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Books: Top 10

Books: Top 10

Marcia Langton tops the travel bestsellers chart


Graeme Simsion completes his mega-selling Rosie trilogy

Graeme Simsion completes his mega-selling Rosie trilogy

Graeme Simsion has made the subject of autism front and centre of his third Rosie Result. "To write a book now that skirted around discussion of autism would be disingenuous."

  • by Jason Steger
Award-winning author Andrew McGahan dies aged 52

Award-winning author Andrew McGahan dies aged 52

Andrew McGahan, the author of Praise, The White Earth and four other novels, has died.

  • by Jason Steger
'We are part of Australian history': Behrouz Boochani, voice of exile
Detention centres

'We are part of Australian history': Behrouz Boochani, voice of exile

"Right now, unfortunately, the situation on Manus is even more critical. Almost every day there are suicide attempts and incidents of self-harm."

  • by Arnold Zable
Bookmarks: The emasculating of the Booker Prize

Bookmarks: The emasculating of the Booker Prize

The Man group has severed its long links with the Booker Prize

  • by Jason Steger
Anniversaries review: Uwe Johnson's masterpiece makes its debut in English

Anniversaries review: Uwe Johnson's masterpiece makes its debut in English

Anniversaries aims to be comprehensive on every topic it takes up — among them, village life in post-war Germany, housing segregation on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and media coverage of Vietnam.

  • by Parul Sehgal
Behrouz Boochani wins $100,000 Victorian Prize for Literature

Behrouz Boochani wins $100,000 Victorian Prize for Literature

Behrouz Boochani has mixed feeling about winning the $100,000 Victorian Prize for Literature.

  • by Jason Steger
'Disturbing': government intervenes in Melbourne Uni publishing turmoil

'Disturbing': government intervenes in Melbourne Uni publishing turmoil

The Andrews government has called on the University of Melbourne to reverse its "disturbing" decision to overhaul its publishing arm, which prompted the resignation of influential chief executive Louise Adler.

  • by Henrietta Cook & Clay Lucas
'It's a sad day': Melbourne Uni Publishing board quit amid turmoil

'It's a sad day': Melbourne Uni Publishing board quit amid turmoil

Former NSW premier Bob Carr said the independent publisher had been replaced with a "a boutique, cloistered press for scholars only."

  • by Henrietta Cook & Jason Steger
How a Manus Island refugee became eligible for Australia's richest writing prize
Literature Prizes

How a Manus Island refugee became eligible for Australia's richest writing prize

Behrouz Boochani, the refugee who has been incarcerated on Manus Island for the past five years, will find out on Thursday whether he has won Australia's richest writing prize.

  • by Jason Steger
Tiberius with a Telephone review: Patrick Mullins' life of a neglected PM

Tiberius with a Telephone review: Patrick Mullins' life of a neglected PM

Patrick Mullins debunks the perception that Billy McMahon was little more than a one-dimensional figure dismissed as "wee Willie", or "Billy big ears".

  • by Duncan Hughes