Healthcare | Latest News & Analysis | Brisbane Times


This cancer is on the rise in young people, but screening starts at 50

This cancer is on the rise in young people, but screening starts at 50

Bowel cancer is increasingly being diagnosed in young Australians, but lowering the national screening age would do more harm than good, researchers say.

  • by Kate Aubusson


Sperm donor incorrectly told man was his offspring

Sperm donor incorrectly told man was his offspring

Ian Wood thought he was getting to know his biological offspring. He was wrong

  • by Aisha Dow
The Sydney public hospital offering pregnant women home births

The Sydney public hospital offering pregnant women home births

The Royal Hospital for Women offers women with low-risk pregnancies the choice of giving birth in their homes at no cost, supported by two midwives.

  • by Kate Aubusson
How much is preventing a heart attack worth?

How much is preventing a heart attack worth?

New drugs could cut cholesterol by up to 75 per cent and prevent thousands of strokes, heart attacks and deaths, but there's a catch.

  • by Liam Mannix
Meet the Brisbane couple curing hundreds of shunned African women

Meet the Brisbane couple curing hundreds of shunned African women

A husband and wife decide to pass up on comfortable retirement and spend their time treating Ugandan women suffering debilitating gynaecological conditions.

  • by Lydia Lynch
Public patients forced into caesareans as ancient birth practice declines

Public patients forced into caesareans as ancient birth practice declines

Delivering babies bottom first is a “dying art” in Victoria’s hospitals and could cease entirely because younger doctors no longer have experience in this kind of birth.

  • by Aisha Dow
NDIS has created distress in ACT's mental health sector: study

NDIS has created distress in ACT's mental health sector: study

An ANU study has found there has been significant uncertainty within ACT's mental health sector since the rollout of the NDIS.

  • by Daniella White
Measles warning for visitors to restaurant at Melbourne's prominent Revolver nightclub

Measles warning for visitors to restaurant at Melbourne's prominent Revolver nightclub

A man in his 20s visited a number of dining and drinking hotspots around the city last week before he was diagnosed with the infectious disease.

  • by Aisha Dow
Health courses dominate Queensland university offers

Health courses dominate Queensland university offers

Australia's ageing population and the need for 12,000 NDIS jobs in Queensland is shown in the demand for health courses by 2019 Queensland university applicants.

  • by Tony Moore
$1.45 billion for mental health removes uncertainty for local services
Mental health

$1.45 billion for mental health removes uncertainty for local services

Mental health services across Australian communities will share in $1.45 billion under a funding model shake-up that offers local organisations, staff and patients greater long term certainty.

  • by Kate Aubusson
Two unvaccinated children with measles on flight to Sydney

Two unvaccinated children with measles on flight to Sydney

The children have been diagnosed with measles after returning home from a trip to Sri Lanka, health authorities say.

  • by Kate Aubusson