Economy | Australian, regional and global economic News | Brisbane Times


The economy

The 'Gas Hunger Games': Four predictions for gas in 2019

The 'Gas Hunger Games': Four predictions for gas in 2019

Gas is forecast to have a tumultuous path ahead in 2019.

  • by Cole Latimer


Give economists a PC and they start making more sense
Digital transformation

Give economists a PC and they start making more sense

One of the biggest, long-running economic stories of our time is the way the digital revolution is disrupting one industry after another.

  • by Ross Gittins
How a 73-year-old became an Instagram darling
Social media

How a 73-year-old became an Instagram darling

Lan Lin doesn't go around telling her friends she's famous on Instagram. For that matter, Lan, 73, isn't really sure how Instagram works.

  • by Elazar Sontag
What will a China slowdown mean for the Australian economy?
Trade wars

What will a China slowdown mean for the Australian economy?

Economists are debating whether further interest rate cuts are needed at home as the growth of our biggest trading partner slows.

  • by Jessica Irvine
'Highly unfortunate': Energy chief says system caught by surprise

'Highly unfortunate': Energy chief says system caught by surprise

Industry says the energy market operator leans too heavy on big business to save the system as a lack of energy policy makes Australia "a third world country".

  • by Cole Latimer
WA green shoots could be mowed by trade wars and slowing China

WA green shoots could be mowed by trade wars and slowing China

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA’s released its biannual WA economic forecast Outlook on Friday, which warns WA's reliance on China puts it more at risk than any other state.

  • by staff writers
'Mortal danger facing society': Billionaire philanthropist unloads on China
World markets

'Mortal danger facing society': Billionaire philanthropist unloads on China

Billionaire philanthropist George Soros has made a habit of making a big speech at Davos. This year proved to be no different.

  • by Saijel Kishan, Katherine Burton & Melissa Karsh
Davos lives up to its reputation of being truly bizarre
World markets

Davos lives up to its reputation of being truly bizarre

Tuna on a sled, confiscated milk and the economic elephant in the room. It's be another head-scratching week at Davos.

  • by Anna Isaac
US and China 'miles and miles' from trade deal: Ross
Trade wars

US and China 'miles and miles' from trade deal: Ross

US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says nothing is imminent but there is 'a fair chance' the two countries will get a deal,

  • by Doina Chiacu
What we get for our annual $60 billion bill to the rest of the world

What we get for our annual $60 billion bill to the rest of the world

Most of our wealth comes from the skill, enterprise and technology-enhanced hard work of our people.

  • by Ross Gittins
Jobless rate edges down as Vic and NSW dominate work creation

Jobless rate edges down as Vic and NSW dominate work creation

Strong jobs market gives Morrison government good story to tell going to the polls

  • by Shane Wright