National | Australian News | The Sydney Morning Herald


If you are stung by a bluebottle, try to remain as still as possible as movement causes the venom to spread more quickly.

Forget ice packs: we've been treating bluebottle stings all wrong

Getting stung by a blue bottle is an Australian rite of passage, but conventional wisdom around treatment may have been - up until now - all wrong.

  • by Laura Chung


Tanya Hall was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after giving birth to her son.

Women at higher risk of breast cancer after childbirth

Women may be at increased risk of breast cancer for more than two decades after giving birth, new research suggests.

  • by Kate Aubusson
CREDIT: TRIBUNE LIFE HEALTH - MALE - ANOREXIA TB Photos Live 3000 x 2000 Color JPEG One expert estimates that 80 percent of eating disorders in men go undiagnosed. (Fotolia) Generic lonely man suicide men farmer depression males

Thoughts of death: doctors can't predict who will suicide by asking

Most people who died of suicide deny they experience suicidal thoughts to their doctors, a major study shows.

  • by Kate Aubusson


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