Over the past several years injured workers have felt the cutting edge of austerity at the hands of the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB).
Since 2010, compensation benefits provided to injured workers have been cut in half. In that same time period, the WSIB’s own bank account has doubled in size.
Injured workers are seeing an increase in forced return to work and their treating doctors are being ignored. With their compensation denied, many are forced onto social assistance and given its severe inadequacy, into poverty.
However, the injured worker movement is growing across the province. Communities are becoming more organized and are fighting back. Come hear from injured worker activists in Toronto about their campaigns and how they are organizing for justice.
May: Defeating Doug Ford
Featuring: John Clarke
March: One of Us – Why Toronto’s Poor Should Welcome Refugees
Featuring: Maya Menezes, Emily Green and Yogi Acharya
February: The Overdose Crisis & the War on Drugs
Featuring: Zoe Dodd & Matt Johnson
January: The Fight for Housing & Shelter
Featuring: David Hulchanski & Gaetan Heroux
November: Social Housing – Don’t Board it Up, Build it Up!
Featuring: Gaetan Heroux, Beric German and Yogi Acharya
September: Winning Decent Income – Social Assistance and the Fight for $15
Featuring: Yogi Acharya and Pam Frache
July: Poverty and Disability
Featuring: A.J. Withers
June: Canada’s War on the Poor – At Home and Abroad
Featuring: Todd Gordon
April: The Trouble with the Housing Bubble
Featuring: Gideon Kalman-Lamb and Kelly Bentley
March: Fighting Back in the Age of Trump
Featuring: Zabia Afzal and John Clarke