
Lecce, Italy : Poster in solidarity with the anarchists in Turin

  • Posted on: 21 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Act for Freedom!


7th February 2019: six anarchists have been arrested in Turin charged with subversive association, for carrying out a struggle against CIEs (now CPRs), prisons for foreigners without papers.

What is striking is not the charge, endlessly used against anarchists, but the aim of the struggle.

Italy – Issue 3 (winter 2019) of the anarchist paper ‘Vetriolo’ is out . EN/IT

  • Posted on: 12 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Act for Freedom!

This is the fourth issue of ‘Vetriolo’. Four issues are certainly not a few for a publication such as this. Rather than accumulate and reinforce certitudes, we believe the paper has tried to corrode and crush them, as it posed new doubts and nourished old questions. Certainly not out of a mere taste for rhetoric or polemics, but because we think that there are always a lot of ‘knots to be untied’.


Italy : Presence in court in solidarity with those on trial for Scripta Manent

  • Posted on: 12 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Act for Freedom!

The first phase of the Scripta Manent trial, following which seven comrades have been locked up in pre-trial detention for over two years, will come to an end in the early months of 2019, with a first-grade sentence.

Italy,Turin: Expulsions and arrests

  • Posted on: 10 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Act for Freedom!

Thursday February 7, early in the morning, the cops with the help of the fire brigade, stormed the Asilo, a place that has been occupied since 1995 and been scene of organisation of social struggles (against evictions, against prisons for migrants, still a few years ago against the TAV…). People climbed on to the roof, where they remained for over 24 hours. In the end, the cops managed to get everyone out and condemn the building. Same thing for the occupation of Corso Giulio Cesare.


Italian anarchists on the extradition of Cesare Battisti

  • Posted on: 22 January 2019
  • By: thecollective

An amnesty for the years of lead would also entail an admission — that in those years there was a widespread movement aimed at the revolutionary subversion of the dominant power structures. One which the State was so vehemently against in all its components, that it passed emergency legislation affecting the very foundations of Italy’s constitution and so-called legal civilisation.