Climate change | Climate Change & Global warming News | The Sydney Morning Herald


Climate Change

A doctor's prescription for beating the heat

A doctor's prescription for beating the heat

A western Sydney doctor confronts the health challenges of climate change, but her prognosis involves a referral to politicians.

  • by Sujata Allan


'Terrifying': Scientists dig deep for missing piece of climate puzzle

'Terrifying': Scientists dig deep for missing piece of climate puzzle

Scientists hope to reveal answers to some fundamental questions about how our atmosphere is coping with our soaring emissions of greenhouse gases.

  • by Peter Hannam
Gum trees and the fight against global warming
Good Weekend

Gum trees and the fight against global warming

Australia has been placed on a WWF International list of global deforestation hot spots – the only one in the developed world.

  • by Greg Callaghan
Australia, we have bigger issues to tackle than boardies and thongs

Australia, we have bigger issues to tackle than boardies and thongs

It’s much easier to talk about dress codes at citizenship ceremonies than it is to make sure Walgett has clean drinking water.

  • by Ebony Bennett
'He's coming home': Tim Flannery returns to Australian Museum
Tim Flannery

'He's coming home': Tim Flannery returns to Australian Museum

The scientist and climate expert will have a public platform to speak about climate issues in the lead up to the state and federal elections.

  • by Josh Dye
Pacific shames PM on climate policy

Pacific shames PM on climate policy

The claim we’re meeting emissions targets is dubious.

Victoria should set an example on climate change

Victoria should set an example on climate change

In the coming months, Victoria will face a test of its public commitment to leading on climate change.

  • by Petra Stock
'Not too late': Australians develop carbon model with DiCaprio's help

'Not too late': Australians develop carbon model with DiCaprio's help

Renewable energy can supplant fossil fuels across the global economy, with Australia among the three regions best-placed to benefit because of its rich solar and wind resources.

  • by Peter Hannam
Save our minds by saving the world
Marine life

Save our minds by saving the world

Most Australians are in no doubt about the depressing reality of climate change. How do we cope mentally and emotionally?

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
Melting glaciers spell trouble for millions in Asia

Melting glaciers spell trouble for millions in Asia

In Central Asia, a warming climate is shrinking many glaciers. The Tuyuksu is losing ice every year. Around the world, vanishing glaciers will mean less water for people and crops in the future. Here, the people need to prepare sooner.

  • by Henry Fountain
An ocean of evidence on warming is our cue to take action - now
Global warming

An ocean of evidence on warming is our cue to take action - now

The latest research on rising sea levels attests to the accelerating threat to the planet and its human populations. We have the technology to confront it, but we need the will.

  • by John Church