The Wall Street JournalHitelesített felhasználó


Breaking news and features from the WSJ.

New York, NY
Csatlakozott 2007. április


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  1. 10 perccel ezelőtt

    A prominent Nicaraguan journalist is in exile, fighting an increasingly repressive regime, in an echo of his late father’s story

  2. 16 perccel ezelőtt

    The CBO estimates the 35-day shutdown will subtract 0.4 percentage point from annualized first-quarter growth and cost the government $3 billion

  3. 25 perccel ezelőtt

    China’s central bank gave approval for S&P Global to begin offering credit-rating services in the country, the first of the big global rating companies to win such access

  4. 40 perccel ezelőtt

    Democrats won the shutdown showdown with President Trump, but their success comes with three little-noticed problems, writes

  5. 55 perccel ezelőtt

    The Ringer has avoided serialized true-crime podcasts, in part because advertisers are wary of that terrain. "It's like, 'this girl vanished from her farm. What happened?' Presented by Sprite!"

  6. 1 órával ezelőtt

    President Trump says there is less than a 50-50 chance lawmakers will strike a deal on border security that he could accept

  7. 1 órával ezelőtt

    Stock markets around the world have started the year on a tear, but many investors wonder how much longer the rally can last

  8. 2 órával ezelőtt

    China’s pig population is shrinking, and that’s bad news for American soybean farmers

  9. 2 órával ezelőtt

    Facebook is taking steps to guard against the spread of fake news and misinformation on its platform in coming elections, including creating a searchable database of political ads

  10. 2 órával ezelőtt

    The pope said the meeting would aim to raise awareness of sex abuse and educate bishops in the procedures for preventing and punishing it

  11. 2 órával ezelőtt

    Bryan Buckley, director of 59 Super Bowl commercials, explains how to make a perfect game-day ad

  12. 3 órával ezelőtt

    Trading in the markets has been relatively quiet. This week’s tech earnings, monthly jobs report and trade talks could upend the calm.

  13. 3 órával ezelőtt

    China’s buying American soybeans again after a monthslong break, but now it is less dependent on U.S. supplies

  14. 3 órával ezelőtt

    If the U.K. leaves the European Union without a deal, companies would have to follow WTO rules; ‘All of it adds cost, and none of it adds value’

  15. 3 órával ezelőtt

    Some $1 billion in cryptocurrency hacks has been stolen by two groups of highly sophisticated cyber criminals

  16. 4 órával ezelőtt

    Nissan's disclosures of former Chairman Carlos Ghosn’s pay are coming under SEC scrutiny

  17. 4 órával ezelőtt

    Four years after his acrimonious split with ESPN, sports entrepreneur Bill Simmons is building a different kind of network

  18. 4 órával ezelőtt

    Some investors blame the stock market’s volatility on the Federal Reserve shrinking its bond portfolio, but the critique puzzles Fed officials

  19. 4 órával ezelőtt

    Elizabeth Warren sees the assault on big banks she began during the financial crisis as a cause requiring relentless vigilance

  20. 5 órával ezelőtt

    President Trump says if lawmakers fail to provide sufficient wall money, he is open to declaring a national emergency


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