Current Issue

Current issue of Solidarity Magazine

Editorial: Liberal rats abandon sinking ship—step up the fight for change

Scott Morrison has started the year with another appeal to the hard right, provocatively insisting that Invasion Day, 26 January, is Australia’s national day.

Toothless ‘Voice to parliament’ will change nothing for Aboriginal people

Bill Shorten has reaffirmed Labor’s support for a new Aboriginal “Voice to parliament”. This is another piece of symbolism that will do nothing to address ongoing oppression and racist government policies.

Liberals’ racism feeds fascists and the far right

In early January 150 racists and fascists gathered at St Kilda beach in Melbourne, boasting that it would be “Cronulla 2.0” where they would “reclaim the beach” and recreate the racist riot of 2005.

Buckingham finally gone, but The Greens’ crisis remains

Right-wing NSW Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham resigned from the party in December. But none of the political issues at stake have been resolved.

Medical Transfer Bill can be another blow against offshore detention

The prospect of the Coalition government being defeated when the Medical Transfer Bill is returned to the House of Representatives on 12 February has been thrown into doubt by the dithering of independent MP Cathy McGowan.

Hunger strikes across domestic detention

Detainees in detention centres across Australia are staging a hunger strike protest over detention conditions and powers that allow the Minister effectively to keep people in detention indefinitely.

Tory divisions produce Brexit chaos

The Brexit process has thrown British politics into crisis. The failure of Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal means there is still no resolution in sight.

Yellow Vests movement against inequality humbles Macron

The Yellow Vest movement in France shows no sign of fading away after ten weeks of protests, blockades and battles with police. Charlie Kimber from Socialist Worker UK looks at what the movement shows about struggle—and asks how it can win

US withdrawal from Syria would redraw imperialist carve up

In late December Donald Trump abruptly announced plans for the withdrawal of US troops from Syria.

Trump shuts down government to demand border wall

Donald Trump has imposed the longest government shutdown in US history in an attempt to demand Congress agree to $7 billion in funding for his border wall.

Rabaul 1929—Papuans’ first strike against Australian colonialism

In 1929, around 3000 Papua New Guineans in the town of Rabaul staged their first ever industrial strike

Unions against Labor—Queensland Labor’s history of strikebreaking

Unions formed the Labor Party. But Queensland history shows that again and again, Labor governments have betrayed their own working class supporters, argues James Supple

Germaine Greer—ignoring the causes of rape

Germaine Greer’s On Rape ends up trivialising rape and offering only meagre legal solutions that do nothing to tackle the system of sexist oppression, writes Lucy Honan

Socialists and the fight to end the frontier massacres

Paddy Gibson explains the key role unions and the Communist Party played in preventing the punitive expedition planned in Arnhem Land in 1933

