letter By VDARE.com Reader on 2019-01-29 02:43:00 -0500

A Reader Fears What Will Happen To Political Prisoner James Fields In Jail

Re: A Washington State Reader Laments The Political Verdict In The James Fields Trial From: Simon Krejsa [Email him] Will the blacks and white leftists who rule the prison in which James Fields will be...
article By Aurelius Victor on 2019-01-29 00:51:00 -0500

100 MILLION CANADIANS??!! (Make That “Canadians.”) Justin Trudeau Seeks To Elect A New People

See also: The “Great Replacement” Comes For The QUEBECOIS DE SOUCHE (And Anglos Too) A satirical poem by the maverick Leftist Bertolt Brecht, famously cited by VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow in his 19...
By Wilson Hewlett on 2019-01-28 22:43:00 -0500

Black Panther Israelites - VDARE.com Daily Video Digest

Today, Wilson tosses Trump a lifeline, bins journalistic rubbish, and picks his 'fro with Angela Davis.Go here for links and to subscribe to our YouTube channel....
article By Patrick J. Buchanan on 2019-01-28 22:17:00 -0500

Patrick J. Buchanan: If Venezuela's Army Stands With Maduro, What Is Plan B?

"Pay the soldiers. The rest do not matter." This was the deathbed counsel given to his sons by Roman Emperor Septimius Severus in A.D. 211. Nicolas Maduro must today appreciate the emperor's insight. F...
post By Clayton Bishop on 2019-01-28 18:29:00 -0500

Why Can't We Find Out Immigration Status Through FOIA?

As any regular reader of VDARE.com knows, our hopelessly corrupt media establishment goes to great lengths to suppress information about race and crime. That's why it's a blessing that mugshots of the ...
post By Brenda Walker on 2019-01-28 18:20:00 -0500

Latin America Is Melting Down, Yet Democrats Say A Wall Is Unnecessary

Lists can be very revealing, and Tucker Carlson compiled a good one on Thursday’s show, indicating a troubling instability among several of America’s national neighbors to the south, specifically Mexic...
post By James Kirkpatrick on 2019-01-28 16:46:00 -0500

Steve King Applauded By Constituents At Town Hall; Journos Continue Smear Campaign

Steve King seems to have weathered the storm and remains in Congress following the sustained Main Stream Media attack earlier this month. There's an argument to be made that Steve King humiliated himse...
post By James Kirkpatrick on 2019-01-28 16:25:00 -0500

Denmark Builds Border Fence To Protect Against German... Boars

When you actually want to protect something, you build a fence. Denmark has started construction on a border fence that will protect against German boars which may spread swine flu. Denmark is heavily ...
post By Steve Sailer on 2019-01-28 05:43:00 -0500

ECONOMIST: James Watson Is Bad Because Of Reasons

From The Economist: James Watson: A pioneering biologist is reprimanded for unscientific, offensive viewsA great career comes to a sad end Print edition | Science and technology, Jan 17th 2019 … Dr W...
article By Allan Wall on 2019-01-28 03:56:00 -0500

SAID IN SPANISH: While Wall Stalled, More Central American Caravans Are On The Way

Spanish-language media is full of reports of another 12,000 Central Americans trudging north, aiming to crash the U.S. border. [Visados humanitarios de trabajo por un año para los 12.000 inmigrantes de...