New Left Review I/20, Summer 1963

David Cooper

Freud Revisited

Eros and Civilization: Herbert Marcuse. Vintage Books, 10/-, 253 pp. The origins of Love and Hate: Ian Suttie. Peregrine Books, 8/6d., 190 pp.

The re-issue of these two minor classics in the field of post-Freudian depth-psychological literature is a welcome event in view of the important questions they raise—whatever critical reservations one might wish to make with respect to their specific arguments. The authors take up nearly opposite positions in relation to Freud’s later metapsychological writings—Suttie (in 1935) totally rejecting the implicit pessimism; Marcuse (in 1950) accepting it but attempting to point out a way of escaping disaster.

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David Cooper, ‘Freud Revisited’, NLR I/20: £3

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