Posts Tagged ‘La Rebelión de las Palabras’

Santiago, Chile: Contribution of La Rebelión de las Palabras to the meeting in combative memory of Sebastian Oversluij

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

Contribution from La Rebelión de las Palabras for the meeting taking place in Santiago, Chile on 23rd December in combative memory of nihilist-anarchist comrade Sebastian Oversluij, “Angry”. The meeting was also within the context of Black December and internationalist anarchist praxis. 5th year since Sebastian’s death during a bank expropriation.

From the Spanish State, we greet first of all the compas that raised the commemorative activity for Angry, to a new anniversary of his death in action when he was trying to expropriate one of the temples of Capital. The noise of the blast that killed him awoke new feelings of rabid sadness that roamed the globe, unleashing actions of revenge, activities in his memory, and that inspired more individuals and groups that from the offensive or not, returned to take a breath to continue on this difficult path. We did not know Angry, nor did we know the political and social context of the Chilean territory where he developed, lived and fought. However, the courage, the determination and the coherent commitment that he showed with his last action reverberate in us, and we also feel affinity with his words, his music with the rap band Palabras En Conflicto, which we know and like, and with his drawings and gestures, contributions that mark his offensive trajectory, feeling honored to be able to participate in this activity contributing the present writing.

We have been asked to write something about the context of anarchism in the territories dominated by the Spanish State. However, to be honest, we do not feel legitimacy for such a task, since we do not know in depth the concrete context of many places of the state, and others we know them in a partial, ephemeral way or in any case, from an approach that starts from our assessment, our subjectivity and our own processes, affinities, preferences, with what we have decided to make a general assessment that, we repeat, part of our own personal valuations, without having to be taken as an absolute reason or that we intend to speak for others companions who, perhaps, have another point of view and something to say about it. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Spanish translation of "Reclaim Your Mind : Manifesto"

Saturday, May 3rd, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

Comrades, from somewhere on the Spanish state I send to you the link to a
PDF of a Spanish translation of the text “Reclaim Your Mind : Manifesto”,
uploaded to your server.

Greetings and hugs.

In solidarity,
La Rebelión de las Palabras.


+ COVER: http://vozcomoarma.noblogs.org/files/2014/03/Portada1.pdf
+ BODY: http://vozcomoarma.noblogs.org/files/2014/03/Cuerpo1.pdf

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