5 February 2019

Jobs bloodbath at Ford and GM
Ford announces 1,000 job cuts as GM begins mass layoffs

By our reporters, 5 February 2019

As General Motors started firing 4,250 engineers, technicians, managers and other white-collar workers, it was reported that Ford will eliminate the second shift at its Flat Rock, Michigan assembly plant by April 1, wiping out more than 1,000 hourly jobs.

GM to lay off 4,250 salaried workers in North America starting Monday

US “border security”: Troops, torture, barbaric prisons

By Patrick Martin, 5 February 2019

While the Democrats claim to oppose Trump’s wall, they support all the other repressive actions carried out against defenseless immigrants and refugees.

As Trump threatens national emergency
Democrats offer increased spending for border policing

Australian workers and youth support March rallies in defence of Julian Assange

By our reporters, 5 February 2019

“I support the rally to free Assange. It is important for us to hold this protest to show that we will not tolerate any further attack on our democratic rights.”

West Virginia teachers battle legislative “education reform”

By Naomi Spencer, 5 February 2019

Teachers in West Virginia are set to vote on possible “statewide work action” against a raft of right-wing education policies being fast-tracked through the state legislature.

FBI conducted surveillance of BAMN in the name of combating “domestic terrorism”

By Tom Carter, 5 February 2019

Newly released documents establish that the FBI launched a “full investigation” of By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) based on allegations that the group had conspired to violate the rights of neo-Nazis and the KKK.

Boston jury hears testimony of how Insys Therapeutics pushed opioid painkiller and killed hundreds

By Kate Randall, 5 February 2019

Prosecutors told jurors that Insys executives were guilty of running a kickback and conspiracy scheme that bribed doctors to routinely subscribe Subsys, a highly addictive fentanyl nasal spray.

Newport, Rhode Island: Enbridge natural gas pipeline failure put thousands at risk

By John Marion, 5 February 2019

In late January, Newport joined the list of cities in New England that have been put at risk or damaged because of dilapidated natural gas infrastructure.

Integrity Initiative: UK interference in Norway

By Bjørn Halvorsen, 5 February 2019

The Anonymous leaks expose an anti-democratic conspiracy against the anti-war views of the Norwegian public.

Britain’s secret propaganda “Integrity Initiative” targets Russia

UK’s largest supermarket Tesco to shed 9,000 jobs

By Margot Miller, 5 February 2019

The response of the trade unions to the job losses was predictably muted. No fight will be waged by them to save a single job.

Lack of teachers, work overload undermine Dutch education system

By Harm Zonderland, 5 February 2019

A survey held amongst teachers exposes the disastrous working conditions in the primary schools, high schools and universities of the Netherlands.

India and the Maldives strengthen military ties

By Rohantha De Silva, 5 February 2019

In a clear jab against China, the two countries agreed not to allow their territories to “be used for any activity that is hostile to each other’s interest.”

Australia: 2,000 homes submerged in Townsville as floodgates open

By Martin Scott, 5 February 2019

Thousands forced to seek emergency accommodation in overcrowded evacuation centres.

New in Spanish

Estados Unidos desecha el tratado INF: otro paso hacia una guerra nuclear

Andre Damon, 4 febrero 2019

El retiro estadounidense del tratado de Fuerzas Nucleares de Rango Intermedio marca una escalada en los esfuerzos de Washington de afianzar su hegemonía a través de medios militares.

La huelga de Matamoros se expande mientras la clase gobernante mexicana advierte sobre una ola huelguística nacional

Eric London and Andrea Lobo, 4 febrero 2019

El principal diario financiero del país escribió: “En un dos por tres se rompió la estabilidad laboral que habíamos mantenido por décadas, con cientos de miles de renegociaciones salariales exitosas. Nova a parar ahí”.

Cómo el WRP traicionó al trotskismo:1973-1985
23. Libia: Cómo funcionaba el bloque

Declaración del Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional, 4 febrero

Este es el texto del análisis realizado en el verano de 1986 por el Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional sobre el colapso de su sección británica, el Workers Revolutionary Party.

GM despedirá a 4.250 trabajadores asalariados en América del Norte a partir del lunes

Shannon Jones, 4 febrero 2019

A medida que aumenta la ira sobre los planes de GM de recortar 15.000 empleos en los EE. UU. y Canadá, los sindicatos United Auto Workers y Unifor están incrementando su campaña antimexicana para dividir a los trabajadores del automóvil por su nacionalidad y bloquear la acción unida internacionalmente para combatir los despidos.

EUA intensifica amenazas contra Venezuela

Bill Van Auken, 4 febrero

Funcionarios estadounidenses no han ocultado que el control del petróleo venezolano y su rechazo de éste a Rusia y China son la fuerza motriz del golpe.

El Parlamento Europeo apoya el golpe de Estado en Venezuela dirigido por los EUA

Alex Lantier y Alejandro Lopez, 4 febrero 2019

El apoyo de las potencias europeas a un golpe descarado por parte de los EUA en América Latina pone en evidencia que ellos no son menos despiadados en su afirmación de sus intereses imperialistas depredadores.

La ola de huelgas en Portugal se intensifica

Paul Mitchell, 4 febrero 2019

A medida que se desarrolla el movimiento de huelga, los sindicatos han tratado de disipar una oposición unida u mantenerlas como huelgas regionales y sectoriales dirigidas a suplicar a varios ministros, al parlamento y al presidente que cambien de rumbo.

New in French

Acte XII: les «gilets jaunes» rendent hommage aux victimes de la répression

Anthony Torres, 4 février 2019

Malgré la mobilisation demain de la CGT, la masse des «gilets jaunes» reste hostile envers les tentatives des appareils syndicaux de récupérer leur lutte.

GM va licencier 4250 salariés en Amérique du Nord à partir de lundi

Shannon Jones, 4 février 2019

Alors que la colère monte contre le plan de GM de supprimer 15.000 emplois aux États-Unis et au Canada, les syndicats UAW et Unifor accentuent leur campagne nationaliste contre les Mexicains pour diviser les travailleurs et bloquer toute action unie visant à combattre les licenciements.

La grève de Matamoros s'intensifie alors que la classe dirigeante mexicaine craint une vague de grève nationale

Eric London et Andrea Lobo, 4 février 2019

Le principal journal financier a écrit: «Tout à coup, la stabilité du travail que nous avons maintenue pendant des décennies, avec des centaines de milliers de négociations contractuelles réussies, est brisée. Et ça ne s'arrêtera pas là.»

Le Parlement européen soutient le coup d’État monté par les Etats-Unis au Venezuela

Alex Lantier et Alejandro Lopez, 4 février 2019

Le soutien des puissances européennes au coup d’état éhonté américain en amérique latine souligne qu’elles n’en sont pas moins impitoyables dans la poursuite de leurs intérêts prédateurs impérialistes.

Point de presse à la veille de la rentrée parlementaire:
Québec Solidaire tend la main au gouvernement caquiste

Richard Dufour, 4 février 2019

Malgré ses prétentions à être «la véritable opposition» à la CAQ, le rôle de QS est d’étouffer le sentiment anti-capitaliste qui se développe parmi les jeunes et les travailleurs.

La chronologie d’une capitulation
Comment l’UTLA a orchestré la trahison des enseignants de Los Angeles

Alan Gilman, 4 février 2019

Bien conscient que l’entente de concession provoquerait une large opposition, le syndicat a pressé le passage de l’accord sans laisser le temps aux enseignants de l’étudier et d’en discuter.

New in Norwegian

Demonstrasjonen den 9. februar i Detroit mot nedleggelser av fabrikkanlegg
Programmet og strategien for å forsvare arbeidsplasser

Joseph Kishore, 2. februar 2019

Demonstrasjonen, kalt av WSWS og Styringskomitéen for Koalisjonen av grunnplankomitéer, er det første organiserte uttrykket for grunnplanopposisjon mot GMs arbeidsplassmassakre.

India: Fagforbundene forråder streiken til Tamil-Nadu-lærerne og offentlig ansatte

Arun Kumar, 2. februar 2019

Fagforeningene hevdet kynisk at opphevingen av alle streikehandlinger bare er «midlertidig».

Klasse, ikke Brexit, er Storbritannias store skille

Chris Marsden, 2. februar 2019

En ny rapport viser at tiår med nedskjæringer av sosialprogrammer har rammet alle arbeidere, uavhengig av om de stemte for å forlate eller forbli i EU.

New in German

9. Februar: Demonstration gegen die Schließung von Autowerken in Detroit
Das Programm und die Strategie zur Verteidigung von Arbeitsplätzen

Joseph Kishore, 2. Februar 2019

Die Demonstration, zu der die WSWS und die Leitung des Bündnisses für Aktionskomitees aufrufen, ist der erste organisierte Widerstand gegen das Arbeitsmassaker von GM.

Audi-Ungarn: Gewerkschaft beendet Streik, um weiteren Produktionsstopp in anderen Werken zu verhindern

Markus Salzmann, 2. Februar 2019

Der einwöchige Streik im ungarischen Audi-Werk in Györ hatte massive Auswirkungen auf andere Werke. Auf dem Höhepunkt seines Einflusses wurde er abgebrochen.

Halil Celik, ein Kämpfer für den Sozialismus (1961–2018)

Peter Schwarz, 2. Februar 2019

Am 31. Dezember 2018 starb Halil Celik, der Gründer und Leiter der Gruppe Sosyalist Eşitlik, die in der Türkei das Internationale Komitee der Vierten Internationale unterstützt, im Alter von 57 Jahren an einem Krebsleiden. Dieser Nachruf gibt einen Überblick über sein Leben.

„Globale Bedrohungsanalyse“ der USA richtet sich gegen China

Andre Damon, 2. Februar 2019

Die Bedrohungsanalyse ist Ausdruck der parteiübergreifenden Bestrebungen der USA, Chinas wirtschaftliche, militärische und technologische Entwicklung zu blockieren.

Amazon sucht ehemalige Bundeswehrangehörige als Führungspersonal

Dietmar Gaisenkersting, 2. Februar 2019

Die brutalen Arbeitsbedingungen und niedrigen Löhne in den Amazon-Lagerzentren sind nur durch ein ebenso brutales Regime durchzusetzen. Der Konzern sucht „Teamleiter mit militärischem Hintergrund“.

USA: Immigranten in Haftzentrum zwangsernährt

Patrick Martin, 2. Februar 2019

Die Trump-Regierung foltert Immigranten und Geflüchtete mit denselben brutalen Methoden, die in Guantanamo Bay und anderen CIA- Gefängnissen praktiziert werden.

New in Russian

Госдума ужесточает цензуру в Интернете на фоне забастовки 12 тысяч дальнобойщиков

Клара Вайс, 1 февраля 2019 г.

Законодательство является частью глобальных нападок на свободу слова в Интернете и кампании по ужесточению цензуры в отношении независимых новостных агентств.

Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: На Украине создан Совет Народных Комиссаров

1 февраля 2019 г.

28 января 1919 года в Харькове большевиками был учрежден Совет Народных Комиссаров в качестве правительства Советской Украины.

New in Urdu

جرمنی میں انقلابِ نومبر کے سوسال

اولرچ ریپرٹ اور پیٹر سکورز

جرمنی کے مزدور طبقے کی جنگ اور بادشاہت کے خلاف بغاوت اپنے عروج کو پہنچی اور اُس نے سرمایہ دارانہ نظام کو جنجھوڑ کررکھ دیاتھا۔

New in Turkish

Brezilya’daki maden faciasında 58 ölü ve yüzlerce kayıp

Gabriel Lemos, 30 Ocak 2019

13 milyon metreküp demir cevheri atığının çiftliklere, köylere ve çevreye yayılmasının ardından, 300'den fazla insan kayboldu; doğrulanan rakamlara göre 58 kişi öldü.

Other Languages


Hands off Venezuela!

5 February 2019

With the aid of European and Canadian imperialism and the right-wing governments of Latin America, Washington is preparing to either invade Venezuela or plunge it into civil war.

Earlier Perspectives »

February 9 demonstration against GM plant closings

Reject the anti-Mexican campaign of the UAW and Unifor
Unite US, Canadian and Mexican workers against GM plant closings!

By Jerry White, 5 February 2019

In opposition to the nationalism of the UAW and Unifor, the February 9 demonstration in Detroit against GM plant closures will call for the unity of US, Canadian and Mexican workers to fight for their common interests against their common enemies—the transnational auto companies.

“We need to understand we all face the same struggle”
Broad support for February 9 demonstration against GM plant closings

By our reporters, 4 February 2019

In recent days many workers have contacted the World Socialist Web Site to express support for the fight against plant shutdown and layoffs.

“We are being called to action by our brothers and sisters around the world to join this fight”
Autoworkers call for support for February 9 march against GM plant closings

February 9 demonstration against auto plant closures in Detroit
The program and strategy to defend jobs

By Joseph Kishore, 1 February 2019

The demonstration, called by the WSWS and the Steering Committee of the Coalition of Rank-and-File Committees, is the first organized expression of rank-and-file opposition to GM’s jobs massacre.

Students and youth must join the fight to oppose GM job cuts!

By International Youth and Students for Social Equality US, 31 January 2019

No layoffs! No concessions!
Autoworkers call for demonstration February 9 to fight GM plant closings

By Jerry White, 12 January 2019

Detroit autoworkers support striking Mexican workers

"The best thing to do would be to unify with the American workers." Share this video to promote the March to Fight GM Plant Closures on February 9.

Defend the Matamoros workers! For a united fight by US, Canadian and Mexican workers to defend jobs and decent living standards!
March on February 9 to oppose GM job cuts!

the Steering Committee of the Coalition of Rank-and-File Committees, 29 January 2019

Fight the Ford layoffs! Build rank-and-file committees to unite autoworkers across Europe!

Arts Review

The Land of Steady Habits: Postcrash American disillusionment

By David Walsh, 5 February 2019

The film follows Anders Hill, who has recently quit his job on Wall Street and divorced his wife of several decades, Helene. The events unfold in southwest Connecticut, in New York City’s affluent suburbs.

Leyla McCalla’s Capitalist Blues: Keeping one’s eyes open

Vanity Fair: A new television adaptation of the great 19th century novel


“Yellow vest” assemblies meet in Commercy
The pseudo-left parties seek to intervene in France’s “yellow vest” movement

By V. Gnana and Alex Lantier, 5 February 2019

On January 26, the Assembly of “yellow vest” assemblies was held, after two previous meetings of the Popular Assembly at Commercy since the “yellow vest” movement began.

Twelfth “yellow vest” protest marches against police repression in France

More on the "yellow vests" protests in France »

The Governor Ralph Northam affair

By Patrick Martin, 4 February 2019

The US scraps the INF treaty: Another step toward nuclear war

By Andre Damon, 2 February 2019

No deal reached at US-China trade meeting

By Nick Beams, 2 February 2019

The Fed’s interest rate U-turn: Some economic and political conclusions

By Nick Beams, 2 February 2019

Fascists march in Auschwitz

By Clara Weiss, 31 January 2019

The political role of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

By Genevieve Leigh, 31 January 2019

The Strategy of International Class Struggle and the Political Fight Against Capitalist Reaction in 2019

By James Cogan, Joseph Kishore and David North, 3 January 2019

One hundred years since the murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht

By Peter Schwarz, 15 January 2019

“We are just another package that can be replaced”
FedEx, UPS workers outraged after Illinois truck driver dies on the job in extreme cold weather


Halil Celik, a fighter for socialism (1961-2018)

By Peter Schwarz, 1 February 2019

On December 31, 2018, Halil Celik, founder and leader of the group Sosyalist Eşitlik, which supports the International Committee of the Fourth International in Turkey, died of cancer at the age of 57. This obituary presents an overview of his life.

In memory of Halil Celik (1961–2018)

Defend Julian Assange!

Rally to demand the Australian government acts to free Julian Assange!
Sydney Martin Place Amphitheatre, March 3! Melbourne State Library, March 10!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 25 January 2019

John Pilger to speak at March 3 Sydney rally to defend Julian Assange

Julian Assange issues “urgent” legal challenge against US extradition plans

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »

Matamoros Auto Strike

The US pseudo-left’s conspiracy of silence on the Matamoros workers’ rebellion

By Alex González, 4 February 2019

Matamoros strike grows as Mexican ruling class warns of national strike wave

By Eric London and Andrea Lobo, 2 February 2019

The economics of the North American auto industry
How global auto parts corporations profit by exploiting Mexican workers

Worker in Mexico fired, beaten, censored, and falsely charged for protesting corporate abuses

Matamoros, Mexico maquiladora workers threatened with mass plant closures

70,000 strike at US-Mexico border

Help break the media blackout of the Matamoros strike by sharing this video.

Watch: A Texas Amazon worker's message to Matamoros workers

"Attention striking workers in Matamoros: I want you to know we have heard your here in the United states. We are with you and we support you." Help break the media blackout of the Matamoros strike by sharing this video.

Mexican government prepares “legal” pretext for end of Matamoros strike

By Alex González, 29 January 2019

Strikes by Hungarian Audi workers, Mexican auto parts workers
The global struggle of autoworkers

Matamoros strike at a crossroads as Mexican government orders crackdown

Unifor launches anti-Mexican boycott as diversion from fight over Oshawa closure

As strike expands in the maquiladoras
Mexican auto parts workers explain how they formed strike committees

More on the Matamoros workers rebellion »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: the Americas

5 February 2019

Auto production in the US and Canada has been impacted by the ongoing strikes by maquiladora workers in Matamoros, Mexico which have disrupted shipments of critical parts.

Lawsuit alleges Amazon caused worker’s death

By Jeff Lusanne, 2 February 2019

More on Amazon »

Portugal’s strike wave intensifies

By Paul Mitchell, 2 February 2019

United Steelworkers announces concessions contract agreement with Shell Oil

By Jessica Goldstein, 2 February 2019

Florida education commissioner advocates widespread privatization

By Jean Bellevie and Matthew MacEgan, 2 February 2019

The political questions facing US oil workers in the 2019 contract negotiations

West Virginia teachers angered over renewed attack on public education

By Phyllis Steele and Nancy Hanover, 1 February 2019

Sacramento school district threatens bankruptcy to extort concessions from teachers

The timeline of a sellout
How the UTLA orchestrated the betrayal of Los Angeles teachers

After sellout of Los Angeles teachers strike, new attacks on public schools coming

India: Unions betray Tamil Nadu teachers’ and government workers’ strike

By Arun Kumar, 1 February 2019

The political significance of India’s two-day general strike

Berlin teachers and social workers strike for better working conditions

By our reporters, 31 January 2019

More on teachers' struggles »

Sri Lankan plantation workers protest unions’ sellout wage deal

By M. Thevarajah and W.A. Sunil, 29 January 2019

Oppose the Sri Lankan plantation unions’ sellout agreement!

An appeal from a UK rail worker for a joint fight of rail, bus and tram workers across Europe

Second nationwide strike by New Zealand doctors

25 years ago: Byron De La Beckwith convicted for 1963 assassination of civil rights leader Medgar Evers

Byron De La Beckwith, member of a white supremacist group, was convicted on February 5, 1994 for the 1963 assassination of Medgar Evers, a civil rights activist and head of the Mississippi state branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

More »

50 years ago: Millions strike in Italy

On February 5, 1969, millions of Italian workers participated in a one-day general strike called by the major labor federations to demand higher pensions.

More »

75 years ago: Roosevelt moves to control Arabian oil

On February 6, 1944, the US government’s Petroleum Reserve Corporation, set up by President Franklin Roosevelt, unveiled its plans to construct a vast pipeline across Saudi Arabia to transport crude oil from the Arabian wells.

More »


100 years ago: Seattle general strike begins

On February 6, 1919, 25,000 workers in Seattle, Washington walked out to join 35,000 shipyard workers already off the job, as a general strike virtually shut down the city.

More »


Oppose political censorship and fascist threats against the ISO and DSA in Portland!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality at PSU, 31 January 2019

Two political meetings on college campuses in Portland were shut down by campus police after provocations from the far-right group Patriot Prayer.

Successful election result for IYSSE at Humboldt University in Berlin

By the IYSSE chapter at Humboldt University, 26 January 2019

Final IYSSE election meeting at Humboldt University in Berlin
How can the rise of the far-right be stopped?

Right-wing Humboldt University Professor Jorg Baberowski threatens students

Mehring Books

The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century published in Tamil

1 February 2019

The translation of David North’s book is vital for Tamil-speaking workers, youth and intellectuals on the Indian sub-continent, in Sri Lanka, and exile communities around the world.

ICFI meeting announcement

Indian Trotskyists campaign for Kolkata meeting to mark the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By Arun Kumar and Ritwik Mitter, 26 January 2019

Indian university students discuss the rising danger of war and the betrayal by the Stalinist parties of the working class.

Indian Trotskyists in Kolkata to celebrate 80 years of the Fourth International

7 January 2019

The Kolkata meeting will review the essential political lessons of the protracted struggle of the Fourth International and their relevance to the fight for socialist internationalism today.

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018

The Fight Against Postmodernism

Widespread student support for beleaguered professor Peter Boghossian

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality at Portland State University, 17 January 2019

Portland State University threatens to fire Peter Boghossian for authoring “Grievance Studies” hoax

The “Grievance Studies” hoax exposes postmodernist charlatans

Socialist Equality Party (Germany)

Socialist Equality Party takes legal action against surveillance by German secret service

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 10 January 2019

Dr. Peer Stolle, the lawyer for the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, has submitted formal notice in writing to the German Federal Agency for the Protection of the Constitution. The text of the letter is published here.

International Committee of the Fourth International

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

David North addresses New Zealand meeting celebrating 80 years of the Fourth International

By our reporters, 11 December 2018

80th anniversary of the Fourth International celebrated in Melbourne with public lecture

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

Book Review

Rohini Hensman’s Indefensible: The ISO discovers its muse—the CIA

By Alex Lantier, 14 December 2018

Rohini Hensman’s book, issued by the International Socialist Organization’s (ISO) Haymarket Books publishing house, is an endorsement of imperialist war.

Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four