Education | Latest News & Analysis | The Canberra Times


School's future uncertain as its becomes $200m development battleground

School's future uncertain as its becomes $200m development battleground

Plans to relocate Hurlstone Agricultural High and sell its farmland for development hang in the balance, with Labor saying it will scrap the $200 million plan and preserve the school

  • by Jordan Baker


Principal departs, parents call for expert review into school violence

Principal departs, parents call for expert review into school violence

The principal of a Canberra school at the centre of recent debate about violence has stepped down, amid calls for an ACT-wide inquiry into schoolyard attacks.

  • by Sherryn Groch
'Not without a fight': The radical plan to overhaul NAPLAN

'Not without a fight': The radical plan to overhaul NAPLAN

A Gonski proposal to overhaul NAPLAN and remove comparisons on My School has met resistance from parents, who wouldn't give up the data "without a fight"

  • by Jordan Baker
WA students suspended after meme page calls teacher a 'rapist'

WA students suspended after meme page calls teacher a 'rapist'

One of the posts ridiculing a teacher for "liking 12-year-olds" was liked by 75 people, including some students.

  • by Kaylee Meerton
Students learn the art of fine winemaking, but tasting is off the menu

Students learn the art of fine winemaking, but tasting is off the menu

It's harvest time at one of the few secondary schools with its own vineyard.

  • by Carolyn Webb
'Everything Tarrant true': Ramsay Centre under fire for speakers

'Everything Tarrant true': Ramsay Centre under fire for speakers

The Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation has come under fire over its 2019 lecture series speakers.

  • by Pallavi Singhal
University of Queensland college to admit women for first time

University of Queensland college to admit women for first time

After 107 years the University of Queensland's King's College has in 2019 decided to allow women students to become members and use their accommodation from next year.

  • by Tony Moore
Calls to ban controversial nutritionist from University of Melbourne

Calls to ban controversial nutritionist from University of Melbourne

Scientists and clinicians are calling on the University of Melbourne to cancel a seminar by a controversial nutritionist who has claimed a high-fat diet "starves" cancer.

  • by Henrietta Cook
Minister won't hear from people affected by school violence in review

Minister won't hear from people affected by school violence in review

ACT Education Minister Yvette Berry won't hear from students, teachers and parents affected by school violence and nor will an independent advisory group.

  • by Sherryn Groch and Jasper Lindell
200 cases of violence against teachers in first month back at school

200 cases of violence against teachers in first month back at school

But a government review looking into the management of violence in schools is unlikely to hear directly from those affected or investigate specific schools.

  • by Sherryn Groch
How high schools are partnering with universities to take the 'mystery' out of uni

How high schools are partnering with universities to take the 'mystery' out of uni

Starting university is becoming less of a daunting prospect for a host of Melbourne secondary students. 

  • by Anna Prytz