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The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget is a bipartisan group of budget experts concerned about this nation's fiscal future.

Washington, DC
Beigetreten Januar 2010


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  1. vor 17 Stunden

    See our joint letter urging Congress not to revive the tax extenders

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  2. vor 17 Stunden

    are showing more staying power than the White Walkers. It is time to kill them once and for all .

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  3. vor 22 Stunden
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  4. vor 24 Stunden

    ICYMI: We joined with groups across the political spectrum against reviving . Read our letter to Congress .

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  5. 7. Mai

    Maya MacGuineas: If something is important enough to do, we should figure out a way to pay for it.

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  6. 6. Mai

    We are standing with groups from left, right and in between against . See our letter .

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  7. 6. Mai
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  8. 6. Mai
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  9. 6. Mai
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  10. 6. Mai

    Today, we joined groups on the left, right and center calling on lawmakers not to revive tax extenders that expired 16 months ago. should stay dead .

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  11. hat retweetet
    6. Mai
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  12. 5. Mai

    CBO projects the deficit will total $896 billion (4.2 percent of GDP) in 2019, hit the trillion-dollar mark in 2022, and rise to 4.5 percent of the economy by 2025. See mor eon the new budget numbers .

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  13. 4. Mai

    Under current law, CBO projects debt will grow from $16.2 trillion today to $28.5 trillion by the end of 2029. As a share of the economy, debt will rise from 78 percent this year to 92 percent by 2029. Learn more

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  14. 4. Mai

    Have you tried our Debt Fixer tool? It's a fun way to learn about the budget choices that need to be made and what the consequences are .

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  15. 3. Mai
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  16. 3. Mai

    Use our Reformer tool to show how you would strengthen Social Security .

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  17. 3. Mai

    "The fix is straightforward mathematically, namely a combination of small benefit reductions and small increases in revenue. The hard part is the politics."

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  18. 3. Mai

    Good points in the by Ed Conant: "Before both parties become enamored with financial gifts to their followers, they should repair a program that is widely loved on the left and the right: Social Security."

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  19. 3. Mai

    And see our blog with the highlights of the newest CBO budget baseline at .

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  20. 3. Mai

    See our full statement on the latest debt and deficit numbers at .

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