Smoking commuters cough up more than $100,000 in fines

Smoking commuters cough up more than $100,000 in fines

People waiting for public transport have borne the brunt of Queensland’s crackdown on public smoking, with more than $100,000 in fines issues over the last financial year.

Over 2017-18 about 400 fines of $261 were given to people smoking with nearly 200 of those issued to people waiting for a train, bus or ferry.

Executive Director of Queensland Health’s Preventative Health Branch Kaye Pulsford said the law was altered in 2016 to ban smoking at public transport stations, and inspectors had started to enforce it.

Over $100,000 in fines were issued across Queensland in 2017-18 for public smoking.

Over $100,000 in fines were issued across Queensland in 2017-18 for public smoking.Credit:Fairfax

“The message is don’t smoke in public places where people are forced to wait or congregate like at bus stops and taxi ranks, that’s just really not on,” Ms Pulsford said.


“Second-hand smoke is harmful, so if you’re not a smoker but you’re forced to wait near other people who are smoking, the government has said it’s not OK.”

About 270 warnings were also given over the same period, with smokers nabbed too close to building entrances, outdoor malls, and 27 who were fined for smoking inside a hospital.

The shrinking number of places for smokers to light up has resulted in some parts of Brisbane’s CBD becoming smoke corridors, with smokers clogging footpaths and forcing pedestrians to battle through clouds of second-hand smoke.

There is also a petition before Brisbane City Council for a blanket ban on smoking while walking in the city, complaining about having to follow in the wake smokers sneaking a quick cigarette as they pick up lunch or walk to public transport.

Ms Pulsford said ultimately they want to eliminate smoking altogether, but in the meantime she believed the current bans were sufficient.

“Whilst we’ve been able to reduce it significantly, we really would ask smokers to be thoughtful of passersby and not congregate in large groups,” she said.


“We’re aiming for a smoke-free Queensland.”

Only 11 per cent of Queenslanders smoke regularly, however smoking-related complications including lung cancer and emphysema are still one of the leading causes of death in the state.

About 5 per cent of people smoke “occasionally” while 56 per cent have never smoked and 28 per cent have managed to give up smoking.

Ms Pulsford said that was admirable, as giving up cigarettes was famously one of the hardest habits to kick.

“We would prefer people didn’t smoke in non-smoking areas and were not fined.”

“But we want people to stop smoking in those places and we will continue to fine people.”

A full list of smoke-free zones can be found here.

For help quitting, visit Quit HQ or call Quitline on 13 78 48.

Stuart Layt covers health, science and technology for the Brisbane Times. He was formerly the Queensland political reporter for AAP.
