Theatre | News & Reviews | The Canberra Times
Gender politics, small towns and hot potatoes

Gender politics, small towns and hot potatoes

As dramas go, you can't get more down-to-earth than the sexual politics of a potato race.

  • by Steve Meacham


A hilarious, excruciating look back at pre-teen competition

A hilarious, excruciating look back at pre-teen competition

Dance Nation brings us a wild new voice in American theatre.

  • by Cameron Woodhead
MTC's production of Miller's A View From the Bridge as good as it gets

MTC's production of Miller's A View From the Bridge as good as it gets

This stark tragedy of family violence and patriarchy forms a bridge all the way from Ancient Greece to #MeToo.

  • by Cameron Woodhead
Russian Transport review: Through thick, thin and showers of sparks

Russian Transport review: Through thick, thin and showers of sparks

Erika Sheffer's play depicts Russians behaving badly in Brooklyn.

  • by John Shand
Grounded review: Emily Havea flies us to the heavens and to hell

Grounded review: Emily Havea flies us to the heavens and to hell

George Brant's 2011 one-hander confronts war, love, death, gadgetry and empathy – all in 80 minutes!

  • by John Shand
Every Brilliant Thing review: Kate Mulvany enlists audience

Every Brilliant Thing review: Kate Mulvany enlists audience

When a mother attempts suicide, her seven-year-old daughter makes a list of everything wonderful in life.

  • by Joyce Morgan
'Anything is possible': Cirque du Soleil returns to Australia with new production
Cirque du Soleil

'Anything is possible': Cirque du Soleil returns to Australia with new production

It was love at first sight when Nico Baixas saw his first Cirque du Soleil show in Barcelona in 2003.

  • by Nick Galvin
Vote this Sunday in a different sort of election
Performing arts

Vote this Sunday in a different sort of election

Sydneysiders get to vote on Sunday as well as Saturday next weekend, for their favourite play not politician.

  • by Helen Pitt
'It's fabulous': Playwright Patricia Cornelius wins lucrative drama prize
Literature prizes

'It's fabulous': Playwright Patricia Cornelius wins lucrative drama prize

Melbourne playwright recognised on the world stage with a prestigious honour for her brave and confrontational works.

  • by Kerrie O'Brien
Spamalot review: Monty Python's feudal frolic is not dead yet

Spamalot review: Monty Python's feudal frolic is not dead yet

Time was you couldn't go to a student party without some wit regurgitating slabs of Monty Python.

  • by Joyce Morgan
Hugh Jackman to star in Broadway revival of The Music Man
Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman to star in Broadway revival of The Music Man

It's Jackman's first role in a Broadway musical since his debut more than 16 years ago in The Boy From Oz.

  • by Ashley Lee