New Left Review I/28, November-December 1964

Martin Malek

‘South Africa: Crisis for the West’

South Africa: Crisis for the West. Colin and Margaret Legum.

Pall Mall Press, Cloth 35s. Paper 12s. 6d.

This is a good book and should be widely read. Its thesis is that there is no hope of inter-racial agreement without intervention in South Africa, that external intervention is already a reality (un resolutions, the International Court’s impending judgment on South West Africa, the Organization of African Unity’s commitment to overthrow ‘white supremacy’ in South Africa), and therefore in order to protect ‘its own proper interests’ the West must act speedily in bringing about controlled change—by means of some form of economic blockade—perhaps an oil embargo.

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Martin Malek, ‘'South Africa: Crisis for the West'’, NLR I/28: £3

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