
Mixed Guilty Verdict Against First Vaughn/Smyrna 17 Trial Group

The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movment report from the trial of the first three defendants from the Vaughn/Smyrna 17, who are facing charges for alleged participation in a prison rebellion in January 2017.

Vaughn 17 Update & a Call for Support - September 2018

An update on the Vaughn 17, prisoners facing repression for alleged participation in a rebellion that took place in early 2017.

Brazil: popular revolt and its limits

Vitória 2011 bus fare protests

June 2018 marks five years since the wave of protests against the price of collective transportation, which shook the streets of hundreds of brazilian cities in 2013. At the heart of those riots was the Movimento Passe Livre (something like Free Pass Movement), an autonomous and horizontal social movement founded in 2005, which defended the gratuity of transport. Written in 2014 by two militants who later left the organization, this article reflects on the limits of that cycle of protests.

Unrest in Panama

Born into a rich family in Panama, Juan Carlos Varela is an entrepreneur who is fiercely in favour of the free market. He led his conservative Panamenista Party into the elections in 2009, but was then bought off by his rival Ricardo Martinelli, who offered him the vice-presidency if he stopped running against him. In 2014 he won the presidential election, coming in on promises to develop the economic infrastructure of Panama and to proceed with urban renovation in the free trade zone city of Colon.

Vaughn & Building Support for Prison Rebels

An article from the It's Going Down column Bloc Party, discussing the significance of the Vaughn uprising and ways to build solidarity with prison rebels.