Asia | Latest News & Analysis | Brisbane Times



Philippine troops battle Muslim militants after church blast

Philippine troops battle Muslim militants after church blast

President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered government forces to destroy the Abu Sayyaf after the bombing last Sunday of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cathedral.

  • by Jim Gomez


The Australian priest helping trapped refugees the world ignores

The Australian priest helping trapped refugees the world ignores

In the back streets of Bangkok, an Australian priest-journalist is helping hundreds of Pakistani refugees survive lives of quiet desperation.

  • by James Massola
Don't get caught in the middle when great powers collide

Don't get caught in the middle when great powers collide

Canada is feeling the wrath of China after arresting Meng Wanzhou who faces possible extradition to the US. How would Australia handle such a situation?

  • by Kirsty Needham
Detained blogger Yang Hengjun sacks lawyers, China's police claim

Detained blogger Yang Hengjun sacks lawyers, China's police claim

China's secretive state security bureau has told the human rights lawyers hired by the family of detained blogger Yang Hengjun that the Australian has rejected their legal assistance.

  • by Kirsty Needham
Sri Lanka seeks $1 billion loan from China amid debt woes
Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka seeks $1 billion loan from China amid debt woes

After criticising the previous government for indebting itself to China, Sri Lanka has now requested a $1 billion loan from China.

Singapore's street food 'is a whole other universe for Western palates'
Good Weekend

Singapore's street food 'is a whole other universe for Western palates'

"Apparently local enthusiasm is an important part of the UNESCO selection criteria. It's something I saw in abundance in Singapore."

  • by Amelia Lester
Refugee footballer Hakeem al-Araibi to appear in court

Refugee footballer Hakeem al-Araibi to appear in court

The court appearance means Araibi is one step closer to being sent back to Bahrain.

  • by James Massola
'Biggest' trade deal will hinge on 'enforcement' of Chinese promises

'Biggest' trade deal will hinge on 'enforcement' of Chinese promises

China has reportedly committed to vigorously expanding imports of US products.

  • by Kirsty Needham
Throngs gather near Japan embassy to mourn South Korean sex slave
World War II

Throngs gather near Japan embassy to mourn South Korean sex slave

A hearse carrying Kim Bok-dong stopped in front of a bronze statue of a girl representing the thousands of Asian women experts say were forced into front-line brothels by the Japanese.

Landmark report reveals new human rights abuses in Myanmar

Landmark report reveals new human rights abuses in Myanmar

Journalists are being targeted and free speech curtailed in Myanmar, according to a new Human Rights Watch report.

  • by James Massola
Trump's tariff deadline set to be delayed
Trade wars

Trump's tariff deadline set to be delayed

Chinese negotiators have met in Washington with a US delegation in a bid to end a trade war that is threatening global growth.

  • by Kirsty Needham