Bushfires threaten homes across Victoria

Bushfires threaten homes across Victoria

Out-of-control bushfires threatened homes and lives on Sunday as more than 1000 firefighters battled major blazes across Victoria.

Firefighters were stretched to the limit, fighting several large fires throughout the state.

A fire in Hepburn, in central Victoria was the major focus for the day with residents warned at daybreak to evacuate the town.

Two firefighters who were fighting the Hepburn fires were treated for heat exhaustion and over-exertion and were taken to hospital as a precaution.

Elsewhere, as almost 50 new fires sparked, emergency warnings were issued at various times for fires including days-old blazes in Timbarra in Gippsland and Grantville on the Bass Coast.


As of 10pm warnings were downgraded to 'watch and act' for every fire besides the one threatening Walhalla in the state's east, where people remained on high alert.

Baw Baw Shire councillor Michael Leaney said in a Facebook video post that one "original gold-era cottage" had been lost in the fires in Walhalla.

“We’ve had fire come into the main valley of town, unfortunately we’ve had one building lost. A small cottage on the western side of the valley. There were numerous spot fires up around the Long Tunnel Gold Mine, up around the cricket ground track and the east branch,” he said.

He said it went from "looking pretty gnarly" to about 9 millimetres of rain pouring down about 9.30pm, quelling the fire.

"They are doing a full assessment to see if there have been any further losses," he said.

"Given the conditions we were under where we had wind coming from all directions, we had flames crowning in the trees. It’s not a bad thing given that the losses could have been a lot greater."

Earlier, he described the fire as a "bizarre experience", showing how the sky was dark in one direction because of the fire, but light on the other.

Firefighting crews at Hepburn Springs.

Firefighting crews at Hepburn Springs. Credit:Brendan McCarthy/The Courier

The Timbarra fire, which has been burning since January 16 has burnt out about 15,500 hectares of bush in East Gippsland.

"We knew today was going to be a tough day for our state, for our firefighters and for our emergency services, and that's the way it is panning out at the moment," emergency management commissioner Andrew Crisp said.


Mr Crisp said the Hepburn fire, which started on Saturday evening, had burnt about 28 hectares.

About 70 houses that were in direct risk were door-knocked in Hepburn on Sunday morning.

It has been reported that Hepburn Primary School, Daylesford Primary School and Daylesford Secondary College will be closed on Monday.

"We are very, very focused on doing whatever we can to protect property.

As you can imagine our priority is protecting life and then it's about how we protect assets and that's using the retardant. Property protection is critical for us, however protection of life is even more important," Mr Crisp said.

Map of the Hepburn and Hepburn Springs area affected by bushfires. VicEmergency have given an emergency warning for the area.

Map of the Hepburn and Hepburn Springs area affected by bushfires. VicEmergency have given an emergency warning for the area.

He said there were 23 incident control centres set up across the state in eight regions, with about 500 people working in control roles.

"Out on the ground there are literally hundreds and hundreds of firefighters working on fires that have been going in some cases for the last two to three weeks," he said.

As of Sunday afternoon, there were 69 aircraft working "very, very hard" and "effectively".

The fires were fanned by soaring temperatures, hitting 43.3 degrees in the Mallee, 43.1 degrees in Hopetoun, 42.2 in Mildura, 41.1 at Melbourne Airport and 38.2 in Melbourne's CBD.

The Bureau of Meteorology's Richard Russell said high winds and thunderstorms were expected throughout the night.


"A severe thunderstorm warning is for damaging wind gusts, in this case exceeding 90km/h, which can easily bring down tree limbs. They are very much a safety risk and can greatly influence fire behaviour which we’re all working very closely with and trying to update frequently on how that’s panning out," he said.

Mr Crisp said emergency service resources were being carefully monitored in case more fires sparked as thunderstorms rolled through.

"I've had a look at the numbers and there's over 1000 firefighters (that) have been working on those fires and given the terrain ...  it is very steep so there’s a special skill-set for those remote and arduous firefighters, and there are only so many of those.

"If there are more fires, if we need we will get additional resources"

Those evacuated because of the Hepburn fire attended a relief centre at Victoria Park in Daylesford.

People on social media were offering emergency accommodation, support to house animals and the Grantville Pharmacy Bass Coast was offering personal care items such as toothbrushes and medication.

The Department of Health and Human Services advised anyone with tank water to be wary of contamination from ash, fire retardent or water bombing. If water smells, looks or tastes unsual, DHHS advises not to use it for drinking, food preparation or for animals.


Brendan Hutchinson, a Daylesford local, said many in the town were frightened and tense.

“Everyone is scared, and people are trying to look out for each other,” he said.

Mr Crisp urged people to download the VicEmergency App, to check the website and social media.

"You need a number of different sources to ensure you are getting good information to make good decision about where you are living or where you are travelling in the state."

with Matilda Boseley

Nicole Precel is a video journalist and reporter at The Age. She is also a documentary maker.

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