Middle East | Latest News & Analysis | Brisbane Times


Middle East

Australian university academic held in Iran has been freed: lawyer

Australian university academic held in Iran has been freed: lawyer

Meimanat Hosseini-Chavoshi, a dual Australian-Iranian citizen, is a population expert affiliated with the University of Melbourne.


Taliban bring top leader into negotiations with US
World Politics

Taliban bring top leader into negotiations with US

The release of Abdul Ghani Baradar is believed to have been arranged by the US as part of negotiations over ending the 17-year Afghan war.

  • by Amir Shah & Munir Ahmed
Quiet ‘hero’ marks 30 years restoring limbs, and dignity, in war

Quiet ‘hero’ marks 30 years restoring limbs, and dignity, in war

Alberto Cairo arrived in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1990. He stayed – fixing limbs and providing hope – ever since.

  • by Mujib Mashal
Putin, Erdogan meeting ends without Syria deal on Turkish 'safe zone'

Putin, Erdogan meeting ends without Syria deal on Turkish 'safe zone'

Turkey is seeking a "safe zone cleansed of terror", said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as he stood alongside Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

  • by Peter Spinella, Anindita Ramaswamy & Ergin Hava
'She is home': thousands of mourners lay Aiia Maasarwe to rest in home city

'She is home': thousands of mourners lay Aiia Maasarwe to rest in home city

Most of the city of Baqa al-Gharbiyye, in northern Israel, shut down on Wednesday as a coffin carrying the 21-year-old student was carried through the streets.

  • by Gabrielle Weiniger
Scores killed after Taliban infiltrates Afghan intelligence base

Scores killed after Taliban infiltrates Afghan intelligence base

Insurgents have stepped up intense ground attacks while continuing to participate in peace discussions that US officials are promoting.

  • by Pamela Constable & Sharif Hassan
Israel launches airstrikes on Iranian forces in Syria

Israel launches airstrikes on Iranian forces in Syria

Israel is usually silent about its attacks on Iranian targets near its frontier in order to avoid large-scale involvement in the eight-year Syrian conflict.

  • by Ellen Francis
Erdogan tells Trump Turkey ready to take over Syria's Manbij

Erdogan tells Trump Turkey ready to take over Syria's Manbij

Manbij, which US-backed forces captured from Islamic State in 2016, has emerged as a focal point of tensions after Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria.

  • by Sarah Dadouch
Afghan presidential race takes shape as Ghani’s challengers emerge

Afghan presidential race takes shape as Ghani’s challengers emerge

Mohammad Hanif Atmar joins a list of former officials who have either formally joined the race or declared that they will do so.

  • by Mujib Mashal & Fatima Faizi
Alleged child abuser Malka Leifer 'fit to be extradited to Australia'

Alleged child abuser Malka Leifer 'fit to be extradited to Australia'

An Israeli court has heard that former Victorian school principal Malka Leifer is fit to be extradited to Melbourne to face child sex abuse charges.

  • by Tessa Fox
American troops killed in blast claimed by Islamic State

American troops killed in blast claimed by Islamic State

The Islamic State asserted responsibility on Wednesday for a suicide blast in the US-patrolled city of Manbij in Syria, the first such attack since President Donald Trump said American forces would withdraw from the country because the militant group has been largely defeated.