
Asian workers' associations in Britain, 1956-1980s

Indian Workers' Association, Southall.

Ron Ramdin on the history and development of autonomous Asian working-class organisation in postwar Britain, their activities and their relationship with both the broader black liberation and working-class movements.

Chartism and the multi-ethnic proletariat


A short history on the influence of William Cuffay, a black tailor, and Irish Catholic workers in the Chartist movement and how the British ruling class used racism to divide an increasingly multi-ethnic working class.

Racists, Reds and the Revolt on the Clyde, 1919

Black British sailors, 1919.

The story of a race riot that broke out in Glasgow, during the height of Red Clydeside militancy, when around 30 black sailors were chased out of the hiring yard by a mob of white sailors. Yet, rather than a spontaneous outburst of hatred, it was actually the culmination of nationalist and anti-migrant politics promoted within working-class organisations (such as the Independent Labour Party and the British Seafarers's Union) both before and even after the events.

Yiddish radicalism, Jewish religion: Controversies in the Fraye Arbeter Shtime, 1937–1945

Lilian Türk & Jesse Cohn's joint essay examining the debates over religion hosted in the Yiddish anarchist newspaper Fraye Arbeter Shtime.

The Courtaulds Red Scar Mill strike, 1965

Article on Courtauld's Red Scar Mill strike in the Lancashire Evening Post.

A short history of the unofficial strike at Courtauld's Red Scar Mill in Preston, 1965, the first of what would become a long list of significant 'migrant strikes' (such as Mansfield Hosiery in 1972, Standard Telephones and Cables in 1973, Imperial Typewriters in 1974 and, of course, Grunwick in 1976).

Boredom Weeps: Graffiti, curses, inscriptions of May 1968

A book of graffiti and sloganeering from the events in France, May '68.

Socialist antisemitism and its discontents in England, 1884–98

Satnam Virdee's essay exploring the relationship between English socialists and migrant Jews amid the new unionism of the late nineteenth century.

1979 Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

Soviet tanks in front of the Darulaman Palace in Kabul

An interview with a former Soviet army veteran and a member of the Soviet News Agency's Afghan news desk about the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan. Covers some disturbing subjects, CW: discussion of suicide.

1989-90 - Beninese campaign for economic justice and democracy

In 1989 students, teachers and civil servants in Benin began strike actions in protest at the governments freezing of scholarships and the four month delay in wage payments in 1988. The government's stalling and repression dragged the campaign on into 1990 and escalated the conflict to the point where the regime crumbled.

1831 The Jamaica Slave Rebellion

Destruction of the Roehampton Estate, January 1832, by Adolphe Duperly

A short account of the Baptist War, the revolt by Jamaican slaves in 1831 that forced the British Empire to abolish slavery within its borders in the aftermath.