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Western Australia

Aalingoon (Rainbow Serpent). Photo from the Desert River Sea exhibition.

Free family demo day to open huge Kimberley art show for Perth Festival

Cowhide carving and shaving, boab nut carving, live music with David Pigram, creating your own response to artworks: it's all happening this Saturday at AGWA.

Opinion & Perspectives



Vince Connelly with his family.

Former army officer, Bishop staffer throws hat in Stirling ring

Nominations for the seat opened on Tuesday after the announcement by Michael Keenan to retire from politics at the next election.

  • by Nathan Hondros
While Airbnb asks hosts to tick a box saying they are allowed to let the property, its policy does not include checking the permission.

Airbnb to cop 'fair rules' on home sharing, but hotels say it's 'lip service'

Airbnb has said it is open to fair regulation for its users in Western Australia and concedes the current rules are "broken and need to be fixed".

  • by Nathan Hondros