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Ann Arbor, Michigan
Дата регистрации: январь 2008 г.


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  1. ретвитнул(а)
    11 часов назад

    Yes, yes, and yes. There were links. There was coordination. There was interference in the form of lying to government investigators –– a cover up, if you will. Let’s review. 10/

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  2. ретвитнул(а)
    10 часов назад

    My sense is this sounds a lot like the swing voters who went for D’s in the midterms in suburban races, which is why D’s should probably be more worried

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  3. 6 часов назад

    2,500 thirsty camels is a Biblical plague on the level of 2 Donald Trumps.

  4. ретвитнул(а)
    6 часов назад

    “Tell Rebecca to send us some $$$,” Roger Stone email to Bannon October 4, 2016 1/

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  5. ретвитнул(а)
    6 часов назад

    Hard to imagine a better way to boost the pro-Maduro talking point that the opposition’s claim to power is an illegitimate US-led coup than to make our envoy Abrams, a guy known for trying to overthrow governments that won legit elections there and elsewhere.

  6. ретвитнул(а)
    7 часов назад

    Statement from FTC’s Gabe Roth: “Husbands & wives often have differing political views, but given the frequent counsel Justice Thomas has acknowledged he receives from his wife & the increased regularity with which Ginni has staked out positions on issues before SCOTUS... (1/2)

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  7. ретвитнул(а)
    6 часов назад

    I bet a centrist who doesn't sell out his or her state's public pension system to Wall Street wouldn't be whacked as hard.

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  8. 6 часов назад

    So much talk about contempt for Trump voters and almost no discussion about how little Trump thinks of them himself. Nobody thinks less of Trump voters than Donald Trump. He's spent 4 years smearing immigrants and just assumed this would never hurt him.

  9. 6 часов назад

    Sarah Sanders lifted up a car as this comment was being made.

  10. 6 часов назад

    Are there people who actually think Trump will become more careful as he becomes more desperate?

  11. ретвитнул(а)
    7 часов назад

    Did Republicans allow the legacy deficits from the Obama years to give them cold feet about passing their own agenda? Of course not. Because Republicans understand deficits better than the Dems.

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  12. ретвитнул(а)
    7 часов назад
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  13. ретвитнул(а)
    7 часов назад
  14. ретвитнул(а)
    21 час назад

    Feel like this should be a bigger story

  15. ретвитнул(а)
    13 часов назад

    Sources: Government watchdog estimates IRS needs 12-18 months to recover from shutdown IRS faces: -- 5 million unopened pieces of mail -- Massive (precise unknown) flight of IT personnel to private sector -- Need to hire 8K workers, train 2K more

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  16. ретвитнул(а)
    7 часов назад
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  17. ретвитнул(а)
    8 часов назад

    the fight against disenfranchisement makes a move in California with this new proposal to get the legislature to initiate a referendum:

  18. ретвитнул(а)
    8 часов назад

    The best thing that Howard Schultz can do for the country is invest in education, voting rights, civil rights, and climate advocacy. There is zero appetite for this, and there is an urgent need for the Democratic candidate to win in 2020.

  19. ретвитнул(а)
    7 часов назад
  20. ретвитнул(а)
    7 часов назад

    It’s not that they can both be true—it’s that they’re mutually reinforcing! Building power goes both top-down and bottom-up, ideally in a mutually reinforcing way. And that’s what happened here.


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