Millionaire benefactor pulls support over Lady Cilento name change

Millionaire benefactor pulls support over Lady Cilento name change

Millionaire philanthropists Judith and Trevor St Baker have vowed to avoid funding the Queensland Children's Hospital in the future over its controversial name change.

Health Minister Steven Miles announced the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital at South Brisbane would be renamed in September last year, prompting outrage from the family of Lady Phyllis Dorothy Cilento.

The Lady Cilento Children's Hospital was renamed the Queensland Children's Hospital last year.

The Lady Cilento Children's Hospital was renamed the Queensland Children's Hospital last year.Credit:Michelle Smith

It followed a campaign by doctors who argued parents were confused about whether it was a public hospital and it would be easier to raise money with the new name as "Lady Cilento" was not recognised internationally when presenting research.

Mr and Mrs St Baker were major funders of the Starlight Express Room, a haven for sick children at the hospital.


It is understood the family provided about $330,000 between 2016 and 2017 to the Starlight Children's Foundation for the room and would continue to support the national foundation, but decline future opportunities at the Queensland hospital.

But the St Bakers have told the hospital's board they have lost any future support from them following the name change decision.

The couple said they were horrified by the decision to scrub the name of the pioneering doctor from the hospital, despite Nine revealing a small number of government IP addresses were used to make thousands of "yes" votes in the poll.

"We told the board they should never contact us again," Mrs St Baker said.

"I'm sympathetic to the cause, but to go ahead with removing the name of an outstanding Queenslander is insulting.

"It's unnecessary, ridiculous and a waste of money.

"We object to it and will find other ways to help sick kids and invest our philanthropic money."

The process to rename the hospital was expected to cost almost $500,000, to be funded by the Department of Housing and Public Works.

Mrs St Baker said the argument the hospital's name change would attract more funding was "outrageous" and in her case, "obviously has had the opposite effect".

The St Bakers have invested millions of dollars in philanthropy, including to skin cancer research and homelessness.

The St Bakers' objections were backed by the Cilento family, including her granddaughter Giovanna Volpe-Cilento.

"We've fought on behalf of our grandmother, her legacy and all the Queenslanders who've been incensed by the actions of this government," she said.


The LNP opposition has referred Mr Miles to the Crime and Corruption Commission over the process.

The hospital was named in honour of Lady Cilento by the LNP Newman government in 2013.

Lady Cilento was the only woman to graduate medicine in her class in 1919 and was an early advocate for family planning and having fathers at the birth of their children and research into vitamin D as a treatment for rickets.

Mr Miles said Children's Health Queensland and the Children's Hospital Foundation did great work for sick children.

"That's one of the reasons donations reached a record $24 million last year," he said.

"I'd encourage any and every Queenslander who can afford to, to donate to the Foundation. I do."

Felicity Caldwell is state political reporter at the Brisbane Times

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