31 January 2019

Six dead as record-breaking Arctic air mass hits US Midwest

By Niles Niemuth, 31 January 2019

The onset of exceptionally frigid temperatures has once again exposed the failure of American capitalism, which is unable to maintain the infrastructure required to withstand extreme weather events.

Matamoros, Mexico maquiladora workers threatened with mass plant closures

By Alex González, 31 January 2019

The strike of auto parts and electrical workers in Matamoros, Mexico has powerfully demonstrated the international character of the class struggle.

Venezuela’s oil and the geopolitics of the US-backed coup

By Gabriel Black, 31 January 2019

Venezuela’s massive reserves are seen by the United States and its allies as a vital chess piece in the war drive against China.

Germany and EU support US-engineered coup in Venezuela

In the wake of December’s market turbulence
US Fed does about-turn on interest rates

By Nick Beams, 31 January 2019

The Federal Reserve’s statement yesterday dropped its language stating that further rises would be appropriate.

The fraud of "oversight" by Democrats
Pentagon officials provide few answers at House committee hearing on troops at the border

By Kevin Martinez, 31 January 2019

The new committee, staffed by many former military officials, failed to get any real answers from the Pentagon brass and instead gave them a platform to ask for more funds and troops.

Sacramento school district threatens bankruptcy to extort concessions from teachers

By Dan Conway, 31 January 2019

School district officials in California’s capital city announced they had to cut $16 million from spending by November 2019 to avoid state receivership, with another $16 million in cuts needed for next year.

Berlin teachers and social workers strike for better working conditions

By our reporters, 31 January 2019

The unions have long worked with the parties that form the Berlin Senate to impose cuts.

Oklahoma legislators seek to strip teachers of democratic rights

After sellout of Los Angeles teachers strike, new attacks on public schools coming

City Colleges of Chicago averts staff and faculty strike

By Alexander Fangmann, 31 January 2019

Just days after the setting of a February 4 strike date, the Cook County College Teachers Union and Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that a tentative agreement had been reached.

As Friday contract deadline approaches, USW keeps 30,000 oil workers in the dark

By Jessica Goldstein, 31 January 2019

On the eve of contract deadlines for 30,000 oil and chemical workers in the US, the United Steelworkers union is colluding with oil corporations behind closed doors to prepare a sellout contract.

The political questions facing US oil workers in the 2019 contract negotiations

Lima sewage disaster exposes infrastructure neglect in Peru

By Armando Cruz, 31 January 2019

Seeking to exploit the disaster that affected nearly 2,000 people, “free-market” proponents rushed in to demand the privatization of the public water company, Sedapal.

UK: Corbyn allows vicious Tory Immigration Bill to pass

By Thomas Scripps and Chris Marsden, 31 January 2019

Corbyn and his Labour Party are opposed to the free movement of European Union labour and support what Corbyn has termed “managed migration.”

Sudan’s anti-government protests enter sixth week

By Jean Shaoul, 31 January 2019

President Omar al-Bashir can count on the support of the region’s dictators, all of whom hate each other but fear their own working class more.

Australian political and media establishment intensifies anti-China campaign

By Oscar Grenfell, 31 January 2019

A coordinated political offensive is underway, aimed at legitimising Australia’s central role in the US confrontation with Beijing.

IMF to resume Sri Lankan loan program discussions

By Saman Gunadasa, 31 January 2019

The Sri Lankan government has assured the IMF of its commitment to “strong” austerity measures.

New in Urdu

جرمنی میں انقلابِ نومبر کے سوسال

اولرچ ریپرٹ اور پیٹر سکورز

جرمنی کے مزدور طبقے کی جنگ اور بادشاہت کے خلاف بغاوت اپنے عروج کو پہنچی اور اُس نے سرمایہ دارانہ نظام کو جنجھوڑ کررکھ دیاتھا۔

New in French

Le gouvernement indien licencie des centaines d'enseignants alors que la grève au Tamil Nadu est à la croisée des chemins

Arun Kumar, 31 janvier 2019

En isolant les enseignants et les fonctionnaires en grève, l’alliance des syndicats, JACTTO-GEO, qui compte des centaines de milliers de membres, a permis au gouvernement de l'État d'intensifier ses attaques antidémocratiques.

Le président français Macron rend visite au bourreau du Caire

Will Morrow et Alex Lantier, 31 janvier 2019

La visite de Macron au dictateur égyptien Abdel Fattah al-Sisi est un avertissement que son gouvernement a résolu d’intensifier radicalement la répression contre les «gilets jaunes» et l’opposition populaire en général.

L'Allemagne et l'UE soutiennent le coup d'État monté par les États-Unis au Venezuela

Peter Schwarz, 31 janvier 2019

Berlin et Bruxelles soutiennent le coup d’État au Venezuela parce qu'ils poursuivent leurs propres intérêts impérialistes en Amérique latine.

Grande-Bretagne: May repousse les demandes de retarder le Brexit et celles d'exclure une sortie « sans accord »

Robert Stevens et Chris Marsden, 31 janvier 2019

La promesse de Theresa May de chercher à obtenir plus de concessions de l’UE a permis au gouvernement d’imposer sa volonté, même si cela pourrait bien se révéler une victoire à la Pyrrhus, de très courte durée.

«Le capitalisme devrait être renversé à mon avis»
Des étudiants manifestent à Toronto contre la réduction de l'aide financière

Par nos journalistes, 31 janvier 2019

Environ 2000 étudiants ont marché de la place Yonge-Dundas jusqu'à l'Assemblée législative provinciale de Queens Park pour s'opposer à la suppression de l'aide financière aux étudiants des collèges et universités par le gouvernement conservateur de droite du premier ministre Doug Ford.

L'Ontario coupe l’aide financière aux étudiants à faible revenu

Roger Jordan, 31 janvier 2019

Des étudiants indignés ont convoqué un rassemblement à Toronto pour protester contre les coupes dans l'aide financière aux études – le plus récent chapitre dans la guerre du gouvernement Ford contre la classe ouvrière.

New in Norwegian

Frankrikes president Macron besøker Cairos bøddel

Will Morrow og Alex Lantier, 31. januar 2019

Macrons besøk til den egyptiske diktatoren Abdel Fattah el-Sisi er en advarsel om at hans regjering har til hensikt drastisk å øke undertrykkingen av «de gule vestene» og bredere folkelig opposisjon.

Indisk delstatsregjering sier opp hundrevis av lærere der Tamil-Nadu-streiken er ved en korsvei

Arun Kumar, 31. januar 2019

Ved å isolere streikende lærere og offentlig ansatte har fagforbundsalliansen JACTTO-GEO, som har hundretusenvis av medlemmer, gitt statsregjeringen anledning til å intensivere sine antidemokratiske angrep.

Tyskland og EU støtter USA-orkestrert kupp i Venezuela

Peter Schwarz, 31. januar 2019

Berlin og Brüssel støtter kuppet i Venezuela fordi de har sine egne imperialistiske interesser i Latin-Amerika.

Forsvar Matamoros-arbeiderne! For en forent kamp av amerikanske, kanadiske og meksikanske arbeidere til forsvar for jobber og anstendige livsvilkår!

Styringskomitéen for Koalisjonen av grunnplankomitéer, 31. januar 2019

Det følgende er en uttalelse fra Styringskomitéen for Koalisjonen av grunnplankomitéer til støtte for streiken til maquiladora-arbeidere i Matamoros i Mexico. Styringskomitéen, som består av bilarbeidere og arbeidere ved Amazon og i andre bransjer, ble dannet på nødssituasjonsmøtet for å bekjempe General Motors’ fabrikknedleggelser, avholdt i Detroit den 9. desember 2018, som ble sponset av World Socialist Web Site Autoworker Newsletter.

New in German

Macron besucht den Henker von Kairo

Will Morrow und Alex Lantier, 31. Januar 2019

Macrons Besuch beim ägyptischen Diktator Abdel Fattah el-Sisi ist eine Warnung an die „Gelbwesten“ und die breite Opposition im eigenen Land, dass die Regierung ihre Unterdrückung massiv verschärfen will.

Streik in Tamil Nadu am Scheideweg
Indische Regierung entlässt hunderte von Lehrern

Arun Kumar, 31. Januar 2019

Die hunderttausende Mitglieder starke Gewerkschaft JACTTO-GEO hat die streikenden Lehrer und Staatsbeschäftigten isoliert und es so der Regierung des indischen Bundesstaats ermöglicht, ihre undemokratischen Angriffe zu verschärfen.

Opel-Arbeiter beunruhigt über Abbaupläne

Korrespondenten, 31. Januar 2019

Viele Opel-Arbeiter sind von der IG Metall enttäuscht und suchen nach einer Alternative, um gegen Stellenabbau, Arbeitsstress und Lohndumping zu kämpfen.

New in Spanish

El presidente francés Macron visita al verdugo del Cairo

Por Will Morrow y Alex Lantier, 31 enero 2019

La visita de Macron al dictador egipcio, Abdel fatah el Sisi, es una advertencia de que su Gobierno pretende escalar drásticamente su represión contra los “chalecos amarillos” y la oposición popular.

Alemania y la UE apoyan el golpe de Estado en Venezuela urdido por Estados Unidos

Por Peter Schwarz, 31 enero 2019

Berlín y Bruselas están apoyando el golpe en venezuela porque persiguen sus propios intereses imperialistas en América Latina.

Después de la huelga de maestros de Los Ángeles, se avecinan nuevos ataques a las escuelas públicas

Por Alan Gilman, 31 enero 2019

El acuerdo ni siquiera abordó las demandas más críticas de los docentes: reducir los tamaños de las clases, aumentar los salarios, detener la expansión de las escuelas concertadas y atender el desfinanciamiento crónico de la educación pública.

Cómo el WRP traicionó al trotskismo:1973-1985
20. El WRP traiciona la revolución de Zimbabue

Declaración del Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional, 31 enero 2019

Este es el texto del análisis realizado en el verano de 1986 por el Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional sobre el colapso de su sección británica, el Workers Revolutionary Party.

New in Russian

Успешный результат ИМССР на выборах в берлинском Университете имени Гумбольдта

Группа ИМССР в Гумбольдском университете, 30 января 2019 г.

ИМССР на треть увеличила свой результат — с 3,75 до более 5 процентов, и будет располагать в студенческом парламенте тремя представителями.

New in Turkish

Brezilya’daki maden faciasında 58 ölü ve yüzlerce kayıp

Gabriel Lemos, 30 Ocak 2019

13 milyon metreküp demir cevheri atığının çiftliklere, köylere ve çevreye yayılmasının ardından, 300'den fazla insan kayboldu; doğrulanan rakamlara göre 58 kişi öldü.

Other Languages


Fascists march in Auschwitz

31 January 2019

The sight of a rabble of Nazi trash desecrating the memory of those who perished in Auschwitz is sickening and must be answered. But the response must be informed by an understanding of the inextricable link between capitalism, the crisis of bourgeois democracy, and fascist reaction.

Earlier Perspectives »


The political role of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

By Genevieve Leigh, 31 January 2018

While attracting support based on her criticisms of social inequality, Ocasio-Cortez serves to provide a left cover for the Democratic Party, the better to block the development of a genuine movement against social inequality and capitalism.

French President Macron visits the hangman of Cairo

By Will Morrow and Alex Lantier, 30 January 2019

Indian government fires hundreds of teachers as Tamil Nadu strike faces a crossroads

By Arun Kumar, 30 January 2019

Stone indictment presents no evidence of links between WikiLeaks and Trump campaign

Afghanistan peace talks and the debacle of the war on terror

In broadside against China, White House levels criminal charges against Huawei

The Strategy of International Class Struggle and the Political Fight Against Capitalist Reaction in 2019

By James Cogan, Joseph Kishore and David North, 3 January 2019

One hundred years since the murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht

By Peter Schwarz, 15 January 2019

February 9 demonstration against GM plant closings

Students and youth must join the fight to oppose GM job cuts!

By International Youth and Students for Social Equality US, 31 January 2019

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) calls on young people to support autoworkers in their fight against General Motors’ plans to close five plants in the US and Canada.

No layoffs! No concessions!
Autoworkers call for demonstration February 9 to fight GM plant closings

By Jerry White, 12 January 2019

“We are being called to action by our brothers and sisters around the world to join this fight”
Autoworkers call for support for February 9 march against GM plant closings

By Jerry White, 30 January 2019

The demonstration is taking place as opposition to job cuts by GM, Ford and other global automakers is growing throughout the Americas and Europe.

Detroit autoworkers support striking Mexican workers

"The best thing to do would be to unify with the American workers." Share this video to promote the March to Fight GM Plant Closures on February 9.

Defend the Matamoros workers! For a united fight by US, Canadian and Mexican workers to defend jobs and decent living standards!
March on February 9 to oppose GM job cuts!

the Steering Committee of the Coalition of Rank-and-File Committees, 29 January 2019

Fight the Ford layoffs! Build rank-and-file committees to unite autoworkers across Europe!


Oppose political censorship and fascist threats against the ISO and DSA in Portland!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality at PSU, 31 January 2019

Two political meetings on college campuses in Portland were shut down by campus police after provocations from the far-right group Patriot Prayer.

Successful election result for IYSSE at Humboldt University in Berlin

By the IYSSE chapter at Humboldt University, 26 January 2019

Final IYSSE election meeting at Humboldt University in Berlin
How can the rise of the far-right be stopped?

Right-wing Humboldt University Professor Jorg Baberowski threatens students

Arts Review

Beautiful Boy: Part of the truth about drug addiction

By Joanne Laurier, 30 January 2019

Critic-at-large Wesley Morris on the Academy Awards
Why does the New York Times keep pushing pernicious racialism?

By David Walsh, 28 January 2019

Matamoros Auto Strike

70,000 strike at US-Mexico border

Help break the media blackout of the Matamoros strike by sharing this video.

Watch: A Texas Amazon worker's message to Matamoros workers

"Attention striking workers in Matamoros: I want you to know we have heard your here in the United states. We are with you and we support you." Help break the media blackout of the Matamoros strike by sharing this video.

Mexican government prepares “legal” pretext for end of Matamoros strike

By Alex González, 29 January 2019

Strikes by Hungarian Audi workers, Mexican auto parts workers
The global struggle of autoworkers

Matamoros strike at a crossroads as Mexican government orders crackdown

Unifor launches anti-Mexican boycott as diversion from fight over Oshawa closure

As strike expands in the maquiladoras
Mexican auto parts workers explain how they formed strike committees

More on the Matamoros workers rebellion »

Workers Struggles

Sri Lankan plantation workers protest unions’ sellout wage deal

By M. Thevarajah and W.A. Sunil, 29 January 2019

Oppose the Sri Lankan plantation unions’ sellout agreement!

An appeal from a UK rail worker for a joint fight of rail, bus and tram workers across Europe

By our correspondent, 28 January 2019

Second nationwide strike by New Zealand doctors

By our reporters, 30 January 2019

The WSWS spoke to doctors and their supporters outside Wellington Hospital as more than 3,300 held their second two-day nationwide strike this year.

25 years ago: Tonya Harding’s ex-husband pleads guilty in attack on Nancy Kerrigan

On February 1, 1994, figure skater Tonya Harding’s ex-husband Jeff Gillooly negotiated a plea bargain for his role in the attack on rival figure skater Nancy Kerrigan.

More »

50 years ago: Yasser Arafat elected to head the PLO

The Palestine Liberation Organization chose Yasser Arafat as its new chairman on February 3, 1969, at the Palestine National Congress held in Cairo.

More »

75 years ago: Nazi crackdown in Poland

On February 1, 1944, Franz Kutschera, the Nazi SS and police chief of the Warsaw district was assassinated by agents of the Polish Home Army.

More »


100 years ago: Soviet Council of People’s Commissars created in Ukraine

On January 28, 1919, the Bolsheviks in Ukraine established a Council of People’s Commissars in Kharkov as the government of Soviet Ukraine.

More »

The fight to defend public education

The timeline of a sellout
How the UTLA orchestrated the betrayal of Los Angeles teachers

By Alan Gilman, 25 January 2019

“It was rushed. It was a farce”
Los Angeles teachers livid over union’s betrayal of strike

More on teachers' struggles »

Defend Julian Assange!

Rally to demand the Australian government acts to free Julian Assange!
Sydney Martin Place Amphitheatre, March 3! Melbourne State Library, March 10!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 25 January 2019

Julian Assange issues “urgent” legal challenge against US extradition plans

ICFI meeting announcement

Indian Trotskyists campaign for Kolkata meeting to mark the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By Arun Kumar and Ritwik Mitter, 26 January 2019

Indian university students discuss the rising danger of war and the betrayal by the Stalinist parties of the working class.

Indian Trotskyists in Kolkata to celebrate 80 years of the Fourth International

7 January 2019

The Kolkata meeting will review the essential political lessons of the protracted struggle of the Fourth International and their relevance to the fight for socialist internationalism today.

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018

The Fight Against Postmodernism

Widespread student support for beleaguered professor Peter Boghossian

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality at Portland State University, 17 January 2019

Portland State University threatens to fire Peter Boghossian for authoring “Grievance Studies” hoax

The “Grievance Studies” hoax exposes postmodernist charlatans


New study finds up to 15,000 Jews killed each day at peak of Holocaust

By Clara Weiss, 16 January 2019

Socialist Equality Party (Germany)

Socialist Equality Party takes legal action against surveillance by German secret service

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 10 January 2019

Dr. Peer Stolle, the lawyer for the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, has submitted formal notice in writing to the German Federal Agency for the Protection of the Constitution. The text of the letter is published here.


In memory of Halil Celik (1961–2018)

By the International Committee of the Fourth International, 2 January 2019

Halil Celik, founder and leader of the Sosyalist Eşitlik group, which supports the International Committee of the Fourth International in Turkey, died on December 31, 2018 following a serious illness.


Scientific breakthrough promises to increase agricultural productivity by 40 percent

By Philip Guelpa and Thomas H. Douglass, 9 January 2019

International Committee of the Fourth International

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

David North addresses New Zealand meeting celebrating 80 years of the Fourth International

By our reporters, 11 December 2018

80th anniversary of the Fourth International celebrated in Melbourne with public lecture

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

Book Review

Rohini Hensman’s Indefensible: The ISO discovers its muse—the CIA

By Alex Lantier, 14 December 2018

Rohini Hensman’s book, issued by the International Socialist Organization’s (ISO) Haymarket Books publishing house, is an endorsement of imperialist war.

Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four

Socialist Equality Party

Resolution of the SEP (UK) Fourth National Congress
The resurgence of the class struggle and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)

By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 6 December 2018

This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Fourth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party in Britain, which was held October 27-30, 2018.