos EUA para assegurar sua hegemonia militarmente.

Partido dos Trabalhadores utiliza onda de violência no Ceará para apoiar medidas de repressão e austeridade do fascista Bolsonaro

Miguel Andrade, 8 Fevereiro 2019

Sob o pretexto de combater o crime organizado, tanto Bolsonaro quanto o PT estão procurando aumentar a repressão sobre a oposição social.

Other Languages


The working class and socialism

9 February 2019

Trump’s denunciation of socialism in his State of the Union speech reflects the ruling class’s fear over the growth of the class struggle within the United States.

Earlier Perspectives »

Featured Commentary

New York Times admission of Afghanistan fiasco provokes “human rights imperialist” backlash

By Bill Van Auken, 9 February 2019

The Times editorial supporting a US withdrawal from Afghanistan is a self-damning indictment of the entire “war on terror,” which the newspaper supported for the better part of two decades.

February 9 demonstration against GM plant closings

“People are tired of not being able to pay their bills while the rich eat filet mignon”
As global jobs massacre continues, workers around the world voice support for fight against plant closures

By our reporter, 9 February 2019

Workers and students are continuing to write in to the World Socialist Web Site expressing strong support for the demonstration Saturday at General Motors headquarters in Detroit.

German workers support rally against mass layoffs in Detroit

By our reporters, 9 February 2019

The WSWS received these messages of support for the February 9 demonstration from bus drivers, auto workers, and a tram mechanic.

Committee for Public Education (Australia): Support the fight against GM layoffs!

By the Committee for Public Education (CFPE), 9 February 2019

The February 9 demonstration, organised independently of the unions, provides a lead for all workers internationally, including teachers.

“The auto workers will not be forgotten men and women!”: Press conference promotes March to Fight Plant Closures

WSWS Labor Editor Jerry White addressed a press conference Tuesday in front of GM world headquarters in downtown Detroit ahead of this weekend’s march to oppose mass layoffs in the auto industry.

Opposition mounts to GM plant closings

The reality of capitalism: GM makes $11.8 billion in profits while closing plants, eliminating 14,000 jobs

February 9 demonstration against auto plant closures in Detroit
The program and strategy to defend jobs

Lordstown GM plant closing: Another blow to northeastern Ohio

Sri Lankan tea plantation workers committee supports call for February 9 demonstration in Detroit

Reject the anti-Mexican campaign of the UAW and Unifor
Unite US, Canadian and Mexican workers against GM plant closings!

Students and youth must join the fight to oppose GM job cuts!

Defend Julian Assange!

IYSSE calls on students in Australia to join the demonstrations in defence of Julian Assange

By the IYSSE (Australia), 9 February 2019

The defence of Assange is at the cutting edge of the fight against growing authoritarianism and an assault on democratic rights around the world.

Rally to demand the Australian government acts to free Julian Assange!
Sydney Martin Place Amphitheatre, March 3! Melbourne State Library, March 10!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 25 January 2019

Australian workers and youth support March rallies in defence of Julian Assange

John Pilger to speak at March 3 Sydney rally to defend Julian Assange

Julian Assange issues “urgent” legal challenge against US extradition plans

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »

Arts Review

Woody Allen sues Amazon for failing to distribute his latest film and other breaches of contract

By David Walsh, 9 February 2019

Amazon’s refusal to distribute Allen’s film and honor its contract with him is a brazen act of censorship that is the direct product of the #MeToo witch hunt.

Cold War: Many unstated assumptions about politics and history
Also, Capernaum and Stan and Ollie

By Joanne Laurier, 8 February 2019

Fire in my mouth: New York Philharmonic premieres oratorio on the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

By Fred Mazelis, 6 February 2019

The Land of Steady Habits: Postcrash American disillusionment


Murdoch newspaper approves chief Nazi lawyer’s legal defence of dictatorship

By Richard Hoffman, 8 February 2019

AfD deputy denounces a Holocaust commemoration in German parliament

By Christoph Vandreier, 7 February 2019

Right-wing Humboldt University Professor Jorg Baberowski threatens students

Dearborn, Michigan mayor suppresses historical article on Henry Ford’s anti-Semitism

By Tom Mackaman, 7 February 2019

US military conducting urban warfare training exercises in Los Angeles

By Dan Conway, 7 February 2019

The Strategy of International Class Struggle and the Political Fight Against Capitalist Reaction in 2019

By James Cogan, Joseph Kishore and David North, 3 January 2019

One hundred years since the murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht

By Peter Schwarz, 15 January 2019

Halil Celik, 1961-2018

Halil Celik, a fighter for socialism (1961-2018)

By Peter Schwarz, 1 February 2019

On December 31, 2018, Halil Celik, founder and leader of the group Sosyalist Eşitlik, which supports the International Committee of the Fourth International in Turkey, died of cancer at the age of 57. This obituary presents an overview of his life.

In memory of Halil Celik (1961–2018)

Workers Struggles

Over 200,000 Uttar Pradesh government employees strike; Bangladesh garment workers occupy factory; New Caledonia miners still on strike
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

9 February 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Over 7,000 Bangladesh garment workers sacked after wage protests

By Wimal Perera, 8 February 2019

New York City school-bus workers’ union ignores strike vote, accepts sellout deal

By Steve Light, 8 February 2019

Behind Kia’s patronizing Super Bowl ad, auto company makes billions off low wage labor in US South

By Leslie Murtagh, 8 February 2019

Australia: Tigerair pilots locked in dispute over wages and conditions

By John Harris, 8 February 2019

Matamoros Strike

Wave of walkouts in Matamoros, Mexico builds toward general strike

By Alex González, 7 February 2019

As Unifor escalates racist anti-Mexico campaign
Canadian union leader postures as supporter of Matamoros strikers

The US pseudo-left’s conspiracy of silence on the Matamoros workers’ rebellion

70,000 strike at US-Mexico border

Help break the media blackout of the Matamoros strike by sharing this video.

Watch: A Texas Amazon worker's message to Matamoros workers

"Attention striking workers in Matamoros: I want you to know we have heard your here in the United states. We are with you and we support you." Help break the media blackout of the Matamoros strike by sharing this video.

As strike expands in the maquiladoras
Mexican auto parts workers explain how they formed strike committees

By Andrea Lobo, 26 January 2019

More on the Matamoros workers rebellion »


One hundred years since the death of Franz Mehring

By Peter Schwarz, 6 February 2019


Stanley Hill, who presided over wholesale corruption in NYC unions, dead at 82

By Alan Whyte, 7 February 2019

Socialist Equality Party

Sri Lankan SEP public meetings to launch Tamil edition of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

7 February 2019

25 years ago: Byron De La Beckwith convicted for 1963 assassination of civil rights leader Medgar Evers

Byron De La Beckwith, member of a white supremacist group, was convicted on February 5, 1994 for the 1963 assassination of Medgar Evers, a civil rights activist and head of the Mississippi state branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

More »

50 years ago: Millions strike in Italy

On February 5, 1969, millions of Italian workers participated in a one-day general strike called by the major labor federations to demand higher pensions.

More »

75 years ago: Roosevelt moves to control Arabian oil

On February 6, 1944, the US government’s Petroleum Reserve Corporation, set up by President Franklin Roosevelt, unveiled its plans to construct a vast pipeline across Saudi Arabia to transport crude oil from the Arabian wells.

More »


100 years ago: Seattle general strike begins

On February 6, 1919, 25,000 workers in Seattle, Washington walked out to join 35,000 shipyard workers already off the job, as a general strike virtually shut down the city.

More »


Oppose political censorship and fascist threats against the ISO and DSA in Portland!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality at PSU, 31 January 2019

Two political meetings on college campuses in Portland were shut down by campus police after provocations from the far-right group Patriot Prayer.

Successful election result for IYSSE at Humboldt University in Berlin

By the IYSSE chapter at Humboldt University, 26 January 2019

Mehring Books

The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century published in Tamil

1 February 2019

The translation of David North’s book is vital for Tamil-speaking workers, youth and intellectuals on the Indian sub-continent, in Sri Lanka, and exile communities around the world.

ICFI meeting announcement

Indian Trotskyists campaign for Kolkata meeting to mark the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By Arun Kumar and Ritwik Mitter, 26 January 2019

Indian university students discuss the rising danger of war and the betrayal by the Stalinist parties of the working class.

Indian Trotskyists in Kolkata to celebrate 80 years of the Fourth International

7 January 2019

The Kolkata meeting will review the essential political lessons of the protracted struggle of the Fourth International and their relevance to the fight for socialist internationalism today.

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018

Socialist Equality Party (Germany)

Socialist Equality Party takes legal action against surveillance by German secret service

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 10 January 2019

Dr. Peer Stolle, the lawyer for the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, has submitted formal notice in writing to the German Federal Agency for the Protection of the Constitution. The text of the letter is published here.

International Committee of the Fourth International

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

David North addresses New Zealand meeting celebrating 80 years of the Fourth International

By our reporters, 11 December 2018

80th anniversary of the Fourth International celebrated in Melbourne with public lecture

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

Book Review

Rohini Hensman’s Indefensible: The ISO discovers its muse—the CIA

By Alex Lantier, 14 December 2018

Rohini Hensman’s book, issued by the International Socialist Organization’s (ISO) Haymarket Books publishing house, is an endorsement of imperialist war.

Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four