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Best of cartoons March 22, 2019
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Best of cartoons March 22, 2019

Our talented team of artists, illustrators and cartoonists give us their humorous version of the news of the day.


Scott Morrison gives his account of 'anti-Islam' meeting in tense television interview
Scott Morrison

Scott Morrison gives his account of 'anti-Islam' meeting in tense television interview

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has vehemently denied ever suggesting anti-Muslim sentiment should be exploited for votes.

  • by Michael Koziol
Telcos look for national action on blocking dangerous sites after Christchurch

Telcos look for national action on blocking dangerous sites after Christchurch

The companies will attend a summit with Prime Minister Scott Morrison and social media giants next week.

  • by Jennifer Duke and Fergus Hunter
Labor dumps Higgins candidate in favour of high-profile lawyer

Labor dumps Higgins candidate in favour of high-profile lawyer

With some party officials believing the blue-ribbon seat is firmly within Labor's grasp, Labor has parachuted in a distinguished lawyer.

  • by Paul Sakkal
Australia 'not to blame' for terror amid fears over Turkish response
Christchurch shooting

Australia 'not to blame' for terror amid fears over Turkish response

Australians have been airing their grief and guilt to New Zealand’s top diplomat in Canberra over the actions of the Australian gunman accused of the massacres.

  • by David Crowe
Pre-election interest rate cut by the Reserve Bank may be off the agenda

Pre-election interest rate cut by the Reserve Bank may be off the agenda

The Australian Bureau of Statistics on Thursday reported the unemployment rate edged down to 4.9 per cent.

  • by Shane Wright
Counterfeiters cause pain as they lift their game
Cash economy

Counterfeiters cause pain as they lift their game

Fake notes cause financial pain for businesses, the Reserve Bank finds in a new report

  • by Shane Wright
Foreign influence showdown as universities decline to register China-funded Confucius Institutes

Foreign influence showdown as universities decline to register China-funded Confucius Institutes

None of the controversial education centres has signed up to the scheme, creating an early test for the government.

  • by Fergus Hunter
How the British Parliament would have dealt with the Fraser Anning petition
Christchurch shooting

How the British Parliament would have dealt with the Fraser Anning petition

When more than a million people speak, Australia's politicians should work out to listen.

  • by Latika Bourke

The latest illustrations from artist Cathy Wilcox

The latest work by Sydney Morning Herald editorial cartoonist Cathy Wilcox.

The latest illustrations from artist Andrew Weldon

Andrew Weldon has been a contributor to The Age and The Sunday Age for many years. His cartoons have been published widely nationally and internationally, including in The New Yorker, The Spectator and Private Eye. He has published two book collections of his work and several childrens' books. He smells funny.