Posts Tagged ‘Indonesia’

Solidarity with Rojava from East Borneo, Balikpapan, Indonesia

Monday, January 28th, 2019

“All power to the Kurdish people fighting for their autonomy and liberation.”

Ikarus Gang Solidarity. East Borneo, Balikpapan.

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Posted in Direct Action

Comrade Ucil, imprisoned for the Mayday riots, is free (Indonesia)

Wednesday, December 12th, 2018

Ucil, the last of the imprisoned anarchists of the Mayday 2018 mutiny in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, has been free since December 7, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Congratulations, comrade and congratulations to the Palang Hitam crew for all their hard work as well as all the comrades who showed solidarity from so-called Australia.

Publicacion Refractario

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Indonesia – “Busca y Destruye el Eco-Extremismo En Todas Partes: Una Declaración Conjunta de la Red Individualista y de la Cruz Negra Anarquista de Indonesia”

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

TRADUCCIÓN: Voz Como Arma:

A continuación sigue una traducción que hemos hecho del texto “Seek and Destroy Eco-Extremism Everywhere: A Joint Statement of Individualist Network and Indonesian Anarchist Black Cross (Indonesia)” (Busca y Destruye el Eco-Extremismo En Todas Partes: Una Declaración Conjunta de la Red Individualista y de la Cruz Negra Anarquista de Indonesia), publicado en 325 y que viene a aportar otra reflexión contra el eco-extremismo y su influencia en algunos entornos del amplio “movimiento” anarquista.

“El que pelea con monstruos debería tener cuidado de no convertirse él mismo en un monstruo. Y si miras al abismo demasiado, el abismo también te mira a ti”
Más Allá del Bien y el Mal


Sabemos que no hay una tendencia eco-extremista en Indonesia, aunque declaraciones anteriores de las células de la Federación Anarquista Informal tendieron a tener algún mérito en relación con la hostilidad general contra las moralidades anarquistas sociales y de izquierda en relación con la violencia, la destrucción y el fetiche de la organización. Para ser sinceres, nosotres no tenemos ilusiones cuando hablamos, escribimos o actuamos contra nuestro enemigo usando cualquier medio posible. Atacar al Estado y al Capitalismo es esencial para anarquistas de todas las tendencias (vamos a ignorar a la tendencia pacifista ya que necesita un contexto de discusión diferente), aunque esto es una declaración conjunta que implica a una amplia gama de tendencias anarquistas, la mayoría de nosotres no tenemos este punto de vista liberal sin sentido hacia la violencia contra el sistema y las personas que lo defienden, mantienen y materializan en la vida cotidiana. Algunas individualidades en nuestra red mantienen su postura anticivilización y postizquierdista mientras que otres encontraron algunos aspectos del anarquismo social como necesarios para organizar la interrupción de la máquina. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Seek and Destroy Eco-Extremism Everywhere: A Joint Statement of Individualist Network and Indonesian Anarchist Black Cross (Indonesia)

Saturday, November 24th, 2018

Note: Updated edited version.

“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
– Beyond Good and Evil


We know that there is no eco-extremist tendency in Indonesia, although past statements from FAI cells tended to have some merit concerning the general hostility against the social and leftist anarchist moralities concerning violence, destruction, and the fetish of organization. To be honest, we don’t have illusions when we talk, write, or act against our enemy using any means possible. Attacking the state and capitalism is essential for anarchists of all tendencies (we’re going to ignore the pacifist tendency as it needs a different context of discussion), although this is a joint statement involving a wide range of tendencies of anarchists, most of us don’t have this nonsense liberal point of view toward violence against the system and the people who defend, maintain, and materalise it in everyday life. Some individuals in our network maintain their anti-civ and post-leftist stance while others found some aspects of social anarchism are necessary in organizing the disruption of the machine.

Our intention of this statement is to join the front against the eco-extremist tendency that has been given platform by the self-labeled ‘nihilist-anarchists’ in the US and Europe, from our sources we know that most of these individuals who endorse EE and keep continuing in giving them platform are using absurd reasoning and it’s post-modernist at best- we will discuss about this more below. It is funny though that most of the individuals in our network evolved from anti-civ and post-leftist discourses, even some of us have translated the writings of authors in AJODA: A Journal of Desire Armed (yes, including that boyfriend of ITS, Aragorn!). The critiques of the leftist movement have been useful in identifying the decadence of leftist populism in our territory, their dead-end strugglism and their social democratic tendency which aims to make “a more humanist capitalism,” therefore we find it obscure when the recent eco-extremists were using the terms “humanism”, “morality”, and even “sectarianism” in their absolutist communiques as if the corpse of Nechaev Jesuitism was resurfacing again. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Indonesia: From the Anarchist Individualist Network of Yogyakarta to comrade Mikhail, all Anarchist and Anti-Fascist in Russia!

Friday, November 16th, 2018

From the Anarchist Individualist Network of Yogyakarta to comrade Mikhail, all Anarchist and Anti-Fascist in Russia!


Anarchists and Anti-Fascists in Russia have faced a wave of repression from the State following an action carried out by a 17-year-old young anarchist named Mikhail Zhlobitsky who blew himself up at the Arkhangelsk city FSB building on the morning of October 31. After the action some Anarchists and Anti-Fascists were arrested and received continued repression.

We hope for solidarity and strength for all anarchists and anti-fascists in Russia, Indonesia and worldwide.

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Posted in Autonomy

„Nein ITS, ihr werdet nicht weiterkommen!“ von EAT (Indonesien)

Sunday, November 11th, 2018

Von dieser sogenannten Öko-Extremisten-Gang und all ihren misanthropisch-nihilistischen Schreibtisch-Cheerleader*innen ist so viel Bullshit ausgegangen. Euer Text „The Anarchist Myth“ vom letzten Jahr war voller vulgärer Christlichkeit, getarnt als Öko-Extremismus. Kommt schon, ist das das Beste was ihr habt? Und die willkürlichen Morde an hoffnungslosen Menschen für euch zu beanspruchen? Und eure Morddrohungen zu lesen während ihr Bilder von Leuten veröffentlicht, die ihr getötet habt (natürlich behauptet ihr dies nur) ist witzig, nein es ist wirklich witzig (Ich musste wirklich lachen, wortwörtlich lachen, als ich die Kommuniqués gelesen und die Bilder gesehen habe, was zur Hölle?).

[en] (Mexico) 60. Kommuniqué der ITS: Über die „NGO 325“ Verräter [öffnet den Link mit TOR]
[en] (Mexico) 60th Communique of the ITS: On the “NGO 325” snitching

Ich muss sagen, dieses Kommuniqué hat mir meinen Tag versüßt, es ist so verdammt komisch. Nachdem euer hässlicher Glatzkopf Abe entlarvt wurde, fangt ihr an, euch wie die kindischen Trottel zu verhalten, die ihr seid. Eure dummen Theoretiker*innen aus Nord Amerika und eure Cheerleader*innen in Europa?

Es ist eine Sache, wenn ihr Einblicke oder Grenzen von Gewalt diskutiert (Ich bin ganz Ohr!) und eine andere, wenn ihr behauptet menschenverachtend (anti-human) zu sein und doch bloß ein verzweifeltes Mädchen auf dem Universitätsgelände getötet habt (oh, ihr habt mehr als einen Mord begangen, bitte?) und euer verdammter Stolz darauf? Wenn ihr wirklich anti-human seid, bitte bitte, ich flehe euch an, baut eine Atombombe oder was für Mittel/Werkzeuge auch immer und begeht einen Genozid an mindestens 10 Menschen zur gleichen Zeit? Und danach tötet euch selbst, ihr dummen Menschen. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Indonesia: Trial Update on Yogyakarta Prisoners

Saturday, November 10th, 2018

Trial update for the Mayday case 2018.

Information update from the Prisoners in Yogyakarta as of now, they are as well as can be expected. Even though comrade BV is experiencing shortness of breath, and now it’s beginning to get better.

The trial process is very long, especially for comrade BV, AM, and W. Those whose the trials already happened on 8.11.18 have already proceeded to the trials of pleading (defendent’s defence), and before that they already receive the demands from the Public Prosecutor with a maximum penalty of 10 months at their trial on 1.11.18 at the Sleman District Court. At the moment they are being retained at Cebongan Prison, Sleman awaiting the following trial process with the agenda for the verdict to be handed down on 22.11.18.

We will keep updating information for you with further developments.


More Information
Instagram: palang__hitam
Web: palanghitam.noblogs.org
Email: civilrebellion@riseup.net

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Indonesia: ‘No (ITS), ¡No Seguirás Adelante!’ por Eat

Thursday, November 1st, 2018

EN: ‘No (ITS), You Will Not Go On Forward!’ by Eat (Indonesia)

Han pasado tanta mierda de parte de la llamada pandilla Eco-Extremista y de todas sus porristas misántropas, nihilista y aspirantes. Encontré su texto del año pasado, “El mito anarquista“, lleno de cristianismo vulgar que esconden como eco-extremismo. Vamos, ¿es esto lo mejor que pueden hacer? ¿Afirmando haber matado a personas sin esperanza en alguna ocasión? Y leyendo sus amenazas de muerte mientras publicas fotos de alguien que asesinaste (según tu reivindicación, por supuesto), es realmente divertido, no, realmente lo es (realmente me río, literalmente cuando leo los comunicados y las fotografías, ¿qué mierda?).



[Abrir con el navegador TOR]

Tengo que decir, este comunicado hace mi día, es jodidamente hilarante.

Después de que tu fea cabeza calva, Abe, haya sido expuesta, comenzaste a actuar como el imbécil infantil que todos ustedes son. ¿Sus estúpidos teóricos de América del Norte y tu pequeño grupo de porristas en Europa? (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

‘No (ITS), You Will Not Go On Forward!’ by Eat (Indonesia)

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

There have been so much bullshit going on from these so-called Eco-Extremist gang and all of their misanthrope-armchair-nihilist-wannabe cheerleaders. I found your text last year, “The Anarchist Myth”, filled with vulgar Christianity covering as Eco-Extremism. Come on, is this the best you can do? Claiming on killing hopeless people on random occasion? And to read your death threats while posting pictures of someone that you murdered (to your claim of course), is really funny, no it really is (I really laugh, literally when I read the communiques and pics, what the fuck?).

[en] (Mexico) 60th Communique of the ITS: On the “NGO 325” snitching
[Open with TOR]

I gotta say, this communique make my day, it is fucking hilarious.

After your ugly bald head Abe have been exposed, you started to begin acting like childish moron that you all are. Your stupid theorists from North America and your small cheerleader group in Europe? It’s one thing if you’re discussing the insights or the limitation of violence (I’m all ears!), it is another thing when you claimed to be anti-human and yet you only kill one hopeless girl in a university campus (oh, you kill more than one, please?) and your fucking proud of that? If you are really anti-human, please and please I begged you, make an atom bomb or whatever means/tools and commit a genocide of at least 10 people at one time? And after that kill yourself, you stupid human. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Indonesia: Some of the Yogyakarta Prisoners have been Released!

Monday, October 15th, 2018

Some Yogyakarta prisoners are free!

Here are some Yogyakarta prisoners who have been released after undergoing trial and reading the verdict:

– MD detention decision of 5 months, the term of detention served, free October 9, 2018.
– OO for 5 months detention decision, deducted the period of detention served, free October 9, 2018.
– MI and MEA prisoner decision 5 months 15 days, detained prison term, free 14 October 2018.
– ZW and AMH detention decision 5 months 15 days, the detention period will be deducted, free October 14, 2018.

There are still other prisoners undergoing the trial process including Ucil (BV).

We will provide updates on any developments in the trial as soon as the information is available.

Nobody is free until everybody is free!

(Info via Palang Hitam Indonesia / Anarchist Black Cross Indonesia)

Sebagian tahanan Yogyakarta sudah bebas!
Berikut adalah beberapa tahanan Yogyakarta yang sudah dibebaskan setelah menjalani sidang dan pembacaan putusan:
MD putusan tahanan 5 bulan, bebas 9 Oktober 2018
OO putusan tahanan 5 bulan, bebas 9 Oktober 2018
MI dan MEA putusan tahanan 5 bulan 15 hari, bebas 14 Oktober 2018
ZW dan AMH putusan tahanan 5 bulan 15 hari, bebas 14 Oktober 2018
Hari ini, Senin 15 Oktober 2018 sidang dilakukan untuk MC dengan kesaksian dari BV dan AM.
Perkembangan persidangan akan segera kami kabari kembali.
Tidak ada yang bebas sampai semuanya bebas!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Makassar, Indonesia: Action Against the IMF-WBG Meeting in Bali (Photos, Video & Communique)

Sunday, October 14th, 2018



The State and Capitalism are an inseparable unit of criminals and destroyers. Many bigoted leaders are gathering to consolidate their crimes. Eventually there will be a situation where the workers, the fishermen, the urban poor and all sectors of society who are subjected to oppression will reach a boiling point of anger and disgust.

Capitalism, which is a social relation, has turned the masses of humanity into passive human beings, limiting themselves only to the creation of profit. The purpose of work is to keep the world revolving around society being divided into two classes: the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat, or more simply put- the oppressor and the oppressed. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Pontianak City, Indonesia: Poster Bombing & Vandalism Actions Against the IMF-WBG Meeting in Bali

Friday, October 12th, 2018






We are a group consisting of autonomous individuals who carried out some poster bombing and vandalism actions against Bank of Indonesia, ATMs, police posts, the Digulist roundabout, the West Kalimantan governor’s office and several other highly visible locations in Pontianak City. We carried out these actions as a response to the meeting between Global Capitalist organizations the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund that is being held in Bali from October 8-14, 2018.

These spontaneous actions we carried out express our uncompromising rejection of a normal life full of daily submission. These actions are a manifestation of our hatred, anxiety and and anger against a system that requires us to accept a society where we have no control over our own lives. Their meeting is a clear sign that Global Capitalism has improved it’s position in controlling daily life with various disgusting economic schemes and investments.

For us there are two options: taking action or remaining silent – and we will never choose the second option. Passively watching or reading the news about the IMF-WBG meeting, that is not an option for us. If we take a deeper look, we can see that all aspects in this world relate to economics, and yes, they are the people who are behind all of this bullshit.

Here is a sentence that is appropriate for all those groups and individuals who condemn our actions as immoral and irrational acts: There is no system or morality that can hold us back when we reach the peak of our anger.

And another thing you should know: you are all under their control. You just don’t realize that the concept of good / bad morality that you follow is what allows them to achieve their goals. You are all their obedient tools.

We are what you call Utopianists. We are Anarchists!

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Posted in Direct Action

Trial update on Mayday case prisoners (Indonesia)

Sunday, October 7th, 2018

We need to explain, that we have difficulty finding information regarding detainees due to separate case files and also different the trial schedules between them and the schedules change of the trial day, but this did not stop us from giving information to you (readers).

Since October 6, 2018, we have been striving to get the latest information regarding the Class War Prisoners in Yogyakarta who were related to the M1 incident that happened in the past at the intersection of UIN Yogyakarta, from those 11 prisoners they have all received legal assistance (Advocate), with the following details: (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Information About a Known Snitch: Achmad Azwar Darmawan (Indonesia)

Thursday, September 27th, 2018

ES: El detenido Achmad Azwar Darmawan colabora con la policía

For the first time in the Indonesia anarchist movement there is a snitch who has given information blaming a known anarchist comrade in that territory for organising the Mayday demo (M1) in Yogyakarta. Several comrades are still hunted by police and had to go underground. Here is the info:

Achmad Azwar Darmawan was one of the people who were arrested during the M1 (May 1st) protest in Yogyakarta. He and three other people were arrested when they escaped to Bogor. They were accused of writing down the anti-monarchy graffiti during the protest, which upset a lot of people. Two people became suspects, while two others were set free. It should be emphasized that the escape was done based on individual and group (affinity) decision where each participant was expected to understand that the action was done based on a joint decision (read: without any leader).

The decision-process among M1 participants, especially among those who wore all-black, was very different from the decision-process among leftists or other authoritarian groups, which usually is controlled by a party or a certain central-command, which is very hierarchical. There was no orchestrator who initiated the protest. Azwar is a deluded leftist who risk his comrades for his own safety. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Solidarity with Anindya Shabrina (Indonesia)

Sunday, September 16th, 2018

One of the women activists of the National Student Front (FMN) and also a radical feminist who is active as editor in chief of Merah Muda Memudar (MMM), Anindya Shabrina, was threatened with criminalization after complaining of sexual abuse cases by police officers she experienced during the forced dissolution of discussions of Papuan students in Surabaya at Friday, July 6, 2018.

Papuan students living in a student dormitory on Kalasan, Surabaya, East Java held a film screening of the 1998 Biak Papua bloody tragedy. When film discussions were underway, police intelligence entered the dormitory, which was immediately followed by other police officers and Satpol PP personnel. Papuan students standing near the door and discussing the event with the police were dragged out and provoked by the police. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control