Middle East | Latest News & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


Middle East

Dear Mariah Carey and other celebrities: Stop going to Saudi Arabia

Dear Mariah Carey and other celebrities: Stop going to Saudi Arabia

Four months after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, the Saudi regime is trying its hardest to pretend nothing ever happened.

  • by Karen Attiah


'Extrajudicial killing:' Court finds Syria liable for reporter's death

'Extrajudicial killing:' Court finds Syria liable for reporter's death

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government is liable for its role in the 2012 death of renowned journalist Marie Colvin while covering the Syrian civil war.

  • by Lawrence Hurley
Netanyahu's toughest ballot rival launches bid for peace

Netanyahu's toughest ballot rival launches bid for peace

Former Gaza wars military chief Benny Gantz has vowed to pursue peace and address corruption.

  • by Rami Amichai
This is what life’s like when you crash out of Europe

This is what life’s like when you crash out of Europe

We arrived in Doha in the middle of the night with no luggage, no clean underwear and only the prospect of a hotel toothbrush and its tiny tube of toothpaste for comfort.

  • by Matt Holden
US and Taliban agree in principle to peace framework, envoy says

US and Taliban agree in principle to peace framework, envoy says

After nine years of halting efforts to reach a peace deal with the Taliban, a draft framework with the US is the biggest step toward ending a two-decade war.

  • by Mujib Mashal
United Arab Emirates gives all its 'gender balance' awards to men
Gender equality

United Arab Emirates gives all its 'gender balance' awards to men

The UAE vice-president boasted of the country's "significant progress" on gender equality as he handed out awards for promoting equal opportunity.

  • by Heba Kanso
Australian university academic held in Iran has been freed: lawyer

Australian university academic held in Iran has been freed: lawyer

Meimanat Hosseini-Chavoshi, a dual Australian-Iranian citizen, is a population expert affiliated with the University of Melbourne.

Taliban bring top leader into negotiations with US
World Politics

Taliban bring top leader into negotiations with US

The release of Abdul Ghani Baradar is believed to have been arranged by the US as part of negotiations over ending the 17-year Afghan war.

  • by Amir Shah & Munir Ahmed
Quiet ‘hero’ marks 30 years restoring limbs, and dignity, in war

Quiet ‘hero’ marks 30 years restoring limbs, and dignity, in war

Alberto Cairo arrived in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1990. He stayed – fixing limbs and providing hope – ever since.

  • by Mujib Mashal
Putin, Erdogan meeting ends without Syria deal on Turkish 'safe zone'

Putin, Erdogan meeting ends without Syria deal on Turkish 'safe zone'

Turkey is seeking a "safe zone cleansed of terror", said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as he stood alongside Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

  • by Peter Spinella, Anindita Ramaswamy & Ergin Hava
'She is home': thousands of mourners lay Aiia Maasarwe to rest in home city

'She is home': thousands of mourners lay Aiia Maasarwe to rest in home city

Most of the city of Baqa al-Gharbiyye, in northern Israel, shut down on Wednesday as a coffin carrying the 21-year-old student was carried through the streets.

  • by Gabrielle Weiniger