
the logo for the Down Under Feminists Carnival - the international symbol for 'female' with the Southern Cross in the centreThis is the home for the Down Under Feminists Carnival of blog postings, which is now in its ninth year.

Learn more about how the carnival works.
Got Firefox? Mary’s bookmarklet should make submitting easier.

Volunteer to host!

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Volunteer to host a carnival!

The Carnival will be taking a break this coming month – we’ve run dry on volunteers to host. If you’ve hosted in the past or have considered hosting, please contact me at chally.zeroatthebone [at] gmail [dot] com in order to volunteer or else use the DUFC contact form. You’ll get submissions to help you out and I am of course on hand for anything you need. Hopefully we can fill up all those hosting slots and the break will only last the month!

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One Hundred and Ninth Edition @ Opinions @ bluebec.com

5 July 2017: At Opinions @ bluebec.com, Rebecca shares DUFC #109! She writes:

Hi all, it’s been ages since I blogged because I have been busy with school, life, more life, and then some more life.  I’ve missed you all and I only have one more semester to complete in my course (Graduate Diploma of Museum Studies), which I will write about later (much later, like in November when I’m back from being overseas after I’ve finished my course).

But anyway, there is a Down Under Feminist’s Carnival to share with you all, and I should get right on that.  Thanks to Chally and Scarlett for providing submissions for the carnival.

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It’s almost the end of June…

This is your regular reminder to submit to the Down Under Feminists Carnival.

The next edition of the Down Under Feminists Carnival is planned for 5 July, 2017, and will be hosted by Rebecca at Opinions @ bluebec.com. Submissions to rebecca [dot] dominguez [at] gmail [dot] com.

Submissions must be of posts of feminist interest by writers from Australia and New Zealand that were published in June. Submissions are due on 2 July at the latest, but it’ll be easier on Rebecca if you submit sooner rather than later. So submit early and often, please, and spread the word!



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Call for Submissions: One Hundred and Ninth Edition @ Opinions @ bluebec.com

The next edition of the Down Under Feminists Carnival is planned for 5 July, 2017, and will be hosted by Rebecca at Opinions @ bluebec.com. Submissions to rebecca [dot] dominguez [at] gmail [dot] com.

Submissions must be of posts of feminist interest by writers from Australia and New Zealand that were published in June. Submissions are due on 2 July at the latest, but it’ll be easier on Rebecca if you submit sooner rather than later. So submit early and often, please, and spread the word!

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One Hundred and Eighth Edition @ Zero at the Bone

11 June 2017: At Zero at the Bone, I present DUFC #108! I write:

Welcome to the 108th Down Under Feminists Carnival! Thank you to those who sent in submissions of the latest in New Zealand and Australian online writing of feminist interest.

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It’s almost the end of May…

This is your regular reminder to submit to the Down Under Feminists Carnival.

The next edition of the Down Under Feminists Carnival is planned for 5 June, 2017, and will be hosted by me at Zero at the Bone. Submissions to chally [dot] zeroatthebone [at] gmail [dot] com. You can use the same email address to volunteer to host a future carnival.

Submissions must be of posts of feminist interest by writers from Australia and New Zealand that were published in May. Submissions are due on 2 June at the latest, but it’ll be easier on me if you submit sooner rather than later. So submit early and often, please, and spread the word!


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Call for Submissions: One Hundred and Eighth Edition @ Zero at the Bone

While DUFC #107 is percolating, let’s get to work on the next one.

The next edition of the Down Under Feminists Carnival is planned for 5 June, 2017, and will be hosted by me at Zero at the Bone. Submissions to chally [dot] zeroatthebone [at] gmail [dot] com.

Submissions must be of posts of feminist interest by writers from Australia and New Zealand that were published in May. Submissions are due on 2 June at the latest, but it’ll be easier on me if you submit sooner rather than later. So submit early and often, please, and spread the word!

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