By Reader on 2019-01-28 21:43:00 -0500
Re: A Washington State Reader Laments The Political Verdict In The James Fields Trial From: Simon Krejsa [Email him] Will the blacks and white leftists who rule the prison in which James Fields will be enslaved for the rest of his life allow him to be harassed, reviled, terrorized, brutalized, assaulted, gang-raped, and possibly murdered by white-hating black inmates? (Forced racial integration of ...
By Aurelius Victor on 2019-01-28 19:51:00 -0500


See also: The “Great Replacement” Comes For The QUEBECOIS DE SOUCHE (And Anglos Too)

A satirical poem by the maverick Leftist Bertolt Brecht, famously cited by Editor Peter Brimelow in his 1992 “Time To Rethink Immigration” National Review cover story, comments on the uprising against the East German Communist government in 1953. Brecht suggests that tyrannical state should “dissolve the people/ and elect another.” I doubt that Brecht could ever have imagined that his words would have the force of prophecy. But I’m afraid they do in modern Canada.

One of the Canadian elite’s strangest obsessions is the idea that the population of our country is not large enough. This odd idea was first floated in 1973 when developer Bruce McLaughlin published the book 100 Million Canadians: A Development Policy for Canada. And recently, under the federal Liberal (= Democrat) government’s patronage, a think-tank was established; and its main purpose is to find a way to make Canada a country of 100 million people by the end of this century. [Immigration: How a bigger Canada benefits us all, Tom Milroy, The Globe and Mail, October 10, 2016]

By Patrick J. Buchanan on 2019-01-28 17:17:00 -0500
"Pay the soldiers. The rest do not matter." This was the deathbed counsel given to his sons by Roman Emperor Septimius Severus in A.D. 211. Nicolas Maduro must today appreciate the emperor's insight. For the political survival of this former bus driver and union boss hangs now upon whether Venezuela's armed forces choose to stand by him or to desert him and support National Assembly leader Juan Gua...
By Clayton Bishop on 2019-01-28 13:29:00 -0500
As any regular reader of knows, our hopelessly corrupt media establishment goes to great lengths to suppress information about race and crime. That's why it's a blessing that mugshots of the arrested are made publicly available online. In an age of universal deceit, we need online sleuths to do "jobs that Americans [in the media] won't do" and report details that the Main Stream media int...
By Brenda Walker on 2019-01-28 13:20:00 -0500
Lists can be very revealing, and Tucker Carlson compiled a good one on Thursday’s show, indicating a troubling instability among several of America’s national neighbors to the south, specifically Mexico, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Venezuela. Unfortunately, the explosive population growth of Latin America and elsewhere in the Third World is rarely mentioned as a major push factor for illegal immigra...
By James Kirkpatrick on 2019-01-28 11:46:00 -0500
Steve King seems to have weathered the storm and remains in Congress following the sustained Main Stream Media attack earlier this month. There's an argument to be made that Steve King humiliated himself, voting for his own condemnation and not making the point that whites really do have legitimate collective interests, the same as everyone else. [Steve King Muffs It, by Gregory Hood, American Rena...
By James Kirkpatrick on 2019-01-28 11:25:00 -0500
When you actually want to protect something, you build a fence. Denmark has started construction on a border fence that will protect against German boars which may spread swine flu. Denmark is heavily reliant on its pork industry.  With around 12 million pigs at any one time, swine outnumber people two to one in Denmark. Meanwhile, ASF [Asian Swine Flu] could pose a threat to the country’s $4.6 bi...
By Steve Sailer on 2019-01-28 00:43:00 -0500
From The Economist: James Watson: A pioneering biologist is reprimanded for unscientific, offensive viewsA great career comes to a sad end Print edition | Science and technology, Jan 17th 2019 … Dr Watson’s views about race and intelligence seem to stem from his keen interest in “The Bell Curve”, a book published in 1994 by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein, that, among other things, argued A...
By Allan Wall on 2019-01-27 22:56:00 -0500

Addtext com mjm0ntq2nja2nju

Spanish-language media is full of reports of another 12,000 Central Americans trudging north, aiming to crash the U.S. border. [Visados humanitarios de trabajo por un año para los 12.000 inmigrantes de la nueva caravana (Humanitarian work visas for one year for the 12,000 migrants of the new caravan) by Bruno G. Gallo, Telemundo, January 24, 2019] The clock is ticking. In three weeks, if Trump doesn’t do what he said he would—above all, build a wall—his historic presidency is finished and his re-election is doomed. Along with America.

In fact, more than one caravan is reportedly headed this way, each filled with thousands of undocumented Democrats hoping for a job and the goodies that come with being an illegal alien in America on a phony asylum claim: a free public education and free health care.

While the vanguard of the new caravan has reached the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, plenty more Central Americans wait at the Mexico-Guatemala border. Mexico will determine how many get to our border and has now provided the means for them to do so.

By James Fulford on 2019-01-27 22:00:00 -0500
Re: Harri Honkanen's articles Katie Hopkins And Local Patriots Expose Muslim Grooming Gangs In Finland  and Muslim Grooming Gangs In Finland—Exposed, As In U.K., By “Right-Wing Extremists” From: A Texas Reader [Email him] In Finland, the government is talking about denaturalizing criminal immigrants after "a series of rape and child abuse cases currently rocking the country where all the suspects ...


By Aurelius Victor on 2019-01-28 19:51:00 -0500


See also: The “Great Replacement” Comes For The QUEBECOIS DE SOUCHE (And Anglos Too)

A satirical poem by the maverick Leftist Bertolt Brecht, famously cited by Editor Peter Brimelow in his 1992 “Time To Rethink Immigration” National Review cover story, comments on the uprising against the East German Communist government in 1953. Brecht suggests that tyrannical state should “dissolve the people/ and elect another.” I doubt that Brecht could ever have imagined that his words would have the force of prophecy. But I’m afraid they do in modern Canada.

One of the Canadian elite’s strangest obsessions is the idea that the population of our country is not large enough. This odd idea was first floated in 1973 when developer Bruce McLaughlin published the book 100 Million Canadians: A Development Policy for Canada. And recently, under the federal Liberal (= Democrat) government’s patronage, a think-tank was established; and its main purpose is to find a way to make Canada a country of 100 million people by the end of this century. [Immigration: How a bigger Canada benefits us all, Tom Milroy, The Globe and Mail, October 10, 2016]

By Patrick J. Buchanan on 2019-01-28 17:17:00 -0500
"Pay the soldiers. The rest do not matter." This was the deathbed counsel given to his sons by Roman Emperor Septimius Severus in A.D. 211. Nicolas Maduro must today appreciate the emperor's insight. For the political survival of this former bus driver and union boss hangs now upon whether Venezuela's armed forces choose to stand by him or to desert him and support National Assembly leader Juan Gua...
By Allan Wall on 2019-01-27 22:56:00 -0500

Addtext com mjm0ntq2nja2nju

Spanish-language media is full of reports of another 12,000 Central Americans trudging north, aiming to crash the U.S. border. [Visados humanitarios de trabajo por un año para los 12.000 inmigrantes de la nueva caravana (Humanitarian work visas for one year for the 12,000 migrants of the new caravan) by Bruno G. Gallo, Telemundo, January 24, 2019] The clock is ticking. In three weeks, if Trump doesn’t do what he said he would—above all, build a wall—his historic presidency is finished and his re-election is doomed. Along with America.

In fact, more than one caravan is reportedly headed this way, each filled with thousands of undocumented Democrats hoping for a job and the goodies that come with being an illegal alien in America on a phony asylum claim: a free public education and free health care.

While the vanguard of the new caravan has reached the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, plenty more Central Americans wait at the Mexico-Guatemala border. Mexico will determine how many get to our border and has now provided the means for them to do so.

By Lance Welton on 2019-01-26 22:02:00 -0500


The Daily Telegraph is Britain’s only serious right-of-center newspaper. And, now that the London Times’ website is imprisoned behind a paywall, it is increasingly becoming the UK’s “newspaper of record.” This makes a front-page article of this week all the more dangerous.

The piece in question, posted on the Daily Telegraph website at 10.43pm January 23 [Some are born great? No, with the right start in life we all have the same chance to succeed, by Margarette Driscoll], must rank as the most misleading and intellectually-dishonest article to ever appear on the front of a newspaper, at least in a democracy. The fact that it could ever be written is evidence either of an incredible level of scientific illiteracy, the most fanatical anti-scientific bias, or a breathtakingly naïve and sloppy journalist who has suspended all her critical faculties in the face of Social Justice Warriors masquerading as scientists. And in this case, the SJW leading the research has been proven to be dishonest as well.

Beneath a photo of smiling (white) boy, the caption reads, “Isaac Brook, 5, was part of an Oxford study that found children are born physically and intellectually equal, regardless of their race or ethnicity.” (However, for some reason a shorter version of Driscoll’s piece, published at 10.17pm, used an image of an East Asian baby, despite no babies from this race being involved in the study). Anyway, Driscoll goes on to pronounce that the debate over whether or not race differences in average intelligence are genetic is now over.

Apparently, Isaac is one of, “1,300 children in five countries—Brazil, India, Italy, Kenya and the UK—whose growth and neurodevelopment has been tracked and compared from the earliest days in the womb until the age of two.” Driscoll explains that the “Intergrowth-21st Project,” which is led by scientists at Oxford University, has “shown for the first time that children are born physically and intellectually equal, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Given good living conditions, good food and education, babies thrive, wherever they live and whatever the colour of their skin.”

By Washington Watcher on 2019-01-25 23:24:00 -0500


Donald Trump has three weeks to save his presidency. Maybe he will.

The President announced on Friday he had agreed to a short-term spending bill that will re-open the government for three weeks, until February 15. The bill didn’t include any money for the wall.

In his speech, Trump stressed why America needs a wall, citing an assortment of gruesome crimes committed by migrant gangs and human traffickers. He concluded his speech with the hope that Democrats will come to an agreement with him on a more lasting spending bill that gives money for the wall.

That is unlikely to happen. But Trump did leave the possibility open that he will declare a national emergency (or take other Executive action) to secure the border.

Of course, he should have declared the national emergency today…yet here we are.

What are we to make of this new development? Many patriots were appalled by this move and saw it as the end of Trump’s presidency. That’s premature. It certainly wasn’t ideal for Trump to pass the buck, but he still has the opportunity, and possibly the intention, to do the right thing. As of tonight, he’s certainly encouraging that idea:

But Trump is on the hook to arrange a settlement that would serve his base. Every Main Stream Media outlet covered Friday’s announcement as a submission to the Democrats. [Trump caves on shutdown, endorses reopening government for 3 weeks, by Lin Zhou, Vox, January 25, 2019] He cannot wait three weeks and then cave again. Trump must secure funding for the wall by any means necessary. His presidency depends on it, and he will likely be doomed in 2020 if he fails to do so.