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Tempe, AZ: 14 Year Old Antonio Arce Only Latest Victim of...

Local anarchists report on a protest in memory of Antonio Arce, 14, just the latest victim in an upswing of police murders in the...

Help Needed for Joe-Joe Bowen

Call from New York Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) to support a long-running political prisoner. New York Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) has received a letter from...

Mexico: We Are Alone Facing the Silence of the Comrades...

This statement comes from la Brigada Callejera de Apoyo a la Mujer “Elisa Martínez” A.C., Cihuatlahtolli Feminist Collective A.C. and a liaison committee of...

Paying it Forward: North Carolina J20 Ex-Defendants Pass on Anti-Repression Funds

As part of this weeks call to action on #J20, former defendants are donating thousands of dollars to anarchist and antifascist prisoner support projects...

Eric King Reports Brutality and Frame-Up at Hands of Guards

Eric King is serving ten years for vandalizing a local politician's office in Kansas City, Missouri in solidarity with uprising in Ferguson. Since his...

Brendon West: “ANTICOM” Nazi stalking Texas activists and volunteers

Brendon West (aliases include Vlka Fenrika, Fenrika Foxtrot, and Foxtrot DEVGRU) is an alt-right activist and leader of "Anticommunist Action" (ANTICOM). He has photographed...

Mexico: Statement Demanding Freedom for Indigenous Yaqui Land Defender Fidencio Aldama...

This communiqué comes from the National and International Campaign for the Freedom of the Political Prisoners of Tlanixco and the Yaqui Tribe. The communiqué...

Mexico: Update on the Case of Anarchist Political Prisoner Luis Fernando...

This communiqué comes from the campaign for the freedom of Luis Fernando Sotelo Zambrano. Luis Fernando has been imprisoned since 2014 in Mexico City...

Boston Mobilizes Against Neo-Nazi Group Intent on Crashing Women’s March; Proud...

On Saturday, January 19th, a variety of anti-racist groups are planning to mobilize in Boston against the neo-Nazi front group, Resist Marxism, which includes...

Kingston: Actions Continue in Support of Wet’suwet’en Camps

Roundup of #ShutDownCanada actions taking place in Kingston in solidarity with Wet'suwet'en people. As #ShutDownCanada actions continue to happen across the country in support...

Wobcast #2: Proof of Concept

The Wobcast is a brand new podcast from the Organizing Work website, which details contemporary workplace organizing campaigns from a revolutionary perspective. In the second...

Philadelphia, 2018: Year in Review

Originally published in the pages of the anarchist magazine, Anathema, what follows is a look back and reflection on anarchist activity in 2018 in...

Report from the Border: Crisis Grows As More Caravans Set Out

A report from the border as the conditions harden and more caravans prepare to make the journey to the United States. The lack of...

TIA #53: Building Resilience Outside a System in Crisis

Welcome, to This Is America, January 16th, 2018.In this episode, we caught up with two groups of people that are actively organizing mutual aid...

Hamilton, ON: Shutdown at TransCanada Facility in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Peoples

As of approximately 9am on Monday January 14th, a group entered and shut down a TransCanada (now TC-Energy) facility in what is Dish with...

Over 100 Riot Police Break Up Protest Encampment and Tree Sit...

Early on Tuesday morning, over 100 riot police descended on People's Park in Berkeley, California to make arrests and clear out a small protest...

Counter-Insurgency Paper Argues that Native Resistance Could Bring Canada to a...

Montreal Counter-info has published a video detailing the weak points of extractive industry, transportation, and infrastructure - taken straight from a counter-insurgency paper concerned...

From the Whiteaker to the Woods: The Rise of the “Eugene...

"That was the kind of equation if you will, I remember talking to people, and everybody was saying, "If the urban, anarcho-punk types ever...

Striking Teachers Push Back Against Scabs in Los Angeles

Today was the second day of the Los Angeles teacher strike, as tens of thousands of teachers, who have not struck in 30 years,...

On Year After #OperationPUSH: Next Steps in the Struggle

Update on the struggle around #OperationPUSH, which emerged at the start of 2018 in Florida prisons. Last year today, you and your organizations joined over...

Don’t Want to be Your “Second Pillar”: A Response to RED

What follows is another essay on the ongoing dialog on syndicalism in the 21st Century. This essay in particular is a response to the...
Statement of solidarity from the Yellow Finch tree sit with the ongoing Wet'suwet'en resistance to resource extraction in so-called British Columbia. The Yellow Finch tree sits outside of Elliston, VA have been blocking the Mountain Valley Pipeline for 128 days!There has still been no decision regarding the request for injunction...
A look back on 2018 from the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) and some thoughts on the path ahead. While the forces of fascism have been gaining power in the US and abroad and wielding it to wreak havoc on people’s lives this year, RAM has been steadily organizing and building....
Local anarchists report on a protest in memory of Antonio Arce, 14, just the latest victim in an upswing of police murders in the Southwest. On January 15th, 2019, Antonio Arce, a 14-year-old boy, was gunned down in Phoenix by Officer Joseph Jaen of Tempe Police Department. Antonio is the...
Eric King is serving ten years for vandalizing a local politician's office in Kansas City, Missouri in solidarity with uprising in Ferguson. Since his incarceration, guards have attempted to attack him and extend his sentence for his revolutionary anarchist ideals. Below, we publish a report from Eric King about...
Originally published in the pages of the anarchist magazine, Anathema, what follows is a look back and reflection on anarchist activity in 2018 in the Philadelphia area. Most of 2018 was a disaster, as the Trump administration carried on with its daily diversions and atrocities against the backdrop of the...
Montreal Counter-info has published a video detailing the weak points of extractive industry, transportation, and infrastructure - taken straight from a counter-insurgency paper concerned with the threat of indigenous uprising in Canada."Observant individuals can easily identify many such critical bottlenecks across Canada. They share several common characteristics: • they are...